Sentences with phrase «what young dinosaurs»

That's exactly what young dinosaurs» skulls looked like.

Not exact matches

I didn't even know what a dinosaur was when I was young, not even when I was in high school.
The new dinosaur, named Rhinorex condrupus by paleontologists from North Carolina State University and Brigham Young University, lived in what is now Utah approximately 75 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous period.
Those who study dinosaurs are more eager to know the life histories of the beasts: what particular adaptations they had, how they ate, how they raised their young, and what evolutionary relationships they might have had with one another and with modern - day animals.
What's more, the geological layer representing the Younger Dryas is missing the sort of extraterrestrial material that was a hallmark of the impact that wiped out the dinosaurs.
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