Sentences with phrase «when being single»

There comes a time when being single is not as preferred as it used to be and you start questioning the approaches to life that you've been taking.
During 2017, my allowances being set at 2 caused less taxes to be taken from my paycheck than when I was single.
The crunch comes when you are singled out for pain and suffering: when your family is struck with cancer, when your child is hit by a drunk driver, when your spouse has an emotional breakdown, when you are paralyzed from the waist down for life.
Alternatively, if a couple behaves in a way that cuts them off from some of the people in their lives, they are potentially less fruitful than when they were single.
But when you're single, the only goals you really have to concern yourself with are your own.
Most people generally agree that singleness isn't exactly a curse or anything, but when you are single, it can be a little hard to get on board with the whole «singleness is a gift!»
Remember when you were single?
Well when I was single I wasn't searching for women at the nearest church.
Share Facebook 8,502 Twitter 0 When I was single, there was a temptation to think of marriage as a goal.
When I was single, there was a temptation to think of marriage as a goal.
Back when I was single, I imagined that Valentine's Day was the happiest day of the year for couples.
When I was single, I used to get so mad at my brother over Neapolitan ice cream — my dad'd always bring some home, but my brother would finish the chocolate and vanilla parts in no minute, leaving just the strawberry layer behind.
When I was single my favourites were Veggie Chili, and a Four Bean Chili.
In fact, when I was single that's exactly what I did, which is not healthy.
When I was single and dollars were tight I would...
When I was single, I just didn't think about certain situations that I put myself in.
When you're a single mother, time is something you just don't have much of.
Dating is more difficult after a divorce than when you were single the last time.
When I was single, I found it easy to know what food was in my refrigerator and how long it had been there.
Deciding to cohabitate with your boyfriend or girlfriend when you're a single parent is a very big decision.
When I was a single mom and a little more stressed for time, I probably would've had a use for food pouches, basically baby food in a plastic pouch that a child can squeeze right into their mouth.
Sexual power is different at various ages, and when you're single and dating, or in a committed relationship, or when you're married.
those first few days home are hard... especially when you're a single mommy and don't have any help.
When I was single, I used to think poorly about moms who had clearly let themselves go.
When I was a single woman, I always wondered how it would feel like to be a mom myself.
When it is a single stroller, it is easy to fold and gives a fairly compact fold.
When I was single and friends were having babies, I would hop on Amazon and find a quick item, never really thinking about registries, let alone walking in to a store full of baby gear.
The really cool part was when I was single I camped here and hiked all over with my little Chihuahua in my special dog backpack.
Really, when you are a single parent on the front lines prevention, prevention, prevention because by the time you get into the breakdown lane where your child is having a meltdown and your are the only parent on duty and you got another kid to tend to.
Get tips to cope with sleep deprivation, help your baby sleep better, and get the support you need when you're a single parent.
It's funny how I used to hate it when I was single, but now that it's a rare, rare luxury, I crave it.
Every parent has to wear multiple hats, but when you are a single parent you have to take one every job.
When I was single (before kids), my laundry day was my day off from work.
However, when you're a single mom, that's not always the case and even family eventually goes home.
Although my husband likes to travel too, I don't think we have, together, focused all of our intention on going somewher (which is what I used to to do when I was single), and so it just hasn't happened.
The editorial board called Moore's «taste for dating high school girls» when he was single and in his 30s «unseemly.»
This is in response to Ulster County Legislator Chris Allen's letter last week when he reached into the «wayback machine» to attack me for events from 2009 when I was a single father struggling to raise three children.
This was always easier for me when I was single because I never had to share my life with anyone; my feelings dictated the pace of my life.
Recently, a client named Abby reached out to me with a relationship issue I've encountered time and time again as a therapist: «When I am single,...
In my early 20's, when I was single, working full - time and always on the go, I admittedly used frozen dinners regularly to help me manage my budget and time.
(How did I ever, EVER have that much time when I was single?!)
When you're single, your bedtime is all your own.
You know when you're single and every hot guy you see at the grocery store, in spin class, or parked at a stoplight, you think «OMG maybe that's my future husband, I hope he notices....
When BF and I started getting serious about 3 years ago (dating for 4), some of his friends caused a ton of drama because he wasn't able to hang out with them as much as when he was single or before we were living together.
When you're single, it feels like a spotlight is glaring down on you announcing that fact and broadcasting it to the world, and when you're in a relationship there's so much hype around some...
When I was single, my college roommate and I decided it would be fun to get out on Valentine's Day and not feel like we had to stay at home just because we were single.
And I bought it in the 80's, when I was single and could afford decent clothes.
I do love almond flour as well and when it's a single serve kind of recipe just for me or the hubby that's one I love to use.
When you're single, some days are just friggin» hard.
When I was single, I spent the holiday celebrating my friends and family with cute cards and sugary surprises; as part of a pair, I do the same for my husband and look forward to planning our Valentine's date weeks in advance.
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