Sentences with phrase «when humans bond»

Knock - on chemical and behavioural effects occur when humans bond: eye contact leads to release of the «love hormone» oxytocin, which elicits caring behaviour, and this in turn causes the release of more oxytocin.
When humans bond, eye contact leads to release of the «love hormone» oxytocin, which elicits caring behaviour.

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At this point, it's human nature to say — as I've often heard from clients over the last 39 years, whenever short rates rise above long rates — why buy a 20 - year bond when I get a higher yield on a 2 - year piece of paper?
This will help minimize any human involvement needed when insurance bonds are applied on the contracts.
But when, by contrast, parental love is grounded in the facts of biological and historical bonding, the child lives in a setting offering the kind of acceptance human beings need in order themselves to become capable of adult commitment — a setting in which individuals who are separate but connected can grow and flourish.
To eat together is to cement human bonds of fellowship, and these can best be made firm and deep when God is recognized as present in the process.
Not all born of human parents, not all who share in the bond of human generations over time, will seem equal in dignity — if and when those practices become accepted among us.
Betrayal shatters the fragile bonds that hold us together, and when we lose our ability to live together we lose our ability to be truly human.
How can it claim to bridge the divisions in human society — divisions between Greek and barbarian, bond and free, between white and black, Aryan and non-Aryan, employer and employed — if, when men are drawn into it, they find that another division has been added to the old ones — a division of Catholic from Evangelical, or Episcopalian from Presbyterian or Independent?
I had no idea that when I adopted my cute little kitty she would be unwilling to bond with any other human but myself.
Levels of oxytocin are at their highest in women when they give birth to encourage the bonding process with their babies thus securing the future of the human race.
Although they are not free to move on their own when worn, they are feeling and responding to human movement, and they are close to you for the ever important bonding!
Psychologists who have studied attachment have found that when human kids have that same kind of licking and grooming - style bonding with their parents, especially in the first year of life, it gives them all sorts of psychological strength, confidence [and] character that, when they reach school age and even into adulthood, will make a huge difference in how well they do.»
When an ignored little boy bonds with Bigfoot and discovers the human - like ape is in danger, he finds the courage to stand up to those bigger than him to save the creature and set his new friend free.
Humans are social beings - but what happens when the emotional bonds that bind us together are threatened by forces we can not see or touch, or worse, replaced entirely by the network?
But when Chris rejects Ron's request to stay and be his grandson, the flipside of his desire to be free of human bonds is revealed.
Despite being filled with an overriding predictability inherent in so much of Disney family fare, it's difficult not to be enchanted by this simple but pleasant tale of the bond between humans and their pets, especially when it features three adorable animals as the main protagonists.
That math makes sense, but the psychology doesn't: Humans did not spontaneously become more risk - tolerant when bond yields fell below 2 %.
When you invest in stocks, bonds, or real estate, you are turning capital over to working human beings who apply their ingenuity and labor to wringing as much positive economic benefit out of that capital as they can.
It's that heart - to - heart bond that is the essence of Pet Peace of Mind, HGC's unique program that enables hospice patients to keep their pets at home with them throughout their illnesses, ensuring that the deep human - animal bond does not become a casualty at a time when other losses are occurring.
And, when a pet goes missing, we do what we can to help restore the human - animal bond as quickly as possible.
«Recent HABRI research found that when educated about the health benefits of the human - animal bond, pet owners are more likely to provide their pets with higher quality nutrition, including treats,» said Steven Feldman, executive director of HABRI.
When one of us develops a bond with a dog, it goes beyond all human to human experiences.
She found her niche when she transitioned to veterinary medicine and it allowed her to marry her love of team building with her love for animals and the human - animal bond.
When a cat runs from you as soon as she sees you coming because she thinks you're going to «torture» her again, it can completely ruin the bond between cat and human.
Be Kind to Animals Week When: Wednesday, May 4 to Tuesday, May 10, Where: The American Humane Association created Be Kind to Animals Week in 1915 to celebrate the unique bond between humans and animals.
For example it is only relatively recently that science enabled us to measure the raised levels of oxytocin — often referred to as the bonding hormone — in the blood of both humans and dogs when they are showing affection to each other.
When you focus on building a relationship with your dog, you will experience the truest and most rewarding type of bond between human and canine.
Dogs can even become «bonded» with other dogs or humans and will become anxious or depressed when separated.
Forgiveness, determination and courage go hand - in - hand with patience when it comes to the animal - human bond.
In addition, this is about the human - animal bond - too many people think of dogs when you say «human - animal bond» but cats bond to their pet parents, also.
Carol Wilson discovered the depth of human - canine bond that can be developed through training and shared adventures when she entered the world of competitive obedience over thirty years ago.
Through it all, embrace the unconditional love that exists when we open ourselves to the wonders of the human - animal bond!
When family members get frustrated and fed up with a cat eliminating outside the litter box, scratching the sofa, or yowling overnight, the human / animal bond fractures, landing the pet in the local animal shelter.
When these two elements enter into the bond between human and canine, the relationship can become a friendship.
The human - animal bond is a powerful one and when we preserve the life of a pet, we save a member of the family.
«A healthy human — animal bond requires a two - way exchange, and when that exchange is gone, the time for humane euthanasia has arrived.»
A healthy human — animal bond requires a two - way exchange, and when that exchange is gone, the time for humane euthanasia has arrived (See «End of Life Decisions» for further reading).
In fact, when arguing against breed discrimination, heartwarming stories about pets or even the human - animal bond usually carry little, if any, persuasive value.
When growing up, I was able to bond and feel closer to animals then I was to most humans.
Known as a very sweet, gentle, and good - natured species, Bourke's Parakeets make good pets when hand fed as babies, which allows them to bond with their human caretakers.
We want the bond between us and our pets to be strong, but sometimes the dog can become too dependant on their human, which causes them stress when they are left alone.
I was always good at science and math and when you combine that with my love and respect for the human - animal bond, it was a no brainer.
This breed is known to bond closely with its family and seems to have a kind of intuition when it comes to human emotions.
We understand, however, that there are times when the human / animal bond breaks or circumstances change and a guardian must relinquish a pet.
«When educated about the scientific research on the human - animal bond, pet owners are more likely to take important measures to improve pet health and augment their relationship with their veterinarians,» said AAHA Chief Executive Officer, Michael Cavanaugh, DVM, DABVP (C / F).
On National Pets @ Work Day, we celebrate the success stories of existing pet - friendly offices and hope to engage additional employers in a dialogue to highlight the growing body of scientific research that shows the positive effects of the human - animal bond, when and wherever you experience it.»
Fleas and ticks can be very damaging to the human - animal bond, particularly when flea invasion gets out of control or when ticks hitch a ride with your pet.
«Recent HABRI research found that when educated about the health benefits of the human - animal bond, pet owners are more likely to provide their pets with higher quality nutrition, including treats,» said Steven Feldman, Executive Director of HABRI.
When they finally agreed and I got my cat Millie, she completely changed my life and taught me how important the human animal bond is.
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