Sentences with phrase «when human safety»

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When they do, they come with a whirlwind of logistical, safety, and human resource challenges for businesses both small and large.
The vehicle was in autonomous mode with a human safety driver at the wheel when it hit the woman, police said.
Examples are 9/11 hijackings, The holding back of stem cell research that could save countless human lives, Aids being spread due to religious opposition to the use of condoms, Christians legally fighting this year to teach over 1 million young girls in America that they must always be obedient to men, the eroding of child protection laws in America by Christians, for so called faith based healing alternatives that place children's health and safety at risk, burning of witches, the crusades, The Nazi belief that the Aryans were god's chosen to rule the world, etc... But who cares about evidence in the real world when we have our imaginations and delusions about gods with no evidence of them existing.
I've discovered, and this movie articulates it so well, that when there is an atmosphere of safety and trust, that the miracle of human transformation and healing can happen.
Under the FDA's Food Safety Modernization Act, the agency does have the authority to order the recall of certain food products when the FDA determines that there is a reasonable probability that the article of food is adulterated or in violation of certain allergen labeling requirements and that the use of or exposure to such article will cause serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals.
There are logistical issues that arise when one adult is managing the safety of two little humans alone, which is why having a few outdoor activities that you can easily manage alone with twins is helpful.
«So, it's extremely important when things are bordering on safety, we don't joke about human lives.
«Health Department officials confirm that the species of mosquito found to be infected with EEE generally feeds on birds, but prudence dictates we take every precaution to protect the public's health and safety when dealing with the potentially serious threat this disease poses to livestock and humans,» Picente said.
The researchers found that blackbuck preferred to stay in the safety of the sanctuary when food was abundant to avoid the risks associated with humans and livestock.
Demonstrating the health benefits in these substances and determining the safety of the substances when consumed can be difficult because a lot of data from human clinical trials are required.
Both D4 and D5 are «safe for human health and the environment when used as intended,» Karluss Thomas, senior director of the American Chemistry Council's Silicones Environmental, Health and Safety Center, said in an emailed response.
1) Facilitate safe off - label use of existing vaccines — Support collaboration between the zoological community and conservationists in the field to determine the safety as well as efficacy of existing distemper vaccines that could be, at a minimum, administered opportunistically to endangered wild carnivores whenever they are being handled (e.g. during radio - collaring exercises or when being translocated to mitigate human - wildlife conflict).
Vaccine safety for all, including independent testing and research of vaccines and the ingredients they contain, as well as the synchronicity effect of using multiple toxic chemicals together when injected into the human body.
If Boarding Gate convincingly documented a 21st century where human beings can be bought, sold, and shipped from New York to Paris to Hong Kong like shares on the NASDAQ, Summer Hours is the sobering requiem for the safety of objects, for the shape and weight of everything we leave behind when we give in to perpetual flux.
Our personnel understand how and when security cameras, metal detectors, access control and visitor management systems are appropriate but they also understand how student supervision, human connectivity, communications and decision making can be improved to enhance school safety, culture and climate.
This technology offers fuel savings to the customer when two or more Freightliner trucks closely follow each other, lowering aerodynamic drag and adding safety, because V2V reaction times have dropped to about 0.2 or 0.3 seconds; humans response time is usually not faster than one second.
Moreover, the CLS sees safety measures borrowed from the S - Class, specifically, a PRE-SAFE sound feature preparing the human ears for any anticipated accident noise when a high risk of collision is detected.
«A margin of safety is achieved when securities are purchased at prices sufficiently below underlying value to allow for human error, bad luck, or extreme volatility in a complex, unpredictable and rapidly changing world.»
In discussing the concept of margin of safety he says: «A margin of safety is achieved when securities are purchased at prices sufficiently below underlying value to allow for human error, bad luck, or extreme volatility in a complex, unpredictable, and rapidly changing world.»
While many car ads talk about the safety of the human passengers (much like Bruce Willis did for Honda during the Super Bowl on Sunday), I can't recall a time when I've heard pets mentioned.
Canine influenza viruses (CIV) have never been proven to be transmissible to humans, but it's always best to err on the side of safety and take precautions to disinfect when caring for a sick pup, especially if there are other dogs in the house.
The report said animal welfare experts told BLM officials during the investigation that electrical prods should be used only as a last resort when human or animal safety is in jeopardy.
An animal potentially dangerous to humans means any of the following: Any animal which, when unprovoked and off the property of the owner or keeper, engages in behavior that threatens the safety of a human being so that the human has to take defensive action to protect himself / herself or that person is injured.
