Sentences with phrase «what you weight»

You asked what weight should be given to this «evidence».
Even with a magisterium, Catholicism has its own internal debates as to what weight to give to what authorities and how to interpret them in light of one another.
The Bible doesn't say what weight we need to be.
To implement this fundamental rule, particular contexts would have to be taken into account and concrete judgments made about what ranges, depths, and varieties of enjoyment are to be included and what weight given to each factor.
Some of them are exegetes and theologians who after careful consideration have felt compelled to conclude that this is what the weight of the evidence points to.
I didn't actually weigh myself to begin with as I believe the scales are the work of satan But I'm into a pair of jeans I haven't been in for a decade and I knew what my weight was then, so doing rough calculations in my head, I think I've lost a stone.
«This system allows us to produce multiple blends in multiple formats and lets us know, for every 2 million pounds of product, what our weights are at all times within a quarter of a pound,» Bowron says.
I love this dish but sweet potatos range in size and I feel I am over doing it with sweet potatoes, don't get me wrong I love sweet potatoes but what weight range of sweet potatoes should i be using.
Unfortunately, I don't know what weight they are.
I am not at all suggesting that anyone else do this, as it is not what Weight Watchers would officially recommend, I'm just letting you all know!
As for the apple, I don't know what the weight measurement might be, but feel free to add as much apple as you think it needs.
It only says «6 beets» so I went and bought six beets but wasn't sure if they should have been big or small or what weight for all six beets.
What weight of tofu did you use?
Hi, I need to know what weight the ingredients are.
If we can not find pintata apples, what weight or measurement (cups) would be equal to 5 for a substitute?
What weight of expectations?
(One of the highlights of the Court - Riggs week in Ramona was the coin flip to determine what weight balls would be used.
I, honestly, don't care what weight she fights at.
She just needs to decide on what weight class she wants to fight & then go take care of business.
Dr. Pollack: Well, the most important thing is that, once we weigh him and see what his weight gain has been, we're really able to tell that he's eaten enough by tracking his growth.
Question: What weight can carry this Jumper?
What weight should money have in your decision to have another child?
The staff at SensaCalm is great, and can help you figure out what weight will be best for your needs.
He says that the afterburn training works on any body, no matter what your weight or build is.
The weight will change based on the stroller, and so just to give you an idea on what weight is good for the stroller you are looking at.
I can't even imagine what my weight could possibly have to do with it.
It can also predict what your weight may be at the end of the pregnancy.
The constitution of the foods that make up these calories will contribute to what weight you gain or lose: protein contributes to fat loss and muscle gain, fats are essential for hormonal health, while carbohydrates are fuel for exercise and effort.
Consume 3 cups per day, regardless of what weight, height, or stage of pregnancy you are or levels of physical activities you have during the day.
No matter what your weight loss or fitness goals are, there's a machine for everybody.
This means you know exactly what the weight of your luggage is before boarding.
We don't know what the weighting is, but now we should be able to figure it out.»
He finally understood what weight loss really looks like, which made him more competent in helping and supporting others with the same process.
what weight gain, depression, hair loss, water retention, breast cancer, thyroid problems, and endometriosis have in common
And I don't care what the weight is.»
In the end, it really depends on what your weight loss target is.
She encourages patients to tell their doctors about the Health at Every Size movement, which advocates for compassionate self care, respect, and healthy behaviors for all people, no matter what their weight.
Many people who struggle with excess pounds have what weight - loss expert and researcher Louis Aronne, MD, terms «fullness resistance,» or an inability to properly sense when they are satisfied.
However, what weight training can do for you is help tighten your stomach, tone your thighs, and get rid of that under arm jiggle.
To prove this point if you are someone who trains regularly in a gym then the next time you go there ask some of the guys exactly what weight, number of sets, reps and rest between sets they where doing for their bench press a year ago, 5 will get you 10 they wont have a clue if they haven't kept a proper exercise journal.
It doesn't matter what weight they're fighting at, boxers are some of the best athletes you'll ever find.
What weight lifting will do is help them get lean, toned and sexy.
Or what weight should you be aiming to achieve?
Increase your daily calorie intake by 250 - 500 calories and see what your weight does.
Then, just come right back here and, depending on what your weight did this time, follow the necessary One Fact Adjustment instructions.
Depending on what your weight does this time, follow the necessary One Fact Adjustment instructions.
Reduce your daily calorie intake by 250 - 500 calories (or burn an extra 250 - 500 calories per day through exercise) and monitor what your weight does for the next couple of weeks.
Tips and Safety: No matter what weight you use, if you don't have a full squat, you would be much better served to squat with the intention of integrated depth instead of simply pushing out reps to hit the numbers prescribed.
Not only that but your personal training plan will take into consideration your present body composition, age, sex, lifestyle and most importantly your specific goals so that every detail of each training session is worked out and you know exactly what exercises to do, how many repetitions to complete and with what weight or resistance.
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