Sentences with phrase «when education expenditures»

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Among primary care physicians, the spending patterns in the regions in which their residency program was located were associated with expenditures for subsequent care they provided as practicing physicians, with those trained in lower - spending regions continuing to practice in a less costly manner, even when they moved to higher - spending regions, and vice versa, according to a study in the December 10 issue of JAMA, a theme issue on medical education.
But such constitutional proprieties were set aside when Judge DeGrasse — with no previous education expertise and no relevant staff support and without considering the impact on other areas of expenditure — intervened to establish the level of education appropriations for New York City.
Among the book's more «robust» conclusions, to use the economists» term, is that the high Swedish expenditure on adult education (which is very well developed in Sweden, as a resource for unemployed workers and as a way of upgrading or changing one's credentials) is not warranted by its returns: But how could it be, when, we learn, «individuals received student pay [all students are paid in Sweden — part of the commitment to equality] at the level of unemployment benefits, which in Sweden replace up to 80 percent of forgone earnings.»
The finding holds, even when one adjusts for changes in the ethnic composition, free - lunch eligibility, class size, and education expenditures for each state (see Figure 3).
Back in 1975 when the special education law was passed, Congress set a path for the federal government to contribute 40 percent of the state average annual per - pupil expenditure.
Although Gaetz's bill does not include fiscal expenditures, as noted in the main text (§ IV, supra), in reviewing the start time / academic achievement studies undertaken by fellow economists, Columbia University Assistant Professor of Finance and Economics Jonah Rockoff and the Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Education Policy, Professor of Economics, and Professor of Education at the University of Michigan, Brian Jacob, concluded that delaying middle and high school start times «from roughly 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. -LSB-,]» will increase academic achievement by 0.175 standard deviations on average, with effects for disadvantaged students roughly twice as large as advantaged students, at little or no cost to schools; i.e., a 9 to 1 benefits to costs ratio when utilizing single - tier busing, the most expensive transportation method available.
A simpler and easier explanation is that disconnecting prioritizing school expenditures at a local level from local revenue generation when Prop 13 became a statewide property tax is the main reason for the decline in CA public education spending.
The relationship between resilience in the face of extreme weather events and increases in female education expenditure holds when socioeconomic development continues but the climate does not change, and socioeconomic development continues with weather paths driven by «wet» and «dry» Global Climate Models.
According to the Law Society's review, the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) was underpinned by the need for «significant cuts to legal aid spend», at a time when the government ring - fenced certain politically sensitive expenditure (health and education) but not justice.
20s and 30s is the time when people amass debts since this is the age when loans of all kinds are required — education loans, home loans, car loans, credit card expenditure, etc..
When budgeting one should consider the highest expenditure possible in pursuit of education in a particular field.
b) Date when the planned expenditure or liability matures, for example, child's education or marriage.
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