Sentences with phrase «whatnot does»

Do also note that all the gear you've earned from missions and whatnot does carry over into PvP, so there's no separation between the two.

Not exact matches

This is actually easier than the stuff we were already doing; we had to try and parse every website and get the headline and whatnot.
«And you know, you have a daughter that's doing this and whatnot,» Grabe recalled Cohn saying, paraphrasing the young fund manager.
Facebook's new focus on people and connections and butterflies and whatnot sounds great, until you realize it has nothing to do with how Facebook actually, you know, makes money, points out Shira Ovide.
You guys have all the greatest applications, products, whatnot, before we do:)
And you're right, for us to really share who God is and what love is - we don't need theories or whatnot.
«No disrespect with you sir, I understand that I ran and whatnot, but you didn't have to keep punching me and choking me,» Rush said.
You will most likely call me names or whatnot, just keep in mind that if you do all you will be doing is reinforcing your image as a hateful, idiotic, sad excuse for a human being.
«We used to simply haul everybody over to Playa del Ray or El Segundo and do it in the ocean, but the city fathers squawked about extra lifeguards and whatnot, plus 10,000 to 20,000 people in white robes invading the beach area freaked out the surfers, so we decided to keep to our 100 - meter, fully landscaped reflecting pool behind the altar.»
That way, I don't think anyone would get bored, as I think you would always be on your way to more knowledge, more understanding and whatnot.
Next time you're at home for a while chilling or eating or working on whatnot, do me a favor and turn your oven to 400 and bake a couple sweet potatoes.
What I really need to do is learn to make food coloring from other foods such as beets or turmeric or whatnot.
I am doing whole 30 as a lifestyle and I substituted the molasses for 1/4 date paste (I made is with one cup of pitted dates and half a cup of hot water and used my immersion blender - you'll have plenty from this and I use it to substitute whatever recipes that require honey or whatnot.
However, and this is a big however, following recipes (more or less) is definitely something I want to get myself to do, as I believe it could open up a lot of new doors for me and help me learn more about food / cooking / flavors and whatnot
But most ghosts don't go around spiking people's drinks and whatnot.
I don't really keep up with the helmets and the gear and whatnot.
I do nt believe in conspiracy theories about paid officials, UEFA illuminati and whatnot.
Even though I'm sometimes frustrated with Sanchez's behavior whenever he is to be rested and whatnot, if he did not declared himself fit when he was «supposedly» injured on international break then he would just be coming back from that injury.
But beyond the stuff that we all know is fake news, the transfer tattle and whatnot, is the stuff that doesn't get reported.
For those of you who don't need to photograph crafts or food or whatnot, a lightbox can still be very useful.
I'd lie in a full - sized bed (in another room) with him, once he's fallen asleep I'd leave the room to do chores and whatnots.
This is probably the part where she lost the most, you can say what you want about Trump, that he is an ass hole, retarded, racists, an whatnot, but he always was that way and didn't change.
@jeffronicus, The practicality of actual reform isn't part of the Q. It's more about whether such a method would be a bad thing in of itself, or if it's already been done, or thoroughly debunked somewhere, or did OK, and whatnot...
Maguire said he believed that job was done when the chef started talking to him about muffins and whatnot.
«What we aren't going to do is to tell people and prohibit people from deciding where they want to live and where they want to open up a business and whatnot,» McMahon said.
«I always knew I wanted to do something with regards to helping scientists be better, either at doing their science, or working together, or whatnot... and my NPA experience helped me solidify that,» she says.
It's clearly a causative issue related to their health woes and those that have been aggressive to detox and do IVs and whatnot are generally those that fare the best.
And so, there's a lot of different versions of the Ketogenic diet, and so a lot of people don't realize this but, you know, there's a lot of different Keto Influencers out there online, on YouTube and whatnot.
My kids do occasionally get a wad of gum at parties and whatnot, but since this is an exception, I try to look the other way and realize that this stuff can't always be avoided.
Ab work is optional; anything else you do is going to work your abs as stabilizers, so most people don't need to bother with crunches and whatnot.
And as I have just did my egg retrieval yesterday, I wanted to cleanse myself from all the toxins that may occur during my stimulations injections & whatnots, as part of my preparation for the coming embryo transfer.
If someone were inclined to use a starter and didn't want to use whey (milk allergies or whatnot), I could see kombucha or water kefir being good substitutes!
Great for you on getting results and whatnot but that doesn't mean everyone should all of a sudden do a keto diet.
Ohh some people say carrot seed oils had SPF properties but I'm not sure any studies have been done or whatnot.
If you're adding onion or bell pepper or whatnot, you can do it now.
Now that I'm married and whatnot, I don't have as many excuses to wear white.
The other day I was doing some cleaning and organizing and I was reminiscing about old times (and whatnot)... and you know how when you're sometimes just doing mindless work your mind starts to drift and you get random ideas and you go from one thing to another in 2.5 milliseconds in you head?
For those of you who swim for exercise, do you have a different suit just for laps or whatnot?
Though some might think the life of a marine biologist is always exciting, what with all of the sunbathing and whatnot, but truthfully a lot of my job takes place at a desk, which doesn't sound nearly as romantic as hopping on my jet ski and taking off into the sunset, dolphins leaping in my wake.
But don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow with your regularly scheduled whatnot.
The effect is subtle, but it definitely does create a more wide - eyed look, which I guess translates into looking awake, fresh, and whatnot.
And while I am ready for fall and whatnot, it just doesn't feel real... the passage of time this year has been particularly fast, I think!
While I see that present in this layered necklace, I let go a little more than usual and didn't think too much about matching and whatnot.
Anyway, even since I chopped all my hair off and donated it, I thought by doing so I'd be making my hair life a whole lot easier and that it would feel healthier and whatnot.
And they say they just like making a little extra money on the side and the like sex and whatnot so that's why they do it.
I'm here looking for friends and whatnot who enjoy anime just as I do!
He knows what she does, he says: «Guys talk to you about their feelings and whatnot
Instead of going all splitscreen or whatnot, each player takes control of a set of limbs, flailing them about madly as you try to do simple tasks like make a cup of coffee or mow the lawn.
I like the way you describe how he doesn't get all depressed and whatnot.
Cusack, as mentioned, is nowhere to be seen — there's a brief mention that he penned a popular sci - fi book about Time Lords or whatnot — and we're lead to believe that Clark Duke «s baby - faced Jacob just vegged out on the couch and didn't pursue fame and fortune like his other time traveling cohorts.
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