Sentences with phrase «wheezing by»

A veterinarian will be able to hear any wheezing by listening to the dog breathe.
Promising: Apples An apple a day can keep you from sneezing and wheezing by elevating your levels of quercetin, an antioxidant that alters the immune response to allergic triggers.
Although speculating that the approaches from his main political rivals represented the «latest wheeze by Labour and the Tories to take the best of Lib Dem ideas and call them their own,» Mr Clegg said he was willing to work with other parties on constitutional reform.
The researchers found that infants who received at least three doses of palivizumab according to standard medical practice had about half the incidence of physician - diagnosed wheeze by age 6, compared to those who did not receive the drug (15.3 percent vs. 31.6 percent).

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By enhancing the metabolism rates, chili powder brings relief to nasal congestion and opens lung airways; thus, reducing the symptoms of asthma and wheezing.
Irvin's return also jump - started the Cowboys» wheezing ground game, which had been plagued by injuries to Smith and several linemen.
If Bledsoe wasn't initially thrilled with the prospect of moving to western New York and playing for a team that wheezed to a 3 - 13 record in Williams's maiden season, he had warmed to it by last Thursday, when he and Maura embarked on a flash real estate tour.
Cluster feeding combined with reflux symptoms (vomiting large amounts, «silent» reflux, very gassy, wheezing, gagging, choking etc.) A baby who has reflux symptoms and is seeking comfort from the breast very frequently to help relieve these symptoms is a baby who needs a thorough evaluation by and IBCLC and / or your GP.
Three cafeteria workers were treated May 14 by the school nurse before being sent to a hospital with symptoms including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and skin...
Colonization by Clostridium difficile at age 1 month was associated with wheeze and eczema throughout the first 6 to 7 years of life and with asthma at age 6 to 7 years.
RESULTS: Colonization by Clostridium difficile at age 1 month was associated with wheeze and eczema throughout the first 6 to 7 years of life and with asthma at age 6 to 7 years.
On Thursday I was awake from 4 a.m. with Charlie wheezing through the monitor like a mini Darth Vader; by six o'clock he was struggling so badly that I drove him to the hospital.
Infant health status was ascertained by inquiring about symptoms during the past week (fever, cough, wheezing, trouble breathing, trouble sleeping, stuffy nose, spitting up, diarrhea, or vomiting) and reasons for any outpatient medical visit in the previous month, including visits to a physician's office, emergency department, or clinic.
Wheezing also can happen if the lower airway is blocked by a foreign object.
A study conducted by researcher at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children of 2184 children determined that the risk of asthma and wheezing was approximately 50 per cent higher for formula fed infants when compared to their breastfed counterparts.
If your little one is plagued by constant coughing, wheezing, itching, or a runny or stuffy nose, learn more about the most common symptoms and treatments for allergies and asthma, and how allergies can change with the seasons.
If your baby has a chronic cough or wheeze, it could be caused by the acidic stomach contents irritating the esophagus.
High fever, fever with a cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, vomiting or diarrhea, fever with rash, earache, earache, or swelling of the ear, fever accompanied by fever Severe headache, sore throat, abdominal pain should be examined as soon as possible.
Issues become identifiable when refluxes are accompanied by other symptoms, such as poor or slow growth because your baby keeps spitting up his / her nourishment, symptoms of colic, and s / he may also be accompanied by coughing or wheezing.
Some conditions are characterized by labored breathing or wheezing.
This type of formula may be helpful for infants who have true allergies to milk protein, and for those with skin rashes or wheezing caused by allergies.
Other red flags are the presence of esophagitis (an inflammation in the esophagus that can result in blood in the spit - up) and respiratory or pulmonary problems, such as coughing, wheezing, asthma, or recurring pneumonia, caused by stomach contents that enter the nose, windpipe, or lungs.
An important and worthy cause had been sabotaged by the sort of wheeze any self - respecting sixth formers would reject as childish.
Rees Mogg had yet to respond to the wheeze (cooked up by PR firm Taylor Herring) by Wednesday morning, prompting the Beano to go public.
«Now the police are not getting anywhere near the compensation they deserve for the disruption inflicted on them by this ministerial wheeze
«It causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and nighttime or early morning coughing that can be set off by indoor or outdoor air pollution.
To that criticism are added many more by those who despair of Gordon Brown: an incoherent policy agenda and an inability to inspire; prevarication when he needs to seize the initiative and clumsiness when he finally tries; poisonous spinning against colleagues conducted by the dark side of his operation at Number 10; a hopeless addiction to backfiring tactical wheezes.
The disease is characterized by acute exacerbations, or flare - ups, which send the patient into episodes of coughing with increases in mucus, shortness of breath, wheezing and a feeling of tightness in the chest.
By ROSIE MESTEL A man looks at the plastic rose in his doctor's hand, and collapses wheezing and gasping in the throes of an allergy attack.
All too often, the hallmark symptom of asthma — wheeze — is used imprecisely by both parents and healthcare professionals.
In the second cohort of 77 COPD patients, the 23 patients with allergic sensitization (determined by immunoglobulin E testing) were significantly more likely to wheeze, to experience nighttime awakening due to cough, and to have COPD exacerbations requiring antibiotic treatment or an acute visit to the doctor.
Also, we would like to study what percentage of the association between respiratory tract infections and asthma can be explained by changes in lung function, and whether the associations change when we take early - life wheezing into account,» she will conclude.
December 12, 2011 — Recurrent wheezing in children at risk for developing asthma can be controlled using far less medication by giving higher doses of an inhaled corticosteroid only as needed instead of lower doses every day, a study found.
(The FluMist vaccine, which is delivered via nasal spray, can cause wheezing and should be avoided by asthmatics.)
(If you have asthma, you may also need to use your inhaler to treat coughing or wheezing, which could be triggered by both colds and allergies.)
Asthma is a medical condition characterized by breathing problems, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness caused by inflamed and swollen airways.
They stand up from the sofa, wheeze a little with the effort, and in that single, fateful moment of exertion, the air is split by a monstrous, high pitched bugling.
And one can only imagine how dearly Best - Actor - nominated Redmayne must hope that no one casting an Oscar ballot catches his performance here, which consists of one long, wheezing whisper punctuated by occasional, Pacino-esque barks.
Whatever headline - grabbing wheezes might be deployed by education ministers, it all comes down to investing in teachers.
Surrounded by hissing, wheezing, flatulent, last - century technology, the roadster from the future stands out like a vegan food stand at a Texas barbecue.
By the time he said, «All right, my turn,» my muscles were on fire and I was wheezing like an engine full of old gas.
Wheezing, the engine leaves the station, slowed by the extra tons of coal.
The best competitors are awarded an A. Solid athletes get by with a B or a C. Those in need of improvement go wheezing home with a D or even an F.
Humans sniffle, sneeze, cough and wheeze when our bodies have been insulted by an allergen.
• A cough accompanied by wheezing could be associated with bronchial and asthma condition.
The wheezing that is the distinguishing symptom of this disorder is usually followed by a dry, hacking cough.
Snow nose is not a health concern, but any changes in your dog's nose, including crusts, sores, discharge, sneezing, or wheezing, should be checked as soon as possible by your veterinarian.
This in and of itself makes efficient breathing difficult, but the extra effort required by the dog to take in sufficient air puts a lot of strain on the nose, causing him to wheeze.
The lung inflammation caused by the heartworm vs. PIMS war may result in coughing or wheezing.
By the time your dog or cat shows the classic signs of heart disease like lethargy, wheezing, croupy coughing (a liquid - sounding cough, as though there's fluid in the lungs) or exercise intolerance, it's very often too late to save your beloved pet.
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