Sentences with phrase «when hidden behind»

When hidden behind their shields, their defense is really high, so it's strategical to wait until they peek out to take a look at the party and attack them then, because their defense lowers significantly.
Certain people and situations bring it out more than others, but even when hidden behind a smile its presence can be felt.
It is the kind of comedy role that probably slides under the radar, when hidden behind so many good turns from the other actors.
For in America today, the usual secularist reaction in dealing with any message brought to society by a particular community is automatically to assume that the message is from a «special interest group,» one whose motives are those of self - interest, even when hidden behind a rhetoric of altruism.
Unfortunately, people are quick to complain when hidden behind a computer screen, but hold back on compliments.
When you hide behind a phony made up name simply so you can attack it is not only disrespectful... it is what defines a troll.
Many singles have forgotten how to flirt, maybe because we're are working too hard, or because we create a new personality when hiding behind dating app screens.»
When hiding behind a screen, it's much easier to lie about yourself.
Regenerative health is present and the kits just instantly wipe the debris and red filter from your line of sight... Which eliminates the need for medical kits, when hiding behind cover does the exact same thing.
It is so easy to take a shot at someone else when hiding behind a false name like you did.

Not exact matches

Internet trolls love to mess with people (or chatbots), and they don't seem to care when they cross a line — by hiding their identity behind a screen name, they count on never having to experience serious retribution.
This is an excuse salespeople hide behind when they either don't know their competitors, or they're worse than their competitors and don't want to say so.
As a young entrepreneur myself, I have experienced too many times when female colleagues failed to dish it to me straight when I consulted them about my business ideas or when they kept blunt feedback hidden behind a smile.
In business, when you're going into very serious transactions with someone, financial transactions, it's important not to play a game or hide behind behind some made up identity.
However, in «Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right,» it was revealed that Charles Koch's plans to reshape American politics date back 40 years, when he began strategizing and developing a libertarian movement.
According to the game's debut trailer, there appears to be a hidden story behind the basics of the game — we expect to learn much more about that when the game arrives later this year, the debut from a Paris studio named Sloclap.
When it comes to beauty, seek balance by finding ways to accentuate what you love about yourself without hiding behind a costume, and remember that the greatest beauty comes from within.
Because of the industry's early ways of marketing, people thought cell phones were free, when in essence the manufacturers hid behind the carriers, making wireless providers charge more in monthly fees so that their $ 700 phones would seem cheap.
It's very hard to build a business when you're hiding behind a computer screen.
When Dominique Mandonnaud opened his first perfumery in 1969, perfume and cosmetics were hidden behind counters, jealously guarded by intimidating sales reps.. The message was clear.
The idea that God pursues us when we are hiding behind our guilt and our shame is the picture of relationship.
Demuth - You are a coward while you take liberties with Christians you seem to hide behind a skirt when it comes to others.
The time has come for politicians to stop hiding behind unjust laws that they themselves helped to enact, and to abandon that convenient shield of demanding a vote on the rights of full citizenship because they do not understand the difference between a constitutional democracy, which this nation has, and a «mobocracy,» which this nation rejected when it adopted its constitution.
I find it so hilarious that anarchists are the first to hide behind the 2nd Amendment when their right to brandish their holy idol guns are threatened.
I guess when you have nothing substantial, you need to hide behind nonstandard vernacular and convoluted reasoning based in flat assertions.
sorry to have used the term «common»... you're so right, there is nothing common about pedophiles especially when they use their delusions to cover it up and hide it behind a church
Stop pretending to know everything when obviously you don't have a damn clue... you're an arrogant bigot hiding behind religion to give you a free pass for being one.
He kept her hidden behind veils and relocated when he thought she had been identified.
When are you stupid Americans going to stop hiding behind your outdated 1st amendment of free speech and join the rest of the civilized world and ban such hate speech.
I do all sorts of things with my opinions — shout them at televangelists and news anchors on TV, collect them from my favorite writers and speakers and pundits, hide behind them when I'm afraid of a new idea or perspective, stick them on Facebook and Twitter through little sound bites and thumbs - up applications.
Professional theologians today hesitate to share their experience, fearing lest the pure objectivity and the transcendent reference point of their God thoughts be thereby obscured; but this is a great pity, for when they define their role merely in ecclesiastical or academic terms, thus in effect hiding behind their official identity, it renders their theology at best enigmatic and at worst downright boring.
The claim that in Jesus we were encountering God Incarnate was evaded: Jesus was invisible, hidden behind stories that told us more about the early Christian communities when the gospels were written than about Jesus himself as the source of those stories.
When normal life events like teen - parent alienation, marital stress, mid-life crises, and decisions about elderly parents are hidden behind superficial relationships in a congregation, conversations that will encourage families to minister to one another are not likely to happen.
More and more I'm convinced that this whole god nonsense is a shield and sword for people to hide behind when they want to hurt others or avoid the scary possibility that we might be stuck here together on our own without some invisible daddy to resolve our problems.
Some may hide behind a refusal to gossip as an excuse for not speaking up when detrimental or damaging information comes across our paths.
And except on this forum, when people can hide behind fake names, I never get insulted.
Well put, but when the GOP plan is to destroy more lives through gutting Medicare, education and any hope for the future, they have to hide behind something — so «religion» it is!
Many people who have positions of leadership in their community / school / church push the LGBT agenda hide behind the word «bully» when they are confronted with disagreement.
With the number of posts being deleted it would be a shame to just let the ignorant sycophants win, even when it is a childish game of «Hide» where reasonable people post their comments then cover their eyes and count to 100 while the Christards run around behind different names and make spurious claims, and when they can't back up their claims they resort to just hiding the comments they are unable to refute.
I would argue, however, that even when we do good things, there are always hidden agendas and secret ambitions of the heart which lie behind the good things that we do.
When a scientist is interested in a certain phenomenon he tries to imagine what interaction lies behind it, what is the hidden «mechanism».
When it comes to my relationship with God and with other Christians, I'm as quick as anyone else to try and protect myself from honest dialog by hiding behind flowery, unhelpful language (or, my favorite defense mechanism: to intellectualize everything so that it can't hurt me).
Each of us feels the need to hide at times, behind a mask of self - sufficiency or self - justification, particularly when conflict threatens or self - esteem is weak.
Westboro Baptist is not a real church, they are hiding behind the appearance of an organized church, but there are no members besides Fred Phelps family, they do not have a place of worship, their sole purpose is to protest at funerals, of gay people and members of the military, which is not protected by the first amendment, it is harassment of people on the worst day of their lives, when they have to bury a loved one.
Last, whether you agree with abortion or not, your not paying the money to care for these unwanted children, you are no where when their being abused and beaten and go hungry, nope you sit behind a computer screen and judge people kinda like priest do when they are molesting some kid and hiding it.
When the first contingent arrived at Letchworth Garden City in Hertfordshire, they seemed dazed for they had been «hiding for a fortnight or more behind hedges and in woods»; «one old woman had been driven out of her bed by the German soldiers, and actually arrived in London in her night clothes.»
Why is it that Christians always try to hide behind the «hatred» mantre when forced to confront severe logical inconsistencies in their childish faith?
I am saddened to see so many hateful comments, but I am not surprised because people are very inconsiderate when they believe they can hide behind a veil of anonimity.
You hide behind religion when it is convenient so that you don't have to follow secular law (i.e. not subject to workplace regulations because your hospital is staffed with religious people).
As they watch Malvolio, the clowns perform a slapstick ballet, popping out regularly from behind the long black tapestries that stand in for scenery, cracking jokes, bickering, threatening, and bundling each other into hiding when they get hotheaded enough to become conspicuous.
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