Sentences with phrase «when child welfare workers»

Cultural Competency in Child Welfare Practice: A Bridge Worth Building Bridging Refugee Youth and Children's Services (2007) Discusses the cultural and linguistic barriers that can be experienced when child welfare workers interact with foreign - born parents and the unique needs of refugee and immigrant families.

Not exact matches

Of course, better record - keeping by child welfare workers is a good thing, but really that's just painting the house when what's needed is a complete foundation repair.
This failure to recognise extreme child welfare interventions as markers of social inequalities (and which may sometimes compound social inequalities) is not helped when the Secretary of State, Michael Gove, equates social workers «understanding of the impact of social inequalities with robbing «families of a proper sense of responsibility,....
These resources describe the risk factors and special safety precautions child welfare workers may need to take when working with families affected by domestic violence, including State and local examples.
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