Sentences with phrase «when christianity»

When Christianity became the official Roman religion, birth parents who abandoned children were punished and could no longer reclaim them from adoptive parents.
Murder - and in the case of the Danish cartoons, murder and mass riots - are a different media relations strategy than Billy Graham or Pope Benedict take when Christianity is lampooned.
Temperatures were at least as warm about 2,000 years ago when Christianity arose during the «Roman Warm Period.»
But when the pinks and apricots of this diminutive character are translated into the monumental dark sibling of Icon (2000), we are more readily able to imagine the awe and fear of a distant time when Christianity was bound up with the violence of political power.
The Thrall's Tale is a chronicle of love, hatred and revenge at a turning point in history when Christianity first penetrates the pagan Viking sphere.
«Legendary director Martin Scorsese's Silence tells the stunning and «powerful» story of two Christian missionaries (Adam Driver and Oscar nominee Andrew Garfield) who travel to Japan in search of their missing mentor (Academy Award nominee Liam Neeson) at a time when Christianity was outlawed.
When Christianity arrived in Rome, religious leaders decided to incorporate these popular local traditions into the new faith, an easier task than abolishing them altogether.
When Christianity became the primary religion in Europe, November 1st became All Saint's Day — a day to honor the saints who, for some unknown reason, didn't have a day dedicated solely to them.
It is obvious that in dealing with the Graeco - Roman world at the time when Christianity came into existence our problem is not to obtain sufficient materials for study but to make some kind of selection from these materials.
When Christianity was counter-cultural, believers were individuals who voluntarily identified at the risk of life.
Written by «historians» decades and in one case a century after the «fact» before they were even alive from second - hand sources when Christianity was considered a cult.
The vast majority of people think that these traditions were established when Christianity first started to gain momentum.
When Christianity is reduced to moralistic nostrums, It becomes boring.
When Christianity came to northern Europe, rulers sometimes led whole armies through rivers for mass baptisms.
Although when Christianity appeared the total population of the planet was only a fraction of that of the twentieth century, most of the earth's surface was quite outside the Mediterranean world, Persia, India, and China.
But when Christianity was rejected by jews and moved (largely) to the gentiles, how on earth did it become a jewish sect?
I love when people think Christianity will help government, the height of Roman debauchery and failure was when Christianity became the state religion.
When Christianity became a business, and you get a degree in order to have that particular job is where these verses needed to misconstrued so that «pastors» as worldly job could get paid.
When Christianity first became dominant in the Mediterranean Basin the Roman and Persian Empires were deadly rivals.
When Christianity moved into northern Europe, the old shrines of the pre-Christian deities, instead of being abolished, were often taken over and absorbed.
But when Christianity takes to itself the forms and organization of the kingdoms of this world, it must expect that these structures will suffer the same fate as those of man - made empires, even if they are Christian in intention.
Bonhoeffer recognized that in an increasingly secularized world a time might come when Christianity everywhere would be deprived of the recognition and privileges that it once enjoyed.
When the Christianity of any age seeks to discover the dimension of depth in contemporary culture it will itself be transformed to the extent that it succeeds.
If we can take the year 30 A.D. as the date of the historic beginning of Christian history and 313 A.D., the date of the edict of Milan, as the moment when Christianity was legitimized in the Roman Empire, then the first major chunk of history is in focus.
It was later when Christianity was legalized, actually (forced) by Constantine, a Roman by 311ce, changing this book from its original writing, under the Council of Nicaea.
Eventually, when Christianity came into Northern Europe, it came to mean «one who still worships the old gods.»
When Christianity created Christmas it was for political reasons, nothing to do with anything spiritual.
We do however know that this is the time of Yule and when christianity reared its head they created this holiday as a way of converting.
When Christianity spread to Syria and Persia, there is no doubt that some of the Arabs also became Christians.
And so when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century AD, the church rulers and political rulers joined forces to accomplish God's will «on earth, as it is in heaven.»
Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead observed that when Christianity came into the Western world its image of God began to be modeled on Caesar rather than on the humble shepherd of Nazareth.
But when Christianity has become so inextricably associated with right - wing hate groups and anti-everything zealotry, who in their right mind would want to join such a force?
Nor do I intend merely to refer to the temporal fact that Christ's appearing marks the moment when Christianity emerged out of Judaism, Jesus Christ is the center in a more profound and thoroughgoing sense.
When Christianity became the religion of Empire, the doctrine of the just war was developed.
He saw this in the country where he served as a missionary when Christianity was spreading rapidly.
Yet even today, when the Faith of Christ is decayed among the nations, and when Christianity seems to belie the promises of Christ, and to be passing into the dead world of human religions, one more among many, even today, whatever individual values we hold sacred, whatever sanctity we claim for the personality of man, whatever freedoms, above the rut of biological materialism, we try to salvage from the ruins of a culture, all these are the droplets which remain within that chalice of the Christian Faith dashed down by the nation.
You tell us that even when Christianity has been emancipated from myth modern man continues to reject it because it speaks of an act of God and of sin.
When Christianity came into force as the official religion of Rome, the local population transferred their hate of Jews previously established before Christianity into this new religion.
But I think that in the end, he was able to demonstrate that when Christianity moved away from such errors, we let the pendulum swing too far.
Their were more morales and a better sense of right and wrong when Christianity was more widely accepted.
In that disheartening period which followed the fifth century, when Christianity appeared to be passing, geographic gains were being made in Western Europe which formed the basis for most of the next advance.
There are lots of other crazy details here and the piece is worth reading in full, if only to appreciate the incredible tension that comes with being an extremely public Christian institution at a time when Christianity is under an intense amount of scrutiny for how it operates in America.
More often than not, when Christianity is discussed either in a fictional setting or in relation to real events, it is in the context of an issue related to human sexuality.
It must be admitted that when Christianity has dwelt upon the promise of heaven and the threat of hell, it has often combined a selfish hedonism with a morbid sadism.
It is possible that we are on the verge of a new era in the history of the Church, under circumstances very different from those we have faced in the past, when Christianity will resemble the mustard seed [Matthew 13:31 - 32], that is, will continue only in the form of small and seemingly insignificant groups, which yet will oppose evil with all their strength and bring Good into this world.
HEY!!!! SHOW SOME RESPECT!!!! This bible was around when Christianity was the leading oppresive force in humanity, they were still burning people at the stake at the time of this revision's print!!!
«Even when Christianity includes the natural life in its sacredness, as in the sacrament of marriage, the bodily life is not hallowed, but merely made subservient to holiness.»
@Eric, when Christianity became the official religion of Rome, thousands of Pagans were slaughtered and their holy places destroyed.
perhaps someday when christianity joins the ranks of the other mythologies, churches will become community meeting places where ideas and goodwill are exchanged without the hocus - pocus aspect of religion.
Start at about 380 CE when Christianity was made the state religion of Rome.
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