Sentences with phrase «when important dates»

Find out when important dates and observed holidays are.
Also mark events in an online calendar that alerts you when important dates are approaching.

Not exact matches

Certainly, she is the keeper of the histories, citing important dates — like when her great - great - grandfather Daniel Donegan patented a «crematory» in Los Angeles, in 1893.
Keeping up - to - date on their business valuation helps owners to make important decisions for their company, including when to raise capital and how to ask for capital or a loan from investors or banks, understanding when to exit and their exit strategy and when to purchase another business in efforts to strengthen their own offering.
It's important to note that the ANA award chart when flying ANA has a high, regular, and low season, meaning you can save a significant amount of miles depending on the date you fly.
A general review of the endnotes from Gunter's paper reveals a fair number of sources who will corroborate the claim that Bergson's scientific views are nor only not outdated, but go very» much to the heart of current scientific methods and insights, but particularly, see A. C. Papanicolaou and Pete A. N. Gunter, eds., Bergson in Modern Thought Towards a Unified Science (New York: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1987), and for important background on how Bergson came to be seen as dated when he was not, see also, Milic Capek, Bergson and Modern Physics, (cited above) and The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics (Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1961), and the volume edited by Gunter, Bergson and the Evolution of Physics (cited above).
When we're trying to make healthy pre-decisions about our dating lives and who or how we'll swipe, sometimes we confuse what we want in the short term with what's most important to us ultimately.
That typically happens due to a couple of factors, but most often when the dates used in the recipe are a bit stale and dried out, since they are the binder it's important to use ones that are not too old: --RRB-
It's important to soak the dates in water overnight or for a few hours to make it easier when blending with the nut butter, TRUST ME.
Use - by date: The day and / or month by which the product must be consumed Best - before date: Indicator of when the product will begin to degrade from its optimal quality These codes are also important for the healthcare industry and must be included on medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics goods.
Another very important date for the diary is 28 April, when our new Alumni Games and Dinner is taking place.
The rematch is on Feb. 28, when the eyes of the league will be trained on Staples Center, but the Rockets will circle far more important dates in the months ahead.
When monitoring the live betting market, it's important to have access to live odds and betting data to stay up - to - date with key line movement at offshore and Las
Granted, none of those jobs made me a lot of money, but it helped keep our family afloat — and was essential income when my former husband's union went on strike — and, more important, it kept me up - to - date in the career I loved and enabled me to maintain relationships with editors.
This will help her from the time that she tells a grandparent «no» to tickling to when she says «no» to a boy picking on her to get her attention, or when she says a very important «no» on a high school date.
Going on a date is important, but it can be difficult when you can't seem to relax and enjoy yourself.
You can add milk from a different day or time but it is important to put a date on the container from the day of the FIRST bit of milk that you expressed so you know when you need to use it by, refrigerate it or freeze it.
Positioning is most important when the baby comes home from the hospital early, perhaps before his original due date.
When you're past your pregnancy due date, it's important to increase the frequency of your prenatal care.
Your due date, the calulated day when the baby is due, is the most important information you should know.
When the first tooth comes out your baby celebrates this important date by taking pictures and writing it down in his / her book of memories.
I'm usually at a loss when it comes to Christmas but it's still important to find a gift that... Read More about Date Night Christmas Gift Idea
It is important to date the tray so that you know when the puree was made and its «best before» date.
When starting a new year, an anniversary, an important date or the day that you prefer:)
They can recall birthdays, anniversary and every other date when an important event happened.
He or she will wait until the last possible second — when you have fixed your hair and are wearing a new dress, looking fabulous for an important meeting at work or a special date — and then they'll strike, spraying projectile vomit all over you.
I wish to know exactly when the pre-screaning is going to start, exactly the date is very important, thank you.
While the city is now several months into the new fiscal year, executive budget hearing reports from the Spring, while dated, also offer important insight into each department's intentions when it comes to hiring.
The legend dates from July 1944, when ravens were being used as unofficial spotters for Nazi bombs and planes, and they really were important to Londoners» survival.
This fossil assemblage, newly named the Daohugou Biota after a village near one of the major localities in Inner Mongolia, China, dates from a time when many important vertebrate groups, including our own group, mammals, were undergoing evolutionary diversification.
What makes the discovery even more important is that these footprints date back to the Early Jurassic epoch, when it was thought the size of most theropod dinosaurs was considerably smaller.
The quasar dates from a time close to the end of an important cosmic event that astronomers referred to as the «epoch of reionization»: the cosmic dawn when light from the earliest generations of galaxies and quasars is thought to have ended the «cosmic dark ages» and transformed the universe into how we see it today.
The fossils, all found in and around what is now Inner Mongolia, China, date from a time when many important animal groups, including our own (mammals), were undergoing noteworthy evolutionary changes.
All these time markers are important for the researchers when they try to date the different layers of the ice cores.
Fat days have a habit of creeping up on us when we least expect it, and more often than not they coincide with that all - important social occasion - be it a wedding, birthday or first date.
When I asked my Guides about timing when they were teaching me how to use the tarot psychically, they told me that the process is more important than an exact dWhen I asked my Guides about timing when they were teaching me how to use the tarot psychically, they told me that the process is more important than an exact dwhen they were teaching me how to use the tarot psychically, they told me that the process is more important than an exact date.
Dating can be tricky, especially when you're just starting out, yet, once you have your dream relationship, it's just as important to make a personal commitment to keeping the dating Dating can be tricky, especially when you're just starting out, yet, once you have your dream relationship, it's just as important to make a personal commitment to keeping the dating dating alive.
So, bottom line: the research linking HRT and cancer is ongoing, and when it comes to your long - term health, it's important to stay up - to - date with the latest science and findings.
Seriously, practicing self - care daily is important because when you do, you get the benefit of legit confidence — the kind of confidence that'll land you a hot date or a much - needed promotion.
I'm usually at a loss when it comes to Christmas but it's still important to find a gift that... Read More about Date Night Christmas Gift Idea
The setting, the season are all important factors when selecting your first date outfit.
When I received the product the manufacturing date was really fresh, which is important for vitamin c products, too, because they have a short shelf life.
When dating with kids it's so important to be with someone who really understands your role as a parent and appreciates the fact that your child or children will often come first.
When it comes to uniform dating in Canada, some daters find themselves drawn to only one type of uniform, but it's important to keep your options open!
It's especially important to ask questions when you're dating a vegetarian, but are a meat eater yourself.
When it comes to uniform dating in Ireland, some daters find themselves drawn to only one type of uniform, but it's important to keep your options open!
Sometimes it's best to leave an important job to the professionals, especially when that «job» is your dating life.
EliteSingles understands how to date in your 30s and knows it is important to find appropriate matches when you are 30 and single.
This is because, when it comes to dating it's incredibly important to find a platform that can connect you with single women and single men who have similar relationship goals and desires to your own.
When you're separated and dating it's important to respect all parties, especially if you and your spouse are still living under the same roof.
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