Sentences with phrase «when native languages»

For example, as the western genre has sought to eulogise the mission of white settlers, for a long time Native American characters were rarely, if ever, translated (when Native languages were used — often it was gibberish, or even English dialogue played backwards).

Not exact matches

This is especially helpful when I'm in a place that doesn't speak my native language.
When your customers call, they want to engage on a personal level and communicate in their native language.
When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies,» (John 8:44 NIV).
When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies» (John 8:44).
World responsibility in education further entails serious attention to the teaching of foreign languages, beginning in the early years of school, when children can quickly and naturally learn another tongue in the same fashion as they learned their native language.
Researchers have found that babies also prefer when mom speaks in her native language to someone else speaking in a foreign tongue.
It's important for your kids to have positive associations with your native tongue, so they'll be more open to continuing to learn Spanish, even when everyone around them speaks another language, such as English.
I suppose, when Russian language and culture are native to 25 - 40 % of Baltic population and 5 largest cities in Ukraine, this article should have provided Russian language at least regional recognition.
The infants appeared to be surprised when observing speakers of their native language engaging in antisocial behaviour.
People are very good at this, especially when listening to their native language; current machines are much worse.
If using a foreign language does not involve the brain's emotional centers as strongly as using a native language, then we can expect increased utilitarian responding when presenting the footbridge («personal») dilemma in a foreign language.
When reading and responding in a native language, only 20 percent of respondents said that personally pushing someone off of the footbridge to save five workmen was permissible.
«The phenomenon is very intense when we read in our native language but, according to the new study, if we read in a second language learnt after our mother tongue, then this physiological response, while not disappearing completely, is drastically lessened.»
Some cases are an extension to this rule, for instance when a person grows up in a language environment other than that native to his parents.
Across all three languages, native and non-native, but not humming, infants looked longer when the Recipient gave the Communicator the non-target compared to the target object.
By looking longer when the Recipient handed over the non-target object, the infants seemed to recognize that a miscommunication had taken place or that the verbal interaction had some communicative value — even if it wasn't in their native language.
When gesturing, however, all participants used the SOV order, regardless of their native language.
It turns out that, regardless of our native language or personal history, the same parts of our brain «light up» when we think of certain nouns.
My writing does not use English, but when I joined your course, I can apply many things you taught into my writing with my native language.
When you are from a particular community or race speaking English as your native language and you fall in love with a person from your own community who speaks English, you will not have any problem in expressing your intentions in English, as that language is the mother tongue for both of you.
I have shot many movies that are not in my native language and I know how it feels when you don't understand the language.
It also borrows a page from Pocahontas» book in solving language barrier problems (we always see Tarzan and the apes communicate in English except when Englanders are around, at which time we hear everyone in their native tongue).
The director with the help of co-writer Boris Frumin adds a clumsy scene in a car where John and Setsumo act like two spontaneous teens, and the film concludes on a sad note showing the difficulty of romance across the Pacific when the couple know little of each other's native language.
By the way, this cross-translation in the head occurs, even in those cases when the teacher does not use the native language in the classroom.
China has some strong programs when it comes to using the native languages of minority groups for school instruction, according to a report published in 2005 and released online in July by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO.
Along the same lines, English language learners feel particularly welcomed when there are books in their native languages in the school.
When you fire up your internet browser, the content you see will be in your native language.
Moreover, in conversations with reporters, Secretary Bell publicly acknowledged — for the first time since February 1981 when he withdrew the proposed Lau rules — that the policy change also applies to about 500 school districts that had negotiated compliance agreements requiring native - language instruction based on the «Lau remedies.»
When you cross-translate, you think in your native language while trying to speak in a foreign language.
Under current state law, when over twenty Limited English Proficient students in a district speak the same language, schools must offer instruction in their native language.
PBL is valuable for ELLs when it teaches academic vocabulary, encourages collaboration, scaffolds structure and function, allows assessment and differentiation, and leverages their native language.
When he altered his teaching to the students» native language of Haitian Creole, all his students began to pass.
This is the reason employees have the tendency to learn quickly when a training program is delivered in their native language.
Such action shall include, but need not be limited to, direct notification, within 30 days of receipt of the commissioner's warning, in English and translated, when appropriate, into the recipient's native language or mode of communication, to persons in parental relation of children attending the program that it has been placed under high school equivalency program review and is at risk of not receiving an approval for program continuance, and disclosure of such warning by the district, or board of cooperative educational services at its next public meeting.
Such notice shall be provided in English and translated, when appropriate, into the native language or mode of communication of the parent.
When you consider that in the early years of our learning, an average young student learns about 3,000 words a year (in his or her native tongue), we have a lot of catching up to do in the second language.
When a concept is known or familiar, most English learners (ELs) go through the additional process of comprehending terms and concepts in their native language.
Students receive native language support from bilingual teaching assistants and teachers when possible.
Spanish - speaking parents feel more welcome at the school when they attend performances in their native language.
«We always start with the students» native language» when teaching reading, McNeil says.
Research supports the cognitive benefits children receive when they learn to read and write at grade level in both their native language and in English.
Seeing how the grammatical errors made by these particular students are often rooted in the logic of their native languages and how a teacher who understands something about that logic and that culture can sensitively respond in context - specific ways may lead teacher candidates to develop cognitive flexibility as they wonder what other patterns in student writing (and their own) are the result of where they grew up and how they can take that into account when writing feedback.
When students participating in dual - language programs have been followed across time, the research has shown they score as high (or higher than) typical native English speakers on difficult, national English reading exams, which tests curricular mastery in all subjects combined.
There was also confusion about when students can be referred for an evaluation and when they should be assessed in English as opposed to their native language.
«When parents register I make sure there are documents in their native language... Read More
Other elements include associating new words with pictures, creating semantic maps that show relationships among words, playing word games, and when appropriate, linking new words to students» native languages.
And corporate eLearning or online training is more effective when delivered in the learner's native language.
When the information was not available to them in their native language, parents were not capable of making the best decisions for their own children.
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