The FDA is considerably more demanding about safety studies when it comes to approving human medications than it is on pet medications.
But when our dogs become aggressive about keeping hold of their bones or toys or bed, the first thing we must do is not to see the issue as one of our dog engaging in «point scoring» with ulterior motives of longer term control of his human pack, but rather as one of safety for ourselves.
Although morning walks are ideal, busy human schedules don't always make it possible for pet parents to walk their furry family members in the A.M.s.. That's when after - work, evening walks become necessary, which often means walking your dog in the dark.Here are some things you can do so you're not in the dark when it comes to nighttime safety.
Please be sure to keep your dog close to your side when entering the building, as this environment can be stressful / exciting for a pet and safety for all animals and humans is our priority.
Human safety is greatly compromised when a cat is not restrained in a moving automobile.
Human - food production standards differ from pet - food plant standards when it comes to cleanliness, record - keeping, the maintenance of HACCP plans and other food - safety measures.
The symbolic focus will shift from conceptual and the safety of art history to the concrete and current when the «object» supporting the statement is no longer a statue but a living and breathing human being.
Considering the impact of climate change on watersheds when planning new dams or revise existing dams is most important for human safety and economic reasons.
And while it might seem daunting or feel too late (after all, 62,000 chemicals were grandfathered in with no safety testing when the Toxics Safety Control Act was passed in 1976), there are strong past successes from which to draw inspiration, like the banning of lead in wall paint and gasoline, after which average human blood lead levels dropped impressively, or the Canadian trend to ban aesthetic pesticidsafety testing when the Toxics Safety Control Act was passed in 1976), there are strong past successes from which to draw inspiration, like the banning of lead in wall paint and gasoline, after which average human blood lead levels dropped impressively, or the Canadian trend to ban aesthetic pesticidSafety Control Act was passed in 1976), there are strong past successes from which to draw inspiration, like the banning of lead in wall paint and gasoline, after which average human blood lead levels dropped impressively, or the Canadian trend to ban aesthetic pesticide use.
This landmark decision upheld a ruling of the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal that the employer did not unlawfully discriminate when a worker's employment was terminated for breach of a safety rule that prohibited a worker from being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at work.
When constructing his test for who is an «employee», which is built on criteria such as dependency and control, Davidov stressed that his focus was on «the appropriate scope of employment standards and collective bargaining laws», rather than human rights and health and safety regulations which are quite different.
As an employer in Ontario, when handling the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace, Ontario's Human Rights Code (the «Code») and in the near future, the Occupational Health and Safety Act (the «Act»), are two major legislation that must be complied with when dealing with sexual harassment issues.
Mr. Malitz has extensive experience in representing his trucking and retail clients in major accident litigation in which, when appropriate, he has worked closely with nationally renowned experts in fields such as accident investigation, accident reconstruction, human factors, safety, warnings and biomechanical engineering.
Our lawyers provide ongoing advice and direction to our clients on topical workplace issues such as the use of social media in the workplace, human rights issues and the disabled employee, and considerations when involved in an occupational health and safety investigation.
Also, Auld LJ pointed out that the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights «indicated a plain acceptance in principle that interference with family life in this context», to preserve the interests of safety and welfare of children when parents were suspected of abusing them, «may be regarded, as being in pursuance of a legitimate aim, proportionate and necessary in a democratic society», as per Art 8 (2) of the Convention.
A disengagement refers to an incident when an on board human safety driver must seize control of the vehicle from the autonomous system.
The Uber vehicle having a human safety driver was in autonomous mode when it struck the woman the Tempe police said in a statement, adding that no passengers were in the vehicle at that time.
The Uber vehicle was in autonomous mode with a human safety driver at the wheel when it struck the woman, who was crossing the street outside of a crosswalk, the Tempe police said in a statement.
The safety driver wasn't looking, so you can't avoid asking if humans would have been able to see the pedestrian, this is a big change from previous when companies were trying to prove the tech is better than human drivers, and that's not good for public confidence.
Children in Child Welfare: Comprehensive Functional Family Assessment (PDF - 147 KB) Iowa Department of Human Services, Child and Family Services Division (2008) Provides a checklist for practitioners when assessing a child's well - being, parental capabilities, family safety, family interaction, and the home environment.
On the other hand, when we engage them in solving problems themselves, we create a sense of safety, belonging, and mattering — which Comaford says are the three things humans crave most (after basic needs like food and shelter are met).
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