Sentences with phrase «when learning targets»

When learning targets are kept vague and within very board achievement domains, it is difficult to pinpoint where instruction is effective or ineffective because the microscope used is just not be precise enough to differentiate the two.

Not exact matches

He'd had the idea since college, when — despite what he'd learned from his dad — he found the personal - finance magazines of the adult world both too difficult to understand and «too targeted to the married, working adult.»
Learn the type of bidding you should use when you're targeting website conversions.
When you learn that every page of your site needs a title tag and a meta description, and that all of them should be optimized for target keywords, you might be tempted to create «templates,» which you can then copy and paste or modify only slightly to make quick work of optimizing each page.
In this guide, you'll learn why, when, and how to target your on - site displays — pop ups, flyouts, banners, bars, and more — to deliver the right message to the right visitor at the right time.
It's like someone (and i know a few) that stated they were conciences objectors when it came to going to war... Hmmmm... but they did not mind going to target practice and learning what to do and how to do when it came to combat, and get paid for it...
So when news broke today about Target's abject and utter failure to expand into Canada, I began to think this morning about how church planters to Canada (or even within Canada) can learn from the Target failure.
VISIT ALL NEW HUMAN EXPERIMENTATIONS IN 2012 LEARN WHO (and why) IS DELIBERATELY TARGETING YOU WITH MIND CONTROL WEAPONS WHILE TURNING IN MINDLESS PROTESTERS AND WITH WHAT EXACTLY ARE ORWELLIAN GOVERNMENTS US CONGRESS ALIKE WORLDWIDE SOOO BUSY WITH (USSR # 2 alike governments which consists of lawyers or what are liars, physicians / doctors and family members of effected individuals which suffered some sort of brain desease etc.... Why lawyers!!? So crime per physicians OR WHAT IS HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION can get away with it) WHEN PLAYING / CLOWNING (acting) IN FRONT OF CAMERAS ONLY HOW SOMETHING HAVE TO BE DONE... NO DIFFERENT FROM ROMNEY WHOSE FATHER EXCELLED AFTER GM WAS DELIBERATELY SCREWED / BANKRUPT LIKE AMERICA TODAY (soon to be success based on deliberate sabotage which is nothing else than grand treason / betrayal with acts of genocide against targeted white population)!!!..
Unlike last year when there were bullish reports coming out of the club in respect of marquee signings, breaking transfer records to land players, especially a top striker, the sensational news is that this year we appear to have learned our lesson, and are keeping quiet about our potential targets!
When this happens, it can be tempting to blame the target and say that he needs to «learn to take a joke,» or «shouldn't be so sensitive.»
When Karen asked if the company might ask other ad - targeting firms to pay a licensing fee or even try to force them out of the business, for instance, the answer that came back was, «I'm just a simple man trying to advance the cause of digital politics, you're talking way above my pay grade,» though we did also learn that the patent is «patent is a recognition of what we've done as a company» and that «taken us years to get to this place, it's taken millions and millions of dollars.»
Topics in the Q&A included the source of money for the City's planned pre-K advertising campaign, the City's target number of pre-K applicants, whether Speaker Silver thinks the proposed income tax surcharge should be pursued next year, how the pre-K selection process will work, how the City will cover the approximately $ 40 million annual gap between the estimated cost of pre-K and the amount provided in the state budget, when parents will learn whether their pre-K application has been accepted, how the City will collect data and measure success of the pre-K program, whether the existing pre-K application process will be changed, how the City will use money from the anticipated school bond issue, the mayor's reaction to a 2nd Circuit ruling that City may bar religious groups from renting after - hours space in public schools, the status on a proposed restaurant in Union Square, a tax break included in the state budget that provides millions of dollars to a Bronx condominium project, the «shop & frisk» meeting today between the Rev. Al Sharpton and Police Commissioner Bratton and a pending HPD case against a Brooklyn landlord.
But to verify that, they need to study the distant and tiny objects more closely, which is nearly impossible from Earth, as the New Horizons team showed when they tried to learn their target's size and shape.
Even when the camera was placed at the target object, for example the poster, and machine learning was used i.e. the computer was trained using a sufficient quantity of sample data only glances at the camera itself could be recognized.
«During the early phases of motor learning (such as when we are toddlers) our brain and body learn how to work in harmony when the brain commands the target muscles and then receives feedback via seeing and feeling each body movement.
Although evidence is only anecdotal, some postdocs feel that foreign trainees are particularly vulnerable as targets due to the social isolation that occurs when someone is new to a country and just learning its language and culture.
Learning trials ended when the target was found or a time limit was reached.
Or maybe instead of deciding a weight loss target when it comes to pounds, you may opt to monitor your improvement from the successful execution of healthful habits that may bring about weight loss — such as getting into a regular exercise routine, making slow dietary changes, learning to relax and meditate every day, and so on.
So when I learned these serums were specifically targeted towards my skin type I thought why the hell not?
The «abhorrent» dating tactics of the male redback spider: Scientists find they target immature females who haven't yet learnt to eat them after mating Car companies use crash test dummies when they want to figure out how to make their vehicles safer.
That unflattering exposure prompts the targeted crime family's head, Alfonse Fiorello (Andy Garcia), still mourning the death of his son years ago, to mount up a response, which becomes more an act of desperation when it is learned that the seemingly least fruitful of robberies has yielded a list of names and phone numbers of every key figure in the crime syndicate.
