Sentences with phrase «when ld»

And now it's hard to recall a time when LD - speak wasn't a part of my vocabulary.
Also, quit acting like you are LDS, when LDS people don't broadcast that they go to the temple to impress others, and certainly aren't proud of having tattoos (tribal or otherwise).
Do you believe God and Jesus live on adjoining planets and when an LDS man (who has obeyed the church and its leaders) dies, he gets his own planet to rule equal in all things with your God.
Similarly, clashes along the church - state boundary are shaped by the particular religious makeup of the region — as when the LDS Church attempted to regulate what could be said and distributed on the streets near Salt Lake City's Temple Square, or when a state judge in Alabama decided to display the Ten Commandments outside his courthouse.
So Billy Graham's purse just got a little thicker when the LDS «donated» to his so called «church».
Matthew Bowman, an editor at a Mormon studies journal called Dialogue, says Romney appears to embody the Mormon retrenchment of the 1960s and 1970s, when the LDS church defined itself largely in opposition to the broader American culture, which was seeing cultural upheaval and the sexual revolution.
And both major parties benefit hugely, or the Tories wouldn't have nearly half the seats off of one third of the votes when the LDs have nearly a quarter of the votes and less than a tenth of the seats.
Brown will be PM for 3 years, calling the election in 2010 Cameron will win a slender majority and be PM for one term, until 2015 This will be followed by a Lib / Lab coalition with Milliband as PM until 2020 when the LDs are all but wiped out as the UK swings Conservative again

Not exact matches

If Romney wins Republican nomination it would be interesting if Obama asked Mitt how he explained his support for the black mans Mormon «Mark - of - Cain» when he was on his LDS mission in the 1960's.
The sad thing is that statistically 50 % of LDS when they lose faith, lose it altogether and refuse any further consideration of God or Jesus at all.
Isn't that obvious that I'm an LDS and that when I mentioned «church» I meant the LDS church.
LDS was not even around when the U.S.A. was first birthed.
When «Mormon» is used, a connection to the LDS church is assumed.
And although it's great that you won't consider religion when you vote, most of the LDS around here (Salt Lake City) are practically p - ing in their pants over having two mormons in the race (although they suspect Huntsman is not sufficiently right - wing).
In fact every flip flop he has ever made was reflective of LDS belief... in other words when they did nt like his position they made him change it and he always will obey that why it is a cult... full control of its members.
In the dark hours when critical decisions need to be made, Romney will turn to the LDS leadership for guidance.
And there were people who immediately left the LDS Church when that announcement was made — which means those who remained are not the racists.
The LDS church down the street did help my son when he had an asthma attack out on his bike one day.
There are some errors in your doctrine above, especially when painting mainstream LDS doctrine «with the same brush» as the polygamist groups.
It will be a good day, when the FLDS and the LDS, both finally die.
I wouldn't say I throw it all out the window when I attend Church (Catholic (mine) or LDS (my wife's)-RRB- every Sunday.
I grew up in an LDS home and attended LDS Church (as a tangent I lived in Utah when Smart was abducted, was even on a volunteer search team canvassing SLC neighborhood the Saturday following, I was in Utah when she was found and was beside myself but also weeping for what she must obviously have gone through.)
IT's hard to take the LDS religion seriously when they change doctrine to suit political climate.
In 1979, when Rubio was 8 years old, his family moved to Las Vegas and joined an LDS church for several years, according to Conant.
Yet in view of its amazing growth in its first 150 years, it is not without interest to note that an LDS mathematician recently made a half - joking but statistically correct projection that «if Mormonism continues to grow in the United States at its present rate, and if the U.S. population continues to grow at its present rate, then in another 150 years when Mormonism celebrates its tricentennial, all the nation's citizens will be Mormons.»
It will be interesting to see what the general reaction is when people begin to focus on Romney's religion and learn more about the actual origins of the LDS Church and some of the more unusual Mormon beliefs.
Already there are more Mormons than Presbyterians; by conservative estimates, the LDS church, as the Utah body is often called, will alone have upward of 4.5 million members when its sesquicentennial Hosanna Shout rings out.
Furthermore, do you think Romney is the «right Christian» when he is required to wear sacred underwear, no drinking coffee and tea, the LDS leaders are the only authority he should listen too, he can have more than one wife after this life, etc?
When were minorities ever banished from the LDS church?
What Billy Graham should have a problem with is a religious sect (LDS / Mormon — the foundation of Chic Fil A's positions), that believes that they can become a god when they die.
When I encounter people denouncing the LDS church because of this Jesus - and - Satan - are - brothers thing, what I really see are people admitting they don't read, they don't understand or perhaps they don't believe the writings of Isaiah.
When the church first worked out an agreement on the proxy baptism of Holocaust victims back in 1995, there were 8.5 million LDS Church members, Greenebaum says.
When they scream for help, they will be given a liquid like concent - rated a-cid that sca - lds the faces.
There is a quote from a past LDS president, Ezra Taft Benson, that basically says «when the prophet speaks, the thinking has been done.»
My wife was LDS when I met her, and I am thankful now believes in Jesus Christ for eternal life, however most of her family and some friends are still LDS and we have various discussions which I try to keep focused on what we must do to have eternal life.
Longtime LDS families can remember when NONE of you called yourselves Christian.
LDS leadership goes out of its way to stay politically neutral except when it comes to moral issues (prop 8 & abortion).
Speaking of apologies, if Romney wins Republican nomination it would be interesting if Obama asked Mitt how he explained his support for the black mans Mormon «Mark - of - Cain» when he was on his LDS mission.
When directly asked by Mormon friends and family members (yep, I've got LDS folks in my family), I have been privately critical of the LDS church's support of the Utah legislature's «compromise» on «discrimination» and religious freedom last spring.
Why don't you quit trying to spin the story or do you just not understand when it reads the LDS stays neutral in politics.
It Is an Absolute Fact that in 1978 the Lds caved when being forced by the Us to let Men of COLOR be Preist in the Cult Called Mormonism.
The blood oath in the Temple ritual was too shocking when the world learned more about it, so the LDS church caved again and changed it to make it less gory and less overtly masonic.
From the US he will only get fines, but the LDS church might kick him out for not giving his 10 % of that money, and then he won't get to be god when he dies.
A totally useless drug allowing crusty ld geezers to operate when they should be long out to pasture.
I'm LDS (Mormon) and I cringed when I read the email that spammed my inbox.
«Were you donating money to your church prior to 1978 when the racist views of your church did not permit black people to be part of LDS
When local LDS authorities decide they are ready, new members are moved into regular where they study «Doctrines in the Curriculum» from standard lesson manuals published at Mormon headquarters.
I remembered when hubs got relocated and we had to live LD for few months, it was terrible.
LD: When I used «right wing» above I meant, primarily, right wing media outlets (like Fox et al) and conservative politicians like Rep. Steve King (who, along with at least two other Republicans) is seeking to roll back the school food rules.
You will not dissipate the anger directed towards the LDs by pointing to what Labour did when they were in power, nor by shouting that you are in a coalition and compromise is necessary.
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