Sentences with phrase «whatever kind of paper»

Not exact matches

Line up the bagels on a baking sheet that's been lined with parchment paper, a Silpat or whatever you use for this kind of thing.
«Time is truly of the essence when it comes to certain kinds of injuries and our analysis suggests that, for penetrating injuries such as knife and gun wounds, it might be better to just get to a trauma center as soon as possible in whatever way possible,» says Elliott Haut, M.D., Ph.D., an associate professor of surgery and emergency medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the paper's senior author.
Every school officer shall turn over to his or her successor or successors in office, on retiring, all books, papers, documents, records, funds, money, and property of whatever kind which the officer may have acquired, received, and held by virtue of his or her office and shall take full receipt for them from his or her successor and shall make in correct form all reports required by the state.
It's incredibly important to us that Goodreads remain a platform for all kinds of readers to use, whether they're reading paper or on their Nook or Kindle or whatever..
â $ Itâ $ ™ s incredibly important to us that Goodreads remain a platform for all kinds of readers to use, whether theyâ $ ™ re reading paper or on their Nook or Kindle or whatever.
OC: «It's incredibly important to us that Goodreads remain a platform for all kinds of readers to use, whether they're reading paper or on their Nook or Kindle or whatever.
Therefore, we can assure those students who come to us for dissertation or thesis writing help will be matched with a college essay writer qualified to «tackle» their assignment, they have to be experts in every kind of writing, whatever paper is it.
Whatever kind of book buyer you are, it turns out that the format via which you read - e-book or paper - could predict what it is you're reading.
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