Sentences with phrase «when cigar smoking»

Remember that scene in the movie Money Ball when cigar smoking, fairly aged white men made decisions out of smoke around the power table?
Banner in the entrance of Obama 2012 HQ — Remember that scene in the movie Money Ball when cigar smoking, fairly aged white men made decisions out of smoke around the power table?

Not exact matches

Other confessions: I like to smoke when I go fly - fishing, because campfires are better with a good cigar, and mountain air is fresher after a cigarette.
Not too many years later, when I was pastor of a black parish in Brooklyn, I came to know Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, and we formed a fast friendship, first in shared activism against the Vietnam War and later in countless hours of intense theological and philosophical conversation» usually in his smoke - filled office (he with his cigar and I with my pipe) high in the tower of Jewish Theological Seminary up on Morningside Heights.
A colourful, if controversial character, he apparently enjoyed a good a drink and a smoke and first run into trouble with the authorities when he attempted to smuggle Havana cigars into Spain on his return from the Olympics - something that earned him his first stint behind bars.
Gone are the days when men sat in the waiting room smoking a cigar while their wife was in labor.
In an era when union heads usually look to downplay their personal worth, Seabrook flaunted flashy suits and shoes and smoked high - end cigars like some Hollywood parody of a labor boss.
Yet, socially, and on holiday, he was one of those people blessed with a capacity to leave work behind, happiest when playing cards, smoking a cigar (a «log»), reading biographies, discussing The Smiths (yes, he really does like them), or busy in the kitchen.
When the contrails are visible and strong, it is possible to see the white streaks become wavy and then leave rings floating high in the sky, like smoke rings from a giant cigar.
My husband's grandfather passed many years ago, and when he is visiting, I'll suddenly smell and taste cigar smoke.
Sidestream smoke (the more toxic of the two) is when a non-smoker inhales smoke from the lighted end of a person's cigarette or cigar.
i would love to try fantasy kidnapping and dominating a more feminine type of guy.I will be smoking a cigar when I do.
In this follow - up to «Smoke,» it's nonstop laughs when a wacky group of locals visits the neighborhood cigar shop, looking for good times... and finding plenty of hilarious fun!
Surrounded by the Amis teens he'd met a week ago, he laughed inwardly at their grunts and groans when axes split heads like melons — Hollywood probably used canteloupe and honeydew — but Roc had seen blood as thick as Log Cabin syrup, smelled death where the rotting odors forcecd him to smoke a cigar to counter its effect, and tasted the coppery tang of fear.
The baker smoked a cigar he never ashed but let the ash gray and curl and when cold it fell of its own accord.
Also consider that the chance for an accident may not seem particularly concerning while you are on the train in comparison to when you are jaywalking, or smoking the odd cigar, eating red meat, having a glass of red wine.
The rich, earthy smell of cigars assails you when you step off the plane as portly airport officials smoke Cuba's finest.
The return to a Caravaggiesque style invokes long - gone days when Horatii were men, painting was painting, and a good cigar was a smoke.
When I first stepped into RV sales in the 1980s, I was with a bunch of older, fat - cat, cigar - smoking, scotch - drinking good ol' boys who were not open to fresh ideas.
That all said, during the holidays I would rather spend time with each of my siblings rather than all at once so maybe the thing to do would be to have a week of dinners with only one family coming at a time... Or having them over on Saturday nights or Sunday afternoons in December so that we get to spend time with individuals and save the huge family gatherings for summer when kids can play out doors and adults can sit in the shade and sip lemonade (and smoke cigars, of course!).
It may be the first cigarette you've ever had, or that occasional cigar you smoke when you're out with your buddies, and the insurance companies will not care.
In addition to higher levels of nicotine, cigars contain more toxins than cigarettes, making them even deadlier than cigarettes when smoked.
Some insurance companies will look the other way when it comes to occasional cigar smoking.
Fred expected four 60 - year - olds to arrive in a Cadillac, smoking cigars; when four 20 - somethings got out of a Prius, iPads and laptops in hand, I could immediately sense he felt uncomfortable.
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