Sentences with phrase «wheatgrass if»

You can grow your own little plot of wheatgrass if you're feeling ambitious (and obnoxiously trendy), but I usually just buy a container of it at Whole Foods.
He even consumes wheatgrass if he can verify it is less than 11 days old.

Not exact matches

Literally, if you've ever eaten grass, then you know what wheatgrass tastes like.
If you do enough research on wheat, you will soon discover that even in its raw, sprouted form, it is much more of a culprit than a friend (wheatgrass is the exception).
We also love to discuss our favorite supplements and vegan products — every so often we'll have articles like this one, «What is Maca and why we love it» or this one «Wheatgrass powder juice recipe and benefits» that will help you learn a little more about these products and see if they will benefit you or not.
I've seen wheatgrass at my local whole foods store but its not cheap and if you're using a centrifugal juicer the majority of wheatgrass is wasted.
You could probably use any greens powder such of spirulina or chlorella if you have those instead of wheatgrass, but I haven't tested those.
If you'd like to throw in some wheatgrass or spirulina powder, your body will appreciate it.
If you don't have spirulina you can use matcha powder, spinach or wheatgrass to make the green layer.
If you ever thought of juicing wheatgrass effectively, Omega VRT 400 vertical masticating juicer will do a great job.
Wheatgrass is also a great source of natural energy, which is awesome if you are trying to cut back on caffeine.
If you are not familiar with wheatgrass - it's basically the first leaves that sprout from an actual wheat plant.
If you want to experiment with all - around juicing and aren't exclusively into wheatgrass, the Breville JE98XL should serve your needs well as an entry - level juicer.
If you want to start small with a wheatgrass juicer rather than go for an all - out ultra-high-end model, the Aicok juicer performs well without putting a strain on your wallet!
If you're looking for a cheap wheatgrass juicer, this one has durable parts but isn't the most efficient for fibrous, low - water items like wheatgrass.
I asked world - renowned expert on gluten sensitivity, Dr. Tom O'Bryan, if wheatgrass contains gluten and is a concern.
If you haven't jumped on the wheatgrass bandwagon yet, it's not too late.
While some green juices need to be used with caution particularly if there is a thyroid problem, history of kidney stones, or candida or yeast issues, others like cucumber, celery, zucchini, and wheatgrass are safe to consumer regularly without risk.
If you decide to supplement your diet with wheatgrass juice or powder, consider making these changes as well for optimal benefits:
If you've tried drinking wheatgrass juice by itself and didn't like it, try this recipe which adds in pineapple, carrot, and ginger for a totally different taste.
Just adding the kale, red cabbage, Apple (skin, seeds and all), garlic, sour kraut, sprouted broccoli and wheatgrass and spices and nuts and ground flax seeds, rejuvalac, etc makes over A HALF GALLON AND TAKES ONE HOUR FROM washing the veggies to clean up (it wrecks the kitchen) even if u mix up the 12 or so spices in advance!!!!! I funnel it into 20 ounce recycled soda bottles and freeze what I can't drink in one day.
If you're adding it to a juice and sipping rather than shooting, make sure to add fruit to it to mask the sharp flavor of the wheatgrass.
Small stray blades of wheatgrass are going to fly right into the pulp bucket without being juiced if you try sending them down your juicer chute as - is.
If you choose to supplement your diet with wheatgrass juice or powder, think about making these adjustments as well for optimal benefits: Eating more greens, non-starchy vegetables and fruits.
I'm all for fresh wheatgrass for chickens — heck, I'd even juice it for them if it meant more eggs — but I fail to see the relevance to human diets.
We also love to discuss our favorite supplements and vegan products — every so often we'll have articles like this one, «What is Maca and why we love it» or this one «Wheatgrass powder juice recipe and benefits» that will help you learn a little more about these products and see if they will benefit you or not.
If loading up on wheatgrass and oat bran sounds like too heavy of a way to incorporate culinary digestive aids into your daily menu, here are five great alternatives to help you maximize what you eat:
If you are willing to grow your own vegetables, your rabbit will undoubtedly appreciate it, and suitable plants to consider include: wheatgrass, culinary herbs, berry plants (the leaves can be fed) carrots (for the tops rather than the actual carrots) and spring greens.
If your cat or dog doesn't take to wheatgrass right away, try misting it with water.
Even if your green thumb record involves previously managing to somehow cause succulents to perish, it's a cinch to begin growing your own catnip or wheatgrass.
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