Sentences with phrase «wheezing in»

Coughing and wheezing in babies can be distressing for you and your baby, but in most cases symptoms can be relieved at home...
There are several reasons why this game rides on when many Kinect titles lie wheezing in the dust, but the biggest is the responsiveness of the controls.
All of the wheezing in pain and collapsing of his leg went away.
They help reduce wheezing in asthma patients, lower blood pressure and are an excellent source of potassium.
For instance, it found «moderate evidence» that vaping led to more coughing and wheezing in teens, and worse asthma.
December 12, 2011 — Recurrent wheezing in children at risk for developing asthma can be controlled using far less medication by giving higher doses of an inhaled corticosteroid only as needed instead of lower doses every day, a study found.
Furthermore, they conclude that the vaccine «is appropriate for use in children at risk of wheeze, in whom symptoms are well controlled and with no evidence of active wheezing in the 72 hours before immunisation.»
Ozone, the primary component of smog, is a powerful respiratory irritant that initiates wheezing in asthmatics, particularly children.
A small, uncontrolled study showed a link between wheezing in breastfeeding babies and acetaminophen, which was linked to research showing that children exposed to acetaminophen pre - and postnatally have an increased risk of developing allergies and asthma.
The supplements also appear to reduce the risk of asthma and wheezing in children who have mothers with allergies.
In between sneezes and I wheezed in breath, unable to get a good gulp of air in.
The powertrain is the biggest negative, however, as this four - banger whines and wheezes in loud dramatic fashion.
His voice has a terrible wheeze in it, and it occurs to me that I might be breathing whatever has made him this way.
These findings are also in line with other studies that have shown that chronic caregiver stress in the postpartum and early childhood period has been associated with persistent wheeze in early childhood4 as well as factors that may initiate or potentiate inflammation in the lung (eg, IgE expression, enhanced nonspecific and allergen - specific lymphocyte proliferation, differential cytokine expression).5, 7 Both persistent wheeze and atopy have been linked to reduced lung function in childhood.49 This cumulative stress model is particularly relevant given that maternal IPV may become a more direct stressor for toddlers who are witnessing violence against their mothers.50
It really makes me smile when he laughs and wheezes in that back seat!

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Wheezing and asthma related ER visits increase 10 - 15 % on days with high pollen counts, a study based in the country's south east found.
The Wisdom of Keith Richards (Wall Street Journal) Keith Richards, shrouded in an ever - present cloud of cigarette smoke, wheezes a laugh when it's pointed out that many observers, based on evidence to date, disagree with his sense of his own mortality.
The arrival of water - cooled engines (in place of air) in 1998 remedied the original cars» odd metallic wheeze.
Tired of phlegm and coughing and the fight for air, bent double on the landing of a stair, in wheezing gasps where nothing is inspired.
My five - year - old patients in particular, wheezing after family fights, obviously need the more sophisticated grasp of orgasm which Dr. Perls apparently provided to his clients.
My overseas adventures were restricted to two summers of feeding horses and shoveling manure on relief ships to Poland and Belgium just after World War H. I lived on the YDS campus and borrowed my roommate's wheezing Studebaker to drive to my fieldwork in a struggling blue - collar congregation in North Haven.
Knowing that Greg Ostertag isn't wheezing through an intrasquad scrimmage won't leave a void in anyone's life, but last week's cancellation of preseason games through Oct. 16 was significant because the owners» lockout became tangible after months of being nothing but an off - season abstraction.
Big, black and powerful, the horse they called Steamboat because of his whistling wheeze never forgot the quirting he got as a colt and never let anyone stay long in his saddle
If Bledsoe wasn't initially thrilled with the prospect of moving to western New York and playing for a team that wheezed to a 3 - 13 record in Williams's maiden season, he had warmed to it by last Thursday, when he and Maura embarked on a flash real estate tour.
In fact, if your child often coughs and wheezes after a romp on the playground, she may have what's called exercise - induced asthma.
