Sentences with phrase «when mother»

Research shows that when a mother breastfeeds early and often, an average of 9.9 times a day in the first two weeks, her milk production is greater, her infant gains more weight and she continues breastfeeding for a longer period.
When a mother makes much more milk than her baby needs, we call this oversupply or overabundant production.
I worried because i do nt breastmilk my child he did nt close to me like a mother with breasmilk their child, because my son is very welcome to everyone, and i'm not a special person like a mother should be when mother who breastmilk their child, please help me i want to be close with my son even i can not breastmilk him..
When the mother - infant interactions are observed, the mother is seen as nurturing and affectionate towards the infant, whereas father - infant interactions deal more with affiliation and play (Geiger, 1996).
If the mother had postpartum syndrome or there was some other circumstance — for instance, a medical problem — then at that point it is the father's job to attach with the child so that they can form a solid bond, and when the mother is «back to normal,» she too can start forming the bond with the child.
I briefly covered what happens to attachment when the mother and child are separated right after birth but did not cover these other separations.
But all that does not happen when the mother chooses a birthing center as a childbirth option, because the mother will have a midwife with whom she will be able to create a more personal relationship.
How children and mothers interact together and not stressed shows more of how the attachment model works than how the child acts when the mother leaves and then returns.
Studies have indicated that the uterus shrinks more when the mother breastfeeds her baby after birth thus containing the blood loss.
A multiple birth is when a mother is pregnant with more than one baby.
LEILANI WILDE: When a mother needs more milk for her baby, who can she turn to?
When a mother does have a low milk supply, it's more likely due to a poor latch or not breastfeeding enough than a true low milk supply issue.
Sometimes this worry is set off when a mother and baby have a difficult time getting started with breastfeeding or when, for example, a baby has been extremely fussy and seems to find relief only when she is eating.
It has a 2 phase expression technology which mimics how milk flows when a mother breastfeeds a baby directly.
ROBIN KAPLAN: There are times when a mother is breastfeeding where she may question: «If she is making enough milk for her baby.»
Limmo, a nurse and Filipino immigrant, remembers that relatives back home would breast feed one another's babies when a mother had to be separated from her infant.
Thus, in the first few days, when the mother is normally producing only a little milk (as nature intended), and the baby gets a bottle (as nature intended?)
But what happens when her mother gets so busy with her brothers and sisters that she doesn't have time to tell Koala Lou that she loves her?
On a more personal note, my life changed in 2013 when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Keeping mom / baby together When your mother gave birth she may recall sending you to «the nursery» while she recovered.
When the mother does not maintain this body contact there is ground to believe that she will be depressed because she will feel that something went wrong during birth, she will develop a feeling of anxiety and may feel that something might have gone wrong during the birth process.
When a mother and baby first learn to breastfeed, they are taught proper positioning so that baby can comfortably latch onto the breast.
Please take my advice and do what I did when my mother tried to pressure me to let my baby meet lots of her family during the worst flu season in thirty years: tell them you're doing what's best for your family and you won't put up with the social pressure people love to put on new mothers.
When mother maintains skin contact with the child, research shows that she will develop a feeling of being happy and comfortable.
When the mother's supply is abundant, the baby usually gains fine, though he may spend long periods on the breast despite the mother's abundant supply.
Vaospasm, which happens when the nipple is compressed and blanched and then painfully refills with blood seems more common when a mother has had breast surgery.
The C - section derives its name from the Roman ruler Caesar and was performed in Roman times when a mother was over ten months pregnant or close to death.
Breast - feeding is a wonderful experience, a time when mother and infant enhance the bond.
A study published in the International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine reported that there is less of a chance of her being diagnosed with postpartum depression due to the release of oxytocin when a mother breastfeeds.
Sometimes babies between the ages of 9 to 15 months are old enough to recognize it when their mother's puts the diaper on her head or makes a quacking sound like a duck.
They were playing, and laughing, when her mother came around the corner.
However, in this country it sparks high levels of debate in the press and online — much of which can be highly critical of breastfeeding or examples of when a mother has experienced a problem when feeding her child this way.
That said, there are certainly times when a mother can't breastfeed due to a medical condition, life circumstances, adoption, or other factors.
Latching on well is even more important when the mother does not have a full milk supply, as when she does.
Cup feeding is usually easier and faster when the mother is not present to feed the baby.
The information here is for families who wish to explore the possibility of breastfeeding their baby when the mother has a diagnosis of HIV.
I use this technique time and time again when a mother is having a difficult time getting her baby to maintain a latch and suckle at the breast.
When a mother has struggled with chronic low milk production, sooner or later she begins to wonder about the next baby.
«When mother is absent,» said Bergman, «the newborn brain feels unsafe.
There seems to be no evidence that the unborn baby weighs any less at birth when his mother nursed through a pregnancy then when his mother doesn't.
It is very effective at bringing down milk production when a mother is making way too much milk.
That difficulty is intensified, however, when that mother works outside the home.
For example, when the mother walked away from the 3 year old to care for the baby, the 3 year old wet her pants.
But when a mother is aware and alert and baby is healthy, co-sleeping can be done safely.
In some cases, the children's suspicions are based on things like a perceived physical resemblance to the doctor, or having brown eyes when the mother and the alleged donor both had blue eyes.
There is a familial component to age of onset of menopause (we typically ask patients when their mother / sisters went through «the change»).
«Denison insisted on picking the children up alone even when their mother asked her to bring along another relative.
While no doubt having evolutionary value, when the mother can't ease the baby's cries she feels like a failure.
Breastfeeding is ALWAYS the better choice, except in RARE occasions (when the mother is on powerful medications).
1) Secure - these infants actively explore, they get upset when their mother leaves, are happy upon reunion and seek physical contact with their mother.
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