Sentences with phrase «when calvin»

If it seems that a house built when Calvin Coolidge was president has been a long time coming on the market, it is.
There were big grins all around when Calvin was scooped up by his new parents, Alexa and Leigh!
Harry comes to believe the whole story when Calvin changes the manuscript to say that the Ruby of the book speaks French, at which point Ruby herself begins to do so.
When Calvin and Ruby visit his free - spirited mother (Annette Bening) and her lover (Antoinio Banderas), however, things start to unravel.
Calvin is let off the hook far too many times and any pathos is put in the background to broader humour, such as when Calvin and Ruby visit Calvin's mother in a sequence that feels more like something out of Meet the Fockers (Jay Roach, 2004).
When Calvin gets busted, Ace hesitantly takes his place in the neighborhood, and starts working for Lulu.
When Calvin Candy's servant explains his role in maintaining the estate, Django replies that the white man is «almost like a nigger,» a bold remark punctuated with one of several ostentatious zooms lifted from the spaghetti western vernacular — allowing for yet another moment of unlikely humor.
So, earlier this week, when Calvin came to me with a drawing of a costume (in the foreground of the photo), and said, «I want to make this,» I was rather caught off guard.
I started these totes when Calvin was just a babe, picking things up here and there at thrift shops and yard sales, and as hand me downs.
When Calvin made himself comfortable and leaned back in his new potty chair, everything was anatomically not going in the right direction and suddenly the only place in the bathroom that was not going to be collecting pee was the potty.
Yup we're down to 12 after peaking at about 40 when Calvin had his egg business (remember Cal's Gals?!).
I remember reading these words, and the wonderful essay they come from, when Calvin was just a few months old.
The exchange rate of the Swiss franc to other currencies has forced the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) to move its global headquarters, which has a staff of seven, to Germany from the city known as «the Protestant Rome» when Calvin ruled it as a strict theocracy.
When Calvin reestablished the validity of Old Testament Law, he inevitably made the ban on images a living commandment once again, without the additional factors of Byzantine imperial politics or Islamic influence coming into play at all.

