Sentences with phrase «when blend funds»

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Rather than two days of talking heads, the workshop brought together researchers, funders, school people, and software developers to build research proposals that would help us better understand «what works in blended learning,» for whom, when, and under what circumstances.
Timeline & Funding Timing and funding when implementing a blended learning model are both important, and making these decisions might seem like the first steps to take instead of thFunding Timing and funding when implementing a blended learning model are both important, and making these decisions might seem like the first steps to take instead of thfunding when implementing a blended learning model are both important, and making these decisions might seem like the first steps to take instead of the last.
After the market slumped in 2000 and remained in trouble for the next several years, the system kept up the illusion that it was well funded by using smoothing techniques which blended the recent performance of the fund with prior years when the market was doing well.
Our study showed that even when we narrowed the peer group from all funds, to all equity funds, then to large - cap funds and finally to large blend funds, the relative performance of the index fund didn't change dramatically.
Pursuing the growth potential of overseas marketsEstablished companies: The fund invests in established large and midsize companies mainly in developed markets to benefit from opportunities unfolding outside the United States.A flexible strategy: Pursuing Putnam's blend strategy, the fund can own growth - or value - style stocks to participate when either style leads international markets.Building competitive portfolios: The portfolio manager uses fundamental research as the cornerstone of the investment process.
This overweighting occurs when your portfolio is made up of 50 % in value funds and 50 % in blend funds; the latter contain both growth stocks and value stocks.
The largest percentage of consultants recommend plans with less than $ 1 billion in assets select a packaged active / passive blend fund when choosing target - date strategies.
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