Sentences with phrase «when individuals»

Indeed, the proportion of reported doubles was 489 per cent higher than the expected proportion assuming honesty, 48 per cent higher than when individuals rolled alone and 96 per cent higher than when lies only benefited the other player.
Genetic variability plunged when individuals required mates with the highest degree of cultural similarity, the team reports this week in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Conversely, genetic diversity increased when individuals were less selective about their mates — as is the case in chimpanzees or gorillas, which mate whenever possible with individuals from other groups.
When individuals compete for limited resources in their environment they are subject to ecological selection.
Animals are considered to have personalities when individuals show consistent differences in behavior across time or situations.
When the individuals were re-assessed a year later, about a quarter had progressed to Alzheimer's disease and three of the proteins measured in their blood showed significant differences from the blood of participants that did not go on to develop the disease.
Not surprisingly, blood pressure readings were typically higher when individuals encountered ambivalent friends than when they saw supportive friends.
Some theorists suggest that evolution also operates on groups — when individuals within a group cooperate, their group may have survival advantages over groups with rigid individual selfishness.
Dr Josephine Mollon from King's IoPPN, now with Yale University, said: «For individuals with psychotic disorders, cognitive decline does not just begin in adulthood, when individuals start to experience symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions, but rather many years prior — when difficulties with intellectual tasks first emerge — and worsen over time.
And when individuals are incorrectly diagnosed with TB, the underlying cause of their illness goes untreated, and the unnecessary use of TB medicines contributes to drug resistance.
The researchers plan to follow the sample as they enter adulthood to determine whether the same results hold when the individuals are older.
«One thing is clear, saving human lives is easier when individuals are educated to the risks in question,» he said.
But that's not the conclusion suggested by new data from Finland's Aland Islands, home to a Glanville fritillary butterfly «metapopulation» — many small, fragmented populations transiently connected when individuals fly between them.
One, the medial prefrontal cortex, is known to be active when individuals relate new knowledge to pre-existing knowledge.
«Smaller social groups, even when individuals are in competition, tend to allow people to form more intimate social bonds and be more attuned to others» needs,» said Hanek, who recently received her doctorate from the U-M Department of Psychology.
When individuals from different groups interbreed, their offspring's DNA becomes a mixture of the DNA from each admixing group.
Also, the authors noted that when individuals are focused on communal relationships, they saw a genuine concern for others and a greater sense of responsibility to offer help.
When individuals swarm, they must somehow communicate to direct collective motion.
The technique works best when individuals have some African DNA because the diversity among African genomes provides a high number of genetic markers.
The Nature study also adds to what is known about how genes are transferred from one species to another when individuals from two closely related species mate.
Within a species, when some individuals have a trait that aids their survival — such as a blunt beak that allows them to crack open tough seed coverings — they will pass on the genes for that trait to their offspring, whereas individuals with pointed beaks will have died.
In their study model, the researchers predict, perhaps counterintuitively, that when individuals believe others are acting positively toward them due to envy, they will actually try to retreat from the relationship because they fear they are being used by the other person.
She noted that when individuals exercise or are under stress, the level of other compounds in their sweat, such as cortisol and lactic acid, change as well, and these can interfere with glucose detection.
New research from the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas published online today in Brain and Cognition illustrates how fear arises in the brain when individuals are exposed to threatening images.
Using a mathematical formula that calculates the likelihood of collaboration, he claimed to have proved that cooperative behavior — defined as «I do something for you even though it will cost me» — emerged when individuals fell on their swords to save their relatives» genes.
When individuals were forced into the same space (because of the proximity of a food source, for instance), working together in large numbers of cooperative individuals gave everyone a better shot at survival.
This is when individuals have repeated interactions, so if I help you now, you may help me later.
By studying individuals over time, Dr. Chadi Calarge was able to examine microbiome changes when individuals were depressed or in remission, and when they were and were not receiving anti-depressant medications (SSRIs).
«Plenty of research shows that when individuals are stressed or anxious or depressed, inflammation goes up,» he said.
When all individuals larger than 1 centimeter in stem diameter were included, nearly every species was more aggregated than a random distribution.
If inclusive fitness is wrong, how do you explain «eusociality» — when individuals reduce their ability to have offspring of their own to raise the offspring of others?
It turns out that, while ipecac effectively provokes vomiting within 20 — 30 minutes, it does more harm than good when corrosive chemicals are ingested or when individuals are experiencing seizures or are not fully conscious.
When individuals are given contracts and such contracts come to an end, one then parts ways unless entering into further contracts is in the economic interest of BOTH sides.
Albany community advocate Marlon Anderson, a casino proponent, plans to speak up: «When individuals like myself make public comment, I think that is going to be a very deciding factor in where the casinos go.»
As clergypersons, we are dedicated to reconciliation when individuals of goodwill find themselves in disagreement.
And, of course, it is far easier to persuade voters that the government must follow suit when individuals and families are cutting back, than it is to make the Keynesian case for increased spending to keep the economy moving.
«When individuals file false claims for unemployment benefits it harms those who are in real need of assistance and my office is committed to holding individuals accountable when they cheat the system.»
«On the question of the mayoral advisers — guidance was given to me very early on by my Counsel's office that when some individuals are very, very close advisers that it is appropriate to have a private relationship with them,» the mayor added.
«When Jewish Community Centers receive bomb threats, when cemeteries are desecrated, and when individuals are targeted because they are Jewish, we have a duty to speak out.
When individuals fraudulently misrepresent their income and / or family composition to secure rental assistance from HUD, we participate in operations like the one today, to ensure these individuals, who at times can bring a criminal element into HUD Subsidized Housing, are brought to justice.
They disrupt complex plots against our country, such as when individuals travel abroad to gain terrorist training and prepare attacks.
Any person casually acquainted with the theories of conflict studies and research knows that when individuals or groups in conflict do not have credible facts to defend their side of disagreement or conflict issues, they resort to odious personal attacks and / or the assassination of the character, honour and integrity of their opponents as a cover for their inability to rebut the objective issue in conflict.
Why would anyone vote for the Jury Team party list of candidates when the individuals on the list are all liable to have completely different and opposing views on the whole range of issues of the day?
I have listened to the same news when some individuals have admitted some construction works ongoing near the traffic light opposite the Bank of Ghana office at Hohoe.
[8] Indeed, studies on human behaviour seem to indicate an overall tendency for selfishness to dominate when individuals act at the collective level.
Sometimes companies listen to our concerns and sometimes they don't, but even a «loss» is a win when individuals like 100 Days of Real Food and the Food Babe can get the national media to shine a spotlight on important food issues many consumers know nothing about.
This verges on the unethical when individuals are expected to part with money for a service or product that appears to have scientific support but when critically analysed offers no more evidence than opinions and anecdotes, which are notoriously unreliable and biased.
Gives readers a new term to love: extrasensory grace, which «arrives when individuals with SPD learn to love their quirky selves and discover what they are meant to do and do well.»
Most of the books, articles and essays connect accountability to improving performance and outline processes to help individuals or groups become more accountable by setting clear goals, having clear roles and responsibilities, having systems to evaluate employee performance, giving people incentives, and creating clear consequences when individuals fall short of goals.
Rewards gained from defending well high up the pitch can be cruelly undone when individuals make mistakes defending in their own half, as illustrated by Lemina's icebreaker in the 20th minute.
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