Like the «Bourne» movies, he's then targeted for elimination, (when we learn he's actually ex-CIA and highly skilled at killing).
When Marston recruits some local help to take down Williamson, he learns upon breaching the fort that he and another one of John's targets have fled to Nuevo Paraiso.
Teams craft specific learning targets from this exploration and research to ensure that, when they get to the idea phase, they can create a focused game targeting very specific learning objectives.
Whether an extension of learning, or work to clarify a misconception, the work that occurs online can be more valuable to students when it is targeted.
A lot of our teachers though, when they're thinking about how do we want to teach, they really do want to do something for the students at the individual student level so hence the learner focused one, but it's not necessarily an autonomous learning or a problem solving approach, it might be differentiation or targeted teaching or something like that...
When students respond in writing to what they learn and share it, teachers can target the gaps and keep them on the right track.
Remember when I pointed that the role of the Instructional Designer is to research, analyze, and identify the learning needs of a target audience and the existing gaps in terms of knowledge and skills?
«Educational researchers have known for decades that a student learns best when teaching is targeted to what she is ready to learn.
When students respond in writing to what they learn each day, teachers can target the gaps and keep them on the right track!
As you read through the package, you will learn all about the district's big picture, and this will really help when you sit down to create your narratives and budgets for the foundations you've targeted.
When you are designing a PBL project, make sure it targets those frequently - targeted standards or learning outcomes.
Providing easy access to the online learning center should be the focus when launching since you want to ensure your target audience can find the content.
The fastest, easiest way to create, manage, and distribute software learning content that drives user adoption, delivering targeted, high - quality learning content to employees when they needed where they needed.
It's easier to differentiate instruction for students when we break through the fog of learning targets and logistical guidelines to understand exactly what we're assessing.
However, when students are widely dispersed in their levels of attainment, effective teaching depends first on establishing and understanding where individuals are in their learning and second on providing well - targeted teaching and learning opportunities to meet learners at their points of need.
«When we talk about empathy, perspective - taking, and mindfulness, those things are circulating around a broader framework of social - emotional learning,» says Associate Professor Stephanie Jones, who researches the developmental impact of school - based interventions targeting children's social - emotional skills and aggressive behavior.
As Boser demonstrates, the evidence is strong that we learn more, and more quickly, under the conditions reflected in the book's six themes: Learning improves when we see value in what we are learning; when it is focused on an identifiable skill or cluster of information (target); when it develops in a sequence from simpler to complex; and when the new material is processed in ways that connect to current knowledge or skills by extension, association, or rehearsal in some form (extend, relate, rLearning improves when we see value in what we are learning; when it is focused on an identifiable skill or cluster of information (target); when it develops in a sequence from simpler to complex; and when the new material is processed in ways that connect to current knowledge or skills by extension, association, or rehearsal in some form (extend, relate, rlearning; when it is focused on an identifiable skill or cluster of information (target); when it develops in a sequence from simpler to complex; and when the new material is processed in ways that connect to current knowledge or skills by extension, association, or rehearsal in some form (extend, relate, rethink).
Next, during your analysis, take a temperature with your target audience, and ask them when and how mobile learning would be beneficial.
When localizing software, a website or a Learning Management System, there are font incompatibilities sometimes inherent in the target language.
Whose responsibility is it when a charter school gets into trouble — when its students aren't learning or it misses its enrollment targets or money runs short or it closes?
Because of all this, 100 percent of the reported grade is based on individual achievement on our critical learning targets, which, when combined with the audience and peer feedback, paints a detailed picture of student achievement in multiple aspects.
When understandable and assessable learning targets are shared with students, they have a clearer idea of where their learning will take them and the best path to success.
When delivered effectively, assessment outcomes can inform curriculum design and make learning more targeted and meaningful for each student.
While other approaches are allowed by regulation, the Department's guidance focuses on setting learning targets that are differentiated by students» starting points to ensure that diverse learning needs are considered when setting goals.
Early on, we also became involved in multi-year projects targeted at youth learning and perspectives: going to college when you are the first in the family to go, the conditions of learning that help students thrive, diversity, social and emotional learning, global understanding, service learning, school reform, and more.
When many unrelated skills are targeted simultaneously, the learning outcomes are not as strong as compared to instruction that focuses on one skill or a set of inter-related skills
When teams design their own common formative assessments, they write items to specifically match the learning targets they want to measure while they are still teaching that content.
When we design mobile learning solutions, our target audience is a dynamic user who demands continuous connection to relevant information and people.
But when the multiple benefits are taken into account, like interactive and engaged learners, flexible and tailored learning activities, and a far - reaching target audience, it all becomes worthwhile.
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