Sentences with phrase «when assistive technologies»

Everyone stands to benefit when assistive technologies are used; when used effectively, such programs can level the education playing field for all students.
Management is simplified when the assistive technology includes recordkeeping tools, such as electronic field journals, that allow students to record observations, thoughts, hypotheses, and reflections (Liu & Bera, 2005).

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She continued, «When I explain assistive technology devices to others, I use Stephen Hawking as an example.
Knowing when to disclose to potential employers your disability and need for assistive technologies can be tricky.
When teachers don't use assistive technology, cost is often a factor.
Many teachers are inadequately prepared to determine how and when to consider assistive technology for students with disabilities based on this definition.
Assistive technology should be considered and selected when the IEP team determines that baseline data of the student's performance indicates a need.
Standard on the Civic Sedan and Coupe Touring trims and available on all Sedan trims, Honda Sensing ™ safety and driver - assistive technology can further reduce the potential for a collision and mitigate the consequences, alerting the driver and taking emergency action when a collision is determined to be imminent.
Users of assistive technology will also find several improvements to viewing PDFs or Books with a screen reader, including more explicit narration when opening, loading, and navigating books.
Assistive Technology may convey to users the semantics of the footer element when it applies to the whole page.
Assistive Technology may convey the semantics of the section to users when the element has an explicit label.
Assistive Technology may convey to users the semantics of the header element when it applies to the whole page.
When not saving the world one page at a time, Sue works as a speech therapist in Denver Public Schools, specializing in assistive technology support for low cognitive, severe needs and autism students.
Assistive Technology may convey the semantics of the header to users when the nearest ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root element is the body element.
Assistive Technology may convey the semantics of the footer to users when the nearest ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root element is the body element.
Because assistive technologies that have a reading mode default to that mode for all elements except for those with either a widget or application role, the only circumstance where the document role is useful for changing assistive technology behavior is when the element with role document is a focusable child element of a widget or application.
The restriction against content between section elements exists to reduce the confusion that can arise when content is read by assistive technologies, as it is not always clear what section the continuation of content belongs to.
Coding is already a complex and nuanced art that can be quite difficult, but when his hands failed him due to a repetitive strain injury, developer Rusty Moyher couldn't bring himself to call it quits, and instead used assistive technology to create Dig Dog, quite possibly the first game to ever be coded completely hands - free.
Supported classroom and one on one learning with assistive technology programs, when necessary.
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