Sentences with phrase «when meeting the needs»

Even when meetings needed to be rescheduled (from my end, or theirs,) Amy seemed to understand, and the next email I'd see from her would be an updated calendar invite.
Jesus is used by everybody when it meets their need or point of view.
Also, there are times in the ministry of Jesus when he met the needs of large crowds of people, and probably did not have the relational connection with most of the people He ministered to.
«The only way they learn to trust is when we meet their needs
In fact, when you meet those needs they have early on, on their time schedule (feedings included), they mature faster and in deeper ways than if you «train'them to give up and take whatever you happen to offer.
We will also discuss options to be contemplated when meeting the needs of women who are wrestling with trauma - based symptoms after childbirth that are influenced, entirely or in part, by processing - based differences.
New York State Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker said, «New York State is truly at its best when it meets the needs of all its residents.
These are important goals for all students, but particularly helpful when meeting the needs of the highly advanced or gifted child.
The more explicit you can be, the more assistance the LMS vendor (s) can offer and the more effective the final selection will be when meeting the needs of the your business.
Humans impact the lives of all cats positively or negatively when they meet their needs or they don't.

Not exact matches

Disable the call waiting function on your phone and let calls go to voicemail, and put a «do not disturb» sign on your office door when you're in meetings or need quiet time to concentrate on a project.
People use online dating because they feel like they're not meeting enough of the right kind of people in their daily life, and if they were, then they wouldn't use an online dating site, that's why you don't use it when you're in college or a lot of people don't use it when they're in grad school because you meet so many great people all the time, I wouldn't join an online dating site, but it's when you don't have those opportunities to have those interactions that people feel the need and I think things like Hinge, and even Tinder to some extent, allow you to meet just a lot of people so that you don't have to go through that process, which is a lot more effort, to do an online dating site.
When the accounting department gets a hold of the invoice, they will need to check the details to ensure it meets the information on the purchase order or what they have on record.
When customers trust that you're delivering a unique service and exceeding expectations to meet their needs, they will return the favor by willingly giving you their information.
I had no idea when I hired her who her father was or that I would ever need an introduction, but you can bet that when she sent her father a note introducing us, he was helpful and happy to meet.
Thinking back to his days at Havas, Jones remarked how useful Amy would have been from a corporate perspective: Reducing the e-mail ping - pong that occurs when 500 people need to meet for a global meeting.
These meetings end up being more focused, the startups can be properly evaluated against business needs, and when alignment is found, there is business support on the enterprise side to help push along the proper testing and contract signing when the startup successfully addresses the need.
Whether finding a great co-founder, who has complementary skill sets (in my case, an old friend I met at theater camp over 20 years ago), or picking your executive team exclusively composed of «A» players (who you can alternately delegate to — or be inspired by), you need a bunch of great teammates to be successful when creating a new business.»
Bring business cards, notebooks, pens, proper attire, work samples, and anything else you might need when you're meeting new potential business partners.
Barkindo said shale producers also are able to tap capital markets with more expertise, which is important at a time when the energy industry needs to invest trillions to meet future demand.
After McFall started the sit - down meetings, two years ago, she knew when she could realistically expect each client's check, and she could request a bigger up - front fee if need be.
Gibbs's rules originated from his first wife, Shannon Gibbs, when she told him at their first meeting that «Everyone needs a code they can live by.»
People cross into the U.S. for health services when their needs are not met at home.
When a person feels these needs have been met they are drawn to you.
When Walter fell ill, Olive stepped up to the plate and kept the company thriving, meeting the needs of the military through World War II.
«My best piece of advice is look at what your organization needs and don't be afraid to take chances, but balance risk with success, only increasing the former when the latter goals are being met
They should understand the milestones you need to reach in order to meet the financial goals you've set together, alert you when they see something off with the direction your business is headed and help you get back on track.
For instance, it alerts you when you need to leave to make a meeting on time and automatically inputs conference - call codes to make dialing in easier.
When you're racing around trying to meet client needs, be available to employees and master your inbox, strategic thinking often falls low on the priority list.
Finally, no matter how many times you've used the technology, participants can experience anxiety about whether the tools will work exactly when and how they need them too - and meeting organizers and facilitators fear the same.
That meant providing a mailing address, phone number and live reception service and, when needed, an office or meeting room.
«There's a point that when you know that it's not working, and you either need to have that come - to - Jesus meeting or you need to make the cut in the organization.
I've never met so many passionate people that are willing to go the extra 20 miles on a project or help out when you're in need of some support.
When you're offering someone a legitimate way to solve a problem, the focus moves from proving yourself in desperation to meeting needs.
The cash - flow statement is one of the most critical information tools for your business, showing how much cash will be needed to meet obligations, when it is going to be required, and from where it will come.
We would discuss everything on the agenda, make all the decisions that needed to be made, and the meeting would be over when the first person had to go to the bathroom.»
Me: «You do realize my company has over 200 offices in 45 countries and has, in fact, three offices in India, maybe we should talk, may I can provide you services you don't need for 30 percent less» Him: «Great when would be a good time to meet
When you put control in their hands, you're more likely to be able to meet their needs, but you also win their trust, and ultimately, you build the loyal customer base you need to grow and succeed.
When meeting with a prospective client or employer, you need to be able to tell stories, relate and illustrate your success.
When the drivers need their car back, they use the app to alert the valet when and where to be When the drivers need their car back, they use the app to alert the valet when and where to be when and where to be met.
Dressed in a bright blue jacket, your attendant meets you at your destination, hops into your car, and asks when you'll need it back and if you want them to run your car through a car wash or to fill your tank up with gas.
«That's because people need more IT tools like ours to be able to communicate when it's difficult to meet with people all over the world.»
That's especially true on Sundays, when RBC's much - hyped investment in meeting consumer needs, whenever and however people want, is closed — just like in the good old days, when banks were called banks.
When you combine kindness and empathy, you can meet people where they are in order to get them where they need to be.
When we fall for somebody, Strauss says, it's often because they embody the best and worst traits of our parents — so we're trying to get our unmet childhood needs met by this new person.
You'll note they are conveniently «busy» at crucial times when their input or direction is needed, and often take shelter in incessant meetings that are really façades to mask their insecurity or fear of facing conflict or leading the troops.
To prevent this in the future, get in the habit of sending follow up emails that outline the need, why it is important to that person based on your initial conversation and asking when the next meeting will be.
At one point in 2005, criticism from the community that Mozilla managers were being too secretive led Baker to hold a moratorium on all corporate - only meetings for several months; it only ended when managers needed to discuss a human resources question too personal to share with everyone.
You read a few interesting messages and are just formulating a response when you suddenly realize that the talk in the meeting has shifted to something you very much need to know about — but you've missed an important point.
The duo, who wrote about their results in Harvard Business Review, found that employees «feel better and perform better and more sustainably when four basic needs are met,» Schwartz and Porath write.
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