Sentences with phrase «when dealing»

yet Rev. Moon told everyone that the Word of God was where everything began and ended when dealing with anything in the Providence.
The sad one is what Rev. Moon apparently chose; the one at Matthew 24:48 about «that evil servant»; but Rev. Moon could have made it all to the crown of life: except for the fact he and all the members in the Unification Church tried to deny what I was told by my Angel when I was given the Word of God; yet Rev. Moon told everyone that the Word of God was where everything began and ended when dealing with anything in the Providence.
When dealing in counseling and therapy with problems of immature or distorted conscience — e.g., neurotic guilt or lack of appropriate guilt — these insights, as they have been refined and developed subsequently by other psychoanalytic thin - kers, are invaluable working concepts.
In our congregation, the pastor is percieves as libertine when dealing with individuals.
It is a known ideology that one must beware when dealing with the KKK.
Profanity is actually very appropriate when dealing with those without honor.
Bobouc explained that Muslims needed to be proactive, not reactive when dealing with terrorism.
They typically only like to argue already complex atomic structures when dealing with abiogenesis.
His people will certainly take what he says into account, obey his orders, be loyal to him and sincere in whatever they say and do when dealing with him, consider him a blessing that God has bestowed upon them... and strive hard to give him full support in undertaking his duty.
Knowing the very real difficulties that so many people experience simply trying to survive in the modern world and knowing also how easily weak faith can be crushed, we should strive to be flexible and kind when dealing with parents.
We must give careful thought to particular historical accommodations on God's part when dealing with a fallen humanity.
Two points of concern frequently cited are the Pope's praise of Walter Cardinal Kasper, who has proposed that divorced and remarried Catholics be allowed to receive Communion, after a period of penance and conscientious reflection, and the Pope's criticism of legalism when dealing with Catholics in troubled situations.
Building bridges and showing grace and love is needed, lacking, and essential when dealing with people with different views and values.
Even when dealing with faith, wouldn't the simplest, most reasonable solution be true?
Gerrie, although we may include these «fences» with respect to the apostle's mention of the law, I am not convinced that was his main emphasis despite your argument that seems based primarily on the culture of his day, which I do not deny in importaince ofingrecognize when dealing with the texts.
Some people find it helpful to personify evil as «demons» or «the devil» when dealing with personal battles.
You are doing the exact opposite of what they would suggest, when dealing with a person who has been forcible coerced into believing something dangerous.
It should be that they either represent all religions (and lack thereof) OR represent none when dealing with political issues - it seems so one sided to me.
One of the standard criticisms of virtue ethics is that it is weak when dealing with issues in applied ethics, in contrast to deontology or utilitarianism, and this because virtue theorists focus on good or bad agents rather than right or wrong acts.
When dealing with life's circumstances, trust God (Luke 6:20 - 26).
It is my opinion that one should be leery of using «the plain sense» rule when dealing with documents that were originally written in a different language, culture and time.
I warned you... We have a rule around here when dealing with children... you wake'm, you take'm and by the way, he's refused his meds...
As you know David, I enjoy the use of that vernacular sometimes when dealing with rabid fundamentalists.
Although there are various articles and books showing what I have called systematic theological concerns, philosophical criteria are used, usually exclusively, when dealing with questions of meaning and truth, criteria which are respectable in the academy.3 Process Christology, for example, usually follows Schleiermacher, and tends as a result to be embarrassed by strong exclusivist claims.
We believe that it is important for counselors to provide structure and consistency when dealing with their young clients.
I am convinced that these principles, faithfully maintained, above all when dealing with human life, from conception to natural death, with marriage - rooted in the exclusive and indissoluble gift of self between one man and one woman - and freedom of religion and education, are necessary conditions if we are to respond adequately to the decisive and urgent challenges that history presents to each one of you,»
And blizzardo — I appreciate your altruistic dispositions, but when dealing with people like Glenn Beck, «Fair» is little more than a four letter word starting with «F.»
When dealing with the mass of Trump supporters, we should start with kindness and a willingness to listen.
Cynicism is a wise and prudent course to take when dealing with other human beings like you.
The idea of the non-overlapping magisteria of science and religion, proposed (separately) by Stephen Jay Gould and Langdon Gilkey, is peaceable, attractive, and well - intentioned, but when dealing with different aspects of causality, science and religion also need to interact.
So it is also with the physician of souls when dealing with despair.
This is not to say that we can not come to impassioned, principled positions about how to vote, particularly when dealing with issues as important as sexual assault, bigotry, racism, responsible foreign policy, religious liberty, and the dignity of human life at every stage in its development.
People use their personal morals in interaction with other individuals, and societal morals when dealing with the public at large.
It served me VERY well during my military related deployments over the years, as a nice and comfortable stepping stone when dealing with a local populace in a foreign land.
Especially when dealing with the Samaritans — a despised people - group?
When dealing with the inerrancy of Scripture, it is important to recognize that there are typically only 24 problems that people point to, and of these, only 12 are fairly serious.
It is medically untrue and when dealing with medical matters, we use medical definitions, not the definitions of some and only some sects of a certain religion.
When pragmatic Christians accept this they will become less smug when dealing with Judaism and Islam.
I think everything is handled reverently, but are there any areas when dealing with the supernatural or religious themes that you just don't want to venture in this medium?
Even when dealing with the Big Question, the way still directs us to live here and now according to the universal Good News message, which is:
Philosophy is great when dealing with abstract, human concepts (beacuse it's process is based around the human as the standard) but without some way to test philosophical treaties, you are just doing thought experiments which may or may not have any bearing on events in the «real» world.
When dealing with prophecy and healing, I prefer to wait for the fruit of what comes out of the act.
I find it ironic that the most radical change of my mind over the years has been a keener grasp of its own inadequacy when dealing with ultimacy.
Hi Catherine, I totally understand how painful and frustrating and infuriating it is when dealing with something as terrible as the sexual assault of a child, especially by those whom Christ has specifically pointed out in His word are to take such good care of those precious little ones.
One of the reasons science has worked so well when other systems have failed is that it doesn't rely on intuition / common sense, because they are so often wrong when dealing with the realities of the universe.
Bono's strategy when dealing with skeptics is to try to make «the light brighter.»
Why do so many Christian HYPOCRITES CHOOSE negative verses when dealing with gays rather than CHOOSE the MUCH MORE IMPORTANT Golden Rule?
First and foremost, it is the policy of this forum to respect other participants and you are obviously not abiding by that so I urge you to exercise patience when dealing with the «terrorist» and the «ignorant» for you are the better person and not use foul language.
When dealing with a community of hearers, however, rather than counseling in one - on - one dialogue, the task of pastoral care becomes infinitely more volatile and hazardous.
More than three centuries ago, when dealing with death was more a part of everyday life, John Donne asked: «What is so intricate, so entangling as death?
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