Sentences with phrase «when faced»

Funny how we instinctually suspect the motives of aliens more powerful than us in fiction, but when faced with a god who fits this bill we are supposed to just trust that he has our best interests in mind.
When faced with death even mighty rulers would readily swap «their kingdom for a horse».
It's always amazed me how silent the women of the world become when faced with the reality of Islam and its regard for them as property.
When faced with an unhappy sexual culture among the young, baby boomer liberals almost always urge greater openness about sex and a more affirming attitude.
I am not an agnostic because I don't think it's very honest when faced with the lack of evidence for God to say «Well both sides of the debate are at a stand still!
Pulling back to a deserted place to rethink strategy when faced with failure and the threat of death is logical and intelligent.
By the way, that was me pretending to be you Red Dwarf because I have no valid argument and can only act like a 3rd grade child when faced with actual logic and reason.
When faced with what form to take, Satan chose to take the form of a serpent.
You would have said so, even when faced with death.
I like this... a nice one - act of what most minds go through when faced with the inconsistencies and contradictions present in the strictures of most relgions.
People would socialize and bond less and less on the kinds of values that form rigid barriers to others» values and more on who THEY are — and when faced with billions of individual people, the reasons for fighting wars become less defined.
Fortunately, most human beings tend toward the common good when faced with ethical and moral decisions.
When faced with a tenet that is no longer defesible even to those who are willing to suspend their disbelief, Shamans will generally change their tunes and cite problems with their predecessor's interpretation of Holy writings.
This would be a great encouragement to them when they faced trials and tribulations later in life.
If we believe in the wisdom of God as one wisdom shared with us both in creation and revelation, then the call to the common search for truth is a brilliant solution to the problem of tolerance and dialogue when faced with the claims of revealed religion.
Yes, and one of the reasons it has is because its most committed believers, while refusing to conform to the world's ways, have just as strongly refused to run away from evangelizing it» and this, even when faced with persecution or death, and when the odds seemed overwhelmingly against them.
Equally, conginitive dissonance can result in those opposed to the church even to the potint of not perceiving any good in it when faced with obvious good that happens in churches or para church organisations for example city missions throughtout the world feeding and being a freind to the homeless at Christmas.
I got my point across & I was a youth even when I faced him.
Their mature and down to earth faith came to recognise God's divine providence, to trust in his love and care in daily life and even when faced with suffering and death.
the athiest runs when faced with the truth, where the explanation for the big bang theory?
And yet, he responded with an ultimate openness and trust, even when he faced the seemingly contradictory outcome that God's freedom required Jesus» death.
When faced with absolute evil, there is probably little one can do except either to defy and resist absolutely, or to die quietly.
When faced with the question of why does death occur like this (or at all for that matter), a typical theology responds by declaring that the origin of death is sin.
When faced with the FACTS of science, they do one of two things: turn off or turn ugly.
Of course I understand that when faced with the truth and reality, you do what I expect most Christians to do... run away.
After forty years of persecutions, the Church was in a markedly weak state when it faced the mountain of new tasks in the new society, and it was not able to establish its priorities and take advantage of its new possibilities.
When faced, for example, with the decision of whether or not to let a seriously ill or irreversible patient succumb voluntarily in terminal situations, we might avoid making the decision now, arguing for the possibility — maybe next week — that a new cure for the patient's condition will be discovered.
Mr Newcome said the motion was «definitely not an attempt to tell women what they should do when faced with a desperately difficult personal decision».
He has not shown how dipolarity is consistent with the unity of God when faced with the problem of radical particularity.
When faced with a decision, they tend to think to themselves, «Is this right or wrong?»
According to him, societies go lawless when faced with extreme forms of poverty and economic disparity.
When faced with the depths of our own depravity, some die and some kill.
When faced with supporting a black democrat as President (oh no!)
Yet, when faced with the overwhelmingly organized laws of the universe; the incredibly organized DNA structure (that seems to mimic computer programming at the human level); many continue to steadfastly denounce the idea of creationism.
When faced by demands that they «cash» their claims about God as active, theologians too easily fall into vagaries and generalities.
The question is, what are you going to do when faced with a need — or opportunity — to make a change?
Instead, when faced with these difficult people - problems, flip the narrative and see this as a great opportunity to learn how to respond and solve the problem.
The second is that we can be paralyzed by pessimism when faced with defeat after defeat and apparently overwhelming odds.
When faced with a choice, I'm not always sure what yes looks like.
As we have seen, he does not demonstrate even to believers, and even less so when faced by unbelief.
When he faced death by crucifixion, he spent the night in prayer and told his disciples, «My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.»
Rather than have recourse to an unproductive apologetics when faced with contemporary atheism, we ought to concern ourselves with weeding out from Christianity what is not authentic, should even be grateful to Marx's critique of religion for the purifying function which it performs in this way.
I expect he would be somewhat at a loss — as are we all — when faced by postmodernist interlocutors quite unembarrassed by being caught in self - contradiction.
When faced with two disagreeable candidates, 60 percent of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) board members polled last month said that Christians should vote for the candidate they dislike the least, while 28 percent said to vote for a third - party candidate and 12 percent said to not vote for that particular office.
The intuitional evidence for belief in Allah, the belief based upon the recognition of Allah by our inner consciousness, is brought to our attention in the Qur» an by pointing out the important psychological fact that there is an instinctive feeling of faith in Almighty Allah, the Creator of the universe, which comes to men when they are free from inclinations, or the distractions of dull routines, or when surprised by the question of the origin of the universe, or when faced with hardships or misfortunes which they can not overcome by themselves.
The Capitalist from Nantucket When faced with true facts he said phuck it I'll take comfort in fibs About women from ribs And if I see logic I'll duck it
But my experience has convinced me that these are indeed the appropriate words to use when faced with the imperative to end pointless human pain.
Sing of the King who mixed with life's rejects, cared for them, talked with them, welcomed them in; hope for the hopeless and love for the loveless, moved with compassion when faced with our sin.
A true Chrisitan when faced with trouble; life issues or stresses, turns to God.
We may heave a sigh of relief that prisoners will be protected from Cardinal Dulles, a man notorious for inciting terrorism.Also being tossed are books by televangelist Robert Schuller, perhaps because prisoners get violently angry when faced with their inability to change their circumstance through the power of positive thinking.
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