Sentences with phrase «when climb stairs»

You want your dog to be comfortable when they climb the stairs, and larger dogs need stairs that are a wider width.
I feel weakness during cardio, weakness even when climb stairs.
You might hear popping or crackling sounds in the knees when you climb stairs or stand up and walk after a prolonged period of sitting.
Symptoms are: shortness of breath on exertion - typically when climbing stairs or inclines (and later at rest), hyperventilation and an expanded chest.
Crew members were feeling tired and began to pant when they climbed stairs.
Popping or crackling sounds in your knee when climbing stairs or when standing up after prolonged sitting.
It is the ideal length to avoid tripping on your dress when climbing stairs or getting up from a seated position but can visually shorten someone that is already vertically challenged like myself.
It wasn't just the candied lips (the unabashed color highlighting his mother's natural pout), it was the dress as well — so tight it made her breathless, like his grandmother when she climbed the stairs.
This may present in your senior pet by reluctance to jump up or down from the couch, hesitation when climbing the stairs, stiffness when standing up or lameness after a long walk.
It never occurred to me that our 15 yr old CKCS had anything other than allergies (for the near - constant head scratching / rubbing) and arthritis (because her hind legs fail her at times and she became know, recently, for missing steps when climbing stairs).
They may be very subtle or very obvious signs, for example, hesitation when climbing stairs or before jumping on the couch, lagging behind on a walk or even a personality change when being touched.

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The same is the case when we climb well - known stairs, play a well - known melody on the piano and so on.
I whooped when someone with grey hair under their black cap and tassel climbed the stairs for their diploma, I high - fived several grandmothers on their way up the aisle.
She also had a great time playing ball with her 96 year old great grandmother and was up to non-stop mischiefs around the house - climbing on the chairs and the stairs (I had a little heart - attack - moment when I found her half way up the stairs to the 1st level looking for her grandmother).
It is also important to note that the raised blood pressure reported in this study was minimal — similar to what is experienced when climbing a flight of stairs — and, the researchers themselves say the results of the study are «not alarming.»
There were times when I needed help dressing myself or climbing the stairs and days when I was just unable to pick up my daughter or fasten her babygros.
Climbing stairs, hiking, and navigating crowded airports all can be done with ease when you use a well - designed baby carrier!
My littler two were both stair climbers and I looked for gate options when the bigger one was trying to climb, and we have a lot of the same issues as you have with the architecture.
Find out when babies are developmentally ready to start climbing stairs and how to keep them safe as they develop this new skill.
When families don't have accessible stairs, there are many other ways that we can practice strengthening the same muscles and coordination patterns required for stair climbing.
When I sense the time is right, I slowly climb those stairs....
she climb the stair as if she was born to do that and when she reach the top so fat she know what she done and is so please with her self that a the top she crawls from one side of the room to the other in exitment and laughs.
The lack of walls on your stairs could be enhancing your home's interior design but it increases the risk of your child falling, a hundredfold especially when they reach that age where they can easily climb the banisters.
Your growing belly may lead to hints of back and pelvic pain, or you may now be huffing and puffing when climbing a simple set of stairs.
At this stage you can start to help them to climb the stairs but make sure you stay behind them at first in case they fall; as they become more confident and are able to climb completely independently you can leave them to climb the stairs on their own but you should only do this when they are completely comfortable.
I started making him hold onto the handrail and climb stairs independently rather than giving in to his whining when he wanted to be carried up and down the stairs.
Some parents find that models with a bassinet and / or changing table are an invaluable convenience when you're not in the nursery, especially if you have a two - level home and mom shouldn't be climbing up and down stairs all day right after having a baby.
While Paterson was living there, his 5 - year - old nephew revealed that he could feel an invisible hand guiding him when he climbed the mansion's stairs, leading Paterson to believe the spirit is benevolent.
(A graduate student could probably still get a doctorate from CMU for designing a robot to do something as simple as climbing stairs without tripping or stacking plates and cutlery in a dishwasher, an assignment that might be evaluated by how few crystal goblets were broken when loading the machine.)
«We learned what patterns look like when Zac wants to bend his knee or climb the stairs,» explains lead scientist Levi Hargrove.
Patients who activated more of their quadriceps or «quad» muscles earlier in their therapy showed better rehabilitation progress when it came to their abilities to climb stairs, a telltale sign of recovery after knee replacement.
«There's a lot you can do with physical sensors but at some point you really need to know the user's intent — when they want to change from running, to walking, to stair climbing,» says Goldfarb.
When he was released after nearly two weeks of hospitalization and rehabilitation, he was able to walk and climb stairs unassisted and said his first words.
You engage your calves almost all day when you walk, climb stairs or run.
Climbing Jump Squats (1:00) Jump squat up the stairs - when you get to the top run down and do it again til your time is up!
If its because of the metabolism slowing, how about if I do some exercise when I feel cold, like climb stairs, sit ups, etc?
When you're tired of running, this is a great alternative because climbing stairs is also very easy on your joints.
Everything was going fine but all a sudden I started getting discomfort in my knee; pain with crepitus — creaking noises when climbing up and down stairs.
We never rode an elevator when we could climb the stairs.
After all, when you are squatting, climbing stairs, running, or plopping down on the couch, your thighs don't just move forward and backward.
After too much activity — the amount varies and is quite unpredictable and is very little when compared to a «normal» person, it can be too much walking, climbing stairs, or scrubbing the bathroom floor on my hands and knees — my legs become extremely weak and I'm unable to walk for up to a month at a time.
You will burn more calories per mile when you are climbing hills or stairs.
When you run, walk, climb stairs, or play any sport you are likely standing on 1 leg many times.
When you run, play sports, climb stairs, and go through your daily activities, there are many times that you are only balanced on one leg.
When Anna Pesce was visiting her children in Wagener, SC, in November 2014, the then -85-year-old Orangeburg, NY, native almost collapsed trying to climb a set of stairs.
When checking the climate online you might underestimate the heat, but due to the volcano and with a lot of stairs to climb you really want to wear as little as possible!
At the top of the stair climb, one of our judges took the Xterra through some alternating moguls at a crawl and was startled when the side - curtain air bags blew, taking with them the Xterra's chances of continuing in this shootout.
When I had been a boy at Buckkeep, his secret summons would come at night, bidding me climb the concealed stair to his lair in the tower above my room.
As part of this process, try to anticipate the time when you probably won't be able physically to do as much as you can now, from activities as simple as climbing stairs to shoveling the walk and doing home maintenance.
Every year, when looked at over a long period of time, is like climbing stairs.
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