Sentences with phrase «when absorbing energy»

So when absorbing energy from enemies, be wise and decide which you need more.
Mike Flynn, you asked: «Now having accepted that a gas will rise in temperature when it absorbs energy, what happens when the gas is above the temperature of the gas with which it is intimately mixed?»

Not exact matches

When a pack or product passes through the x-ray beam, the beams are absorbed by the pack or product, with only the residual energy reaching the detector.
Some health experts theorize that calories are absorbed much more effeciently when the body is stressed, leading to excessive energy storage via adipose tissue.
They absorb liquid, creating a gel consistency that when consumed burns very slowly in the body making for sustained energy.
Most car seats will have this special energy - absorbing foam and other supporting features to help protect your baby's head and chest when the accident occurs.
Energy absorbing versa - tether to minimize rolling forward when used as forward facing car seat.
No need to worry when the car is in motion either because the car seat features side impact protection which works to absorb energy in case of in impact.
The car seat has a five point harness, side impact cushion and energy absorbing foam for the best when it comes to safety.
The patented TEMPUR foam absorbs the energy that you or your spouse cause when moving or readjusting your sleeping position.
When it comes to safety, the energy absorbing liner that comes with the product makes sure that your children always have added protection as they travel.
For example, it was predicted to absorb light in the near - UV and blue region and have high photoluminescence, which is the material's ability to emit light when excited by a higher energy light source.
The researchers have found that when the fulvalene diruthenium molecules absorb sunlight, they switch to a higher energy state, in which they can remain stable indefinitely.
When the quantum dots absorb ambient light, they transfer some of that energy to nearby dye particles, causing the crystal violet to release a kind of high - energy oxygen molecule that kills microbes.
When a laser zaps an electron orbiting a proton, the electron undergoes what is called the Lamb shift, absorbing energy and jumping to a higher energy level.
When a molecule absorbs a photon — the fundamental particle of light — electrons in the molecular system are promoted from a low - energy (ground) state to a higher - energy (excited) state.
Instead of being knocked out, when an electron tightly bound to a neon atom absorbs the lower energy photon, it becomes loosely bound, causing the atom to become «excited».
To capture energy from the ocean's waves, a wave energy converter moves and bobs in the water, absorbing power from waves when they generate forces on the buoy.
It occurs when a substance absorbs light energy and is thereby chemically modified.
But that production stops after a meal, when insulin is released by the pancreas and performs its main task of removing sugar from the blood and shepherding the glucose to multiple types of cells that absorb it for energy.
Milton says that in addition to constant braking force, shape memory materials have a property called hysteresis, which in an ideal climbing rope «means the material will absorb a lot of energy, so that when it stretches, instead of bouncing to where you were before, you would fall, then it would retract slowly» instead of jerking you upward.
When the sun is at its most intense, ozone in the stratosphere absorbs more ultraviolet energy, making areas near the equator warmer than usual.
Unlike typical bird photoreceptor proteins that change shape when they absorb light energy, cryptochrome generates free electrons when it absorbs light.
Think of resilin as a type of spring, which can absorb force or pressure and then release that stored energy again when the pressure is lifted.
When the beam aligned with the molecule's axis, the molecule absorbed the beam's energy and emitted a telltale burst of fluorescence.
When sunlight shines on a solar panel, photons — tiny packets of light energy — bombard the panel's surface like a barrage of bullets and get absorbed.
When stress is applied to the adhesive, those «sacrificial» ionic bonds break first, allowing the matrix to absorb a large amount of energy before its structure becomes compromised.
The key to air conditioning is evaporation: the cooling occurs when a liquid absorbs energy from its surroundings and changes phase to evaporate as a gas.
Children with DMD have a mutation that cripples the body's ability to produce a protein called dystrophin, which helps absorb the shock or energy that's created when a muscle contracts.
The reason, he explains, is that when the egg spins, the yolk and white lag behind, gradually absorbing energy and slowing down the spin.
To maximize energy absorption for photosynthesis, especially when the suns have vastly different colors or if at least one of the suns is dim, plants — or, more correctly, their extraterrestrial analogs — may use one or more types of light - absorbing pigments that absorb across a broad range of wavelengths, which would tend to make the plant appear black or gray (main image).
The team, which includes Associate Professor Vincent Tan from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Adjunct Assistant Professor Anand Sarma from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, found that when a projectile is fired at a sand block at high speed, it absorbs more than 85 per cent of the energy exerted against it.
A study led by Assistant Professor Darren Chian Siau Chen from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore's Faculty of Engineering has found that when a projectile is fired at a sand block at high speed, it absorbs more than 85 per cent of the energy exerted against it.
A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore's Faculty of Engineering has found that when a projectile is fired at a sand block at high speed, it absorbs more than 85 per cent of the energy exerted against it.
For as much as atmospheric temperatures are rising, the amount of energy being absorbed by the planet is even more striking when one looks into the deep oceans and the change in the global heat content (Figure 4).
When stimulated with visible light, spherical gold nanoparticles absorb and convert light energy into heat.
When a molecule transits from a certain rotation state to another, it emits or absorbs electromagnetic waves that have energy equivalent to the difference of energy between the two states.
But when sea ice melts, it exposes the darker surface of the underlying water, which absorbs solar energy.
When Jean - Pierre Sauvage started his own research lab, he focused on developing copper catalysts that could absorb light and use that energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gases.
When the sun hits you, chemical sunscreens absorb the UV rays and release their energy in harmless ways.
The theory behind earthing — which essentially means walking barefoot — is that the earth is one of the most powerful energy sources; when our bodies make direct contact with the ground, we absorb the earth's beneficial, natural energy in the form of electrons.
One of the major reasons for this is that protein takes the most energy to digest (when consumed, around 30 % of total calories found in protein go to digesting and absorbing it!).
And when you're on a diet, high - protein foods support the fat burning process in many ways — from taking the most energy to be digested and absorbed in the metabolic process, to making you full sooner and for a longer amount of time.
Without getting too far into the weeds, our cells are given an energy boost when they absorb light, specifically red wavelengths at 660 nm and near infrared wavelengths at 850 nm.
You crave energy when you don't sleep, so you go toward quickly absorbed sugars.
A certain amount of the glucose is absorbed by the liver cells and converted to glycogen, which is your body's reserve energy source which is activated when you have low glucose levels.
When greens are consumed with a portion of protein and fats, they can help to absorb carbs more steadily into the bloodstream and assist in using them as a form of energy rather than stored as fat.
When you don't have any energy being created in the body, your digestion slows down, you're not absorbing nutrients, gut health is compromised, your body can't hold on to certain nutrients.
When atoms absorb another form of energy, which can be in the form of heat or another EMF.
So again, when you sum the energy your body burns to stay alive (BMR) and the energy burned through physical activity and digesting and absorbing food, you arrive at your TDEE.
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