Not exact matches

Noah Ready - Campbell, who grew up in a small mountain town in Vermont, and Calvin Young, a Chinese immigrant whose family settled in the Virginia when he was 2 years old, both landed scholarship admission to boarding school (Philips Exeter and North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, respectively).
«If a business doesn't have the resources to raise capital when it needs to, manage tax situations effectively, or execute increasingly complex accounting issues [such as] revenue recognition, then they could run into some serious problems,» explains Calvin L. Hackeman, a partner at Grant Thornton LLP, a large accounting firm in Chicago that serves both small and midsized businesses.
And, when she decided to get into fashion, she didn't just do some research, she met with «people in the industry who had created or worked at companies I respected — Tory Burch, Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors, and Calvin Klein, of the established players.»
He also held the Reformation responsible for the rise of modern individualism and capitalism, when in fact Calvin (like Luther) looked backward to Augustine far more than forward to the Renaissance and Enlightenment.
Yes, I truly don't understand why men who claim to be born - again Christians spend YEARS studying the volumes of Calvin (which is simply what a very evil man thought of the Bible), when Jesus Himself said that the Holy Spirit would teach us all things.
On occasion I have come into contact with those Christians (and I do beleive them to be Christians) who feel that CALVINISM must be the truth from Scripture... and they look at me with what amounts to almost sorrow when I tell them that I have no time for Mr. Calvin and his «Institutes»... here are just a few reasons why:
When John Calvin died, the reigning Pope, Pius IV, commented on him: «The power of that heretic lay in the fact that he was indifferent to money.»
This is why I laugh when people like Calvin and others actually have the nerve to teach an iron clad doctrine out of the most deliberately vague chapters in all of the NT.
Even when, as with the Protestant Reformers, knowledge of God is reserved for the eschaton and theological schooling focuses on faith, schooling remains a practice of paideia — notably, in Calvin's academy in Geneva.
Though Calvin and Servetus had debated these issues by letter for many years, they had never met in person, yet when Servetus stopped in Geneva on his way to Italy, he was recognized and arrested.
Bryan T. Calvin on why his African American family intentionally attends a white church, even when he misses his upbringing in black churches.
John Calvin put this well when he reminded us that «the word of God is not intended to teach us how to chatter, or to make us eloquent or subtle, but to reform our lives.»
When sinners try to construct out of these fragments a natural theology that points to the true God, they succeed only in assembling a picture of what Calvin called an idol, a deity who is not really God but only a cheap substitute for the real thing.
While there is some truth to this, he certainly goes beyond Calvin when he addresses contemporary Protestant theology and claims that «Christian doctrine should be conceived, delimited, and developed on behalf of the church's formation program.»
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
When, years later, I found Calvin declaring that every Christian experiences the inward witness of the Holy Spirit to the divine authority of Scripture, (2) I rejoiced to think that, without ever having heard a word on this subject, I had long known exactly what Calvin was talking about — as by God's mercy I still do.
But when I have seen this, my next task is to let the book's message universalize itself in my mind as God's own teaching or doctrine (to use the word that Calvin loved) now addressed to humankind in general and to me in particular within the frame of reality created by the death, resurrection, and present dominion of Jesus Christ.
When I was on the faculty of Calvin College, I helped to arrange a special evening lecture on campus by my friend Virginia Mollenkott, who had recently come out publicly about her lesbian orientation.
Second, how and why does that systematic principle change when later theologians (especially Rahner in relationship to Aquinas, and Schleiermacher and Troeltsch in relationship to Calvin) attempt a new systematic construct for a particular religious tradition?
Calvin chose his adjective carefully when he declared that «All events are governed by God's secret plan.»
His attack on the unsavory and unproductive practice of usury held force virtually until the fifteenth century, when John Calvin's writings started greatly to influence the study of economics.
We do not find ourselves permitted by the Word of God, however, to advise a woman to leave her husband, except by force of necessity; and we do not understand this force to be operative when a husband behaves roughly and uses threats to his wife, nor even when he beats her, but when there is imminent peril to her life... [W] e... exhort her to bear with patience the cross which God has seen fit to place upon her; and meanwhile not to deviate from the duty which she has before God to please her husband, but to be faithful whatever happens [«Letter From Calvin to an Unknown Woman,» June 4, 1559, Calvini Opera, XVII, col. 539, in P. E. Hughes, editor, The Register of the Company of Pastors of Geneva in the Time of Calvin (Eerdmans, 1966), pp. 344 - 345].
When interpreters get to the little horn, says Calvin, they quickly point to the Pope or the Turks, that is, whoever opposes or threatens the faithful in their own day.
When the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a list of trademark requests, the application was challenged by the Calvin Klein Inc. clothing company.
After all, in describing the satisfaction work in one's calling brings, Calvin writes, «Each man will bear and swallow the discomforts, vexations, weariness, and anxieties in his way of life, when he has been persuaded that the burden was laid upon him by God.»
When I read about Calvin and others ideas on what Gods Word says, the Arminian, Lytheran, Wesleyan, Unitarian and various Church denominations and their interpretations, particularly when they hang their whole idea on one part of the Bible to prove how right they are, it affirms what I have always thought since before I was saved by God as well as after that amazing act of grace on His part, that man values and honors the mind far above the heWhen I read about Calvin and others ideas on what Gods Word says, the Arminian, Lytheran, Wesleyan, Unitarian and various Church denominations and their interpretations, particularly when they hang their whole idea on one part of the Bible to prove how right they are, it affirms what I have always thought since before I was saved by God as well as after that amazing act of grace on His part, that man values and honors the mind far above the hewhen they hang their whole idea on one part of the Bible to prove how right they are, it affirms what I have always thought since before I was saved by God as well as after that amazing act of grace on His part, that man values and honors the mind far above the heart.
Concern for context, moderation and lucid brevity combine to give Calvin's commentaries a unique character, even when his final exegetical judgments might be shared by the fathers or his contemporaries.
When he became an evangelical in the mid 1530s, Calvin used the learning he had developed among the humanists to accomplish another restoration project.
Calvin was convinced that the Church of Rome fell into decay when true interpreters of scripture were eclipsed by sophists and deceivers who obscured scripture's true meaning with their distorting glosses.
So when you talk about Calvin, talk about Knox and Luther.
When contemplating the purposes of the hidden God, Luther portrayed an inscrutably impassible, divine sovereignty — a portrayal which was even more severe than Calvin's.
Calvin said that when a branch breaks off and falls from a tree, then kills a passing traveler, that too is at God's express command (David R. Griffin 1976 Chapters 9 and 10).
However by the Reformation in the 16th century, Martin Luther not only translated the Gospels, but he interpreted them in printed sermons as well, and when John Calvin, Roger Williams and others broadly disagreed in print with Luther on such matters as what the scriptures said about the role of government in society, the whole matter of scriptural interpretation was opened to thousands of individuals who for the first time could read (or have read to them) the published documents.
On FB there is a very active Lutheran / Calvin discussion group, and I personally help translate Luther quotes from more obscure books for a Calvinist, when he needs that in his research.
Hope perhaps suffers from underappreciation because it is within a few hours» drive of the institutions that get most of the attention when this topic comes up: Notre Dame, Valparaiso, Wheaton and Calvin.
We find ourselves in quite another world when we turn from Calvin to the notorious Wolfenbuettel Fragments, which G. E. Lessing (1729 - 81) began to publish in 1774, thereby launching the so - called quest for the historical Jesus.
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