Sentences with phrase «when catechism»

When the catechism lists the godly virtues, it is using the word «virtue» to express a broader idea than it usually expresses today: the idea of any kind of excellence or useful quality.
Coaches scheduling practice times for their soccer teams had better figure out when catechism classes are happening, otherwise they are likely to be playing a scrimmage with one defensive player and a wing, and perhaps no one on the opposing side.
For instance, when the Catechism rejects both socialism and capitalism it leaves open the question of what «reasonable regulation» is.

Not exact matches

The pastor was teacher in residence; sermons were long and scholarly; when the pastor visited a home, he tested the children's knowledge of the church catechism.
Time (March 10, 1975, p. 83) introduces its comment on the case with the striking words of the Westminster catechism — a document written in the amazing Cromwellian age of Protestant orthodoxy when moral absolutes were thought to be not only propositional but «in the nature of things.»
Levering is hardly being fair when he complains that Kinzer is trying to «play off» Lumen Gentium and the Catechism.
(I am not concerned with how YOU use the word) And no... I will not be referring to the «catacism of the catholic church» (or even the catechism... lol) when I post.
He can, with no qualms, assent to any of the catechisms of historical Christianity, but for some reason thinks God is wrong when he teaches love of enemies, therefore rejecting that teaching.
You might check out Luther's Small Catechism on line, it teaches the basics nicely, and I have memorized it, when I was older.
Elsewhere the Catechism highlights the inseparability (though they remain distinct) of the Son and Spirit in the work of salvation by using the same concept: «When the Father sends His Word, He always sends His Breath.»
He recalled the solid achievements which were now to be seen in Ernestine Saxony, the results of the Visitation, of the preaching of a theology of faith and the circulation of the Little Catechism, and the German New Testament: «The young people, both boys and girls, grow up so well instructed in the Catechism and the Scriptures that I am deeply moved when I see that young boys and girls can pray, believe, and speak more of God and Christ than they ever could in the monasteries, foundations, and schools of bygone days, or even of our day.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992) says, «For just reasons, spouses may wish to space the births of their children...» The Compendium of the Catechism of 2005, in answer to the question, «When is it moral to regulate births?»
And the Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms clearly: «The Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created immediately by God - it is not «produced» by the parents - and also that it is immortal: it does not perish when it separates from the body at death, and it will be reunited with the body at the final Resurrection.»
@BIll Deacon It seems that you're sontradicting Catholic Catechism when you say that Hell is not a real place.
It was customary in many churches, when the sermon was ended, for the minister to lead the congregation in a recital of the Catechism or parts of it.
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