Additionally, there are other studies that prove that infants who were not directly breastfed have a significant increase in both coughing and wheezing episodes in comparison to those that were breastfed.
Symptoms to watch for include inconsolable crying, wheezing, cold - like symptoms, rashes, constipation, diarrhea, or blood in her poop.
These allergic reactions are more common in children less than one year of age and manifest usually as diaper rashes, hives or wheezes.
These children, including premature babies, can develop bronchiolitis, which is associated with inflammation in the lungs, wheezing and difficulty breathing.
They found that among babies under six months, those who had older siblings or were in daycare were more likely to have asthma symptoms such as wheezing.
There is not really a known upper limit for how much folic acid is safe, but doctors sometimes advise women to keep intake of folic acid under 1000 mcg per day, thanks to a few reports that excess folic acid supplementation might be associated with a slightly increased risk of wheezing and other respiratory problems in the baby.
Keep in mind that infants with milk and soy allergies will usually have more symptoms than just gas, including diarrhea, vomiting, hives, wheezing, bloody stools, and / or irritability.
Nasal congestion, asthma, wheezing, shortness of breath, mucus in the throat or nose and other respiratory abnormalities that aren't attributable to a cold may be signs of an allergic reaction to milk protein.
In fact, if your child often coughs and wheezes after a romp on the playground, he may have what's called exercise - induced asthma.
You know, they often get... they have less wheezing, less asthma, things like that, because again, their bodies are fighting off these things in the environment.
If this is the case, you may notice a reaction on his skin (rash or hives), in his breathing (wheezing or congestion), or in his stools (green or mucousy).
Infant health status was ascertained by inquiring about symptoms during the past week (fever, cough, wheezing, trouble breathing, trouble sleeping, stuffy nose, spitting up, diarrhea, or vomiting) and reasons for any outpatient medical visit in the previous month, including visits to a physician's office, emergency department, or clinic.
Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression analysis relating sleep position at each follow - up age to symptoms in the prior week (fever, cough, wheezing, stuffy nose, trouble breathing or sleeping, diarrhea, vomiting, or spitting up) and outpatient visits in the prior month (ear infection, breathing problem, vomiting, spitting up, colic, seizure, accident, or injury).
If your child makes a wheezing (whistling) sound when breathing out (exhaling), this could mean that the lower airways in the lungs are swollen.
Main Outcome Measures Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression analysis relating sleep position at each follow - up age to symptoms in the prior week (fever, cough, wheezing, stuffy nose, trouble breathing or sleeping, diarrhea, vomiting, or spitting up) and outpatient visits in the prior month (ear infection, breathing problem, vomiting, spitting up, colic, seizure, accident, or injury).
Besides, preventing the respiratory infections that make babies wheeze, humidifiers help in providing comfort when, unfortunately, the baby does catch a cold.
That's like saying that our immune systems need to be challenged in life, or they figure they can go and retire in Florida and play shuffleboard and leave us coughing and wheezing away.
Another analysis found that infants who were not directly breastfed have a significant increase in coughing and wheezing episodes compared to those who were.
The Institute of Medicine found sufficient evidence to link exposure to indoor mold to upper respiratory tract symptoms, coughs, wheezing and asthma in otherwise healthy people.
Not surprisingly, Science Daily notes that breastfed babies are also shown to have lower rates of developing allergies later in life, as well as lowered chances of asthma, wheezing and dry coughs.
Other outcomes in the first 12 months of life, including atopic eczema, wheezing, upper respiratory tract infection and death, were not different between groups.
In this study infants that were breastfed for the first 6 months of life had fewer incidences of diarrhea, wheezing, coughing, vomiting and fewer visits to health care professionals.
Sure enough, it made a huge change in mine... no coughing, no more wheezing, overall feeling less asthma concerns.
They can range from tingling in their mouth or as we said eczema or hives or swelling or wheezing.
Children who were fed other milk or solids during their first 4 months in addition to breast milk had an increased risk of wheezing, shortness of breath, dry cough and persistent phlegm during the first 4 years, compared to children who were exclusively breastfed for their first 4 months.
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