Sentences with phrase «when normal pet»

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That was normal experience for my Savior, Paul, Peter, and nothing new for me when I say what they said.
When your family pet dies suddenly, the «normal» ways to help everyone process may not apply.
He grew up in Normal, Illinois, the son of a science education professor and a grade - school teacher, both tolerant of his youthful interest in animals (though his mother screamed when a pet alligator joined her in the shower).
Peter tries to fall back into his normal daily routine — distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just your friendly neighborhood Spider - Man — but when the Vulture (Michael Keaton) emerges as a new villain, everything that Peter holds most important will be threatened.
Patients with a good degree of autonomy are often fully able to care for a pet, especially when the living arrangement closely mirrors a normal home environment.
«When people find strong companionship and affection in their pets, it is quite normal for them to begin treating their animals as important family members.»
When outside your normal sniffing grounds, it is always critical that your pet has proper identification through a collar and tag or microchip.
Knowing what is normal for your pet is also important for early recognition of when something is off.
Even normal wear and tear in a pet - free home occurs faster on carpet than with other flooring options, but when you add pets to the equation, it inevitably speeds up the wear process.
When travel or other commitments disrupt your normal care for your pet, a Georgia pet boarding company may be a perfect care solution.
When travel or other commitments disrupt your normal care for your pet, our reputable dog boarding facilities and pet boarding will make it easy for you to enjoy their your time away while knowing that your beloved pet is being given the best care possible.
It is normal for your pet to be extra cautious when first using the fountain.
Like in humans, weight gain occurs in pets such as dogs and cats when they consume more calories than they burn through their daily normal activities and exercise.
When pets, other pets, people, or environmental changes in the home occur, pay particular attention not to disrupt your normal cat's environment.
Incidentally, the reason I say that people no longer want to punish their pets is because I grew up in a time when smacking (dogs and children) was normal and widely accepted.
A Nuclear Medicine staff member will be available during normal business hours to inform you on the condition of your cat and when your pet will be ready to be discharged.
It is normal for some LDH to be present in your pet's blood; but when lots of it escapes from its reservoir within cells, it is because those cells have been injured.
If you consider your pet to be a member of your family, it is just as concerning when they need medical attention outside of normal business hours.
When a pet has had an abnormal ACTH stimulation test, there is a very good chance that eventually, all three layers of the adrenal cortex will fail — even if the pet's blood electrolytes come back normal or close to normal right now.
It's best to keep your pet's diet as normal as possible during holiday dinners or when entertaining at parties.
By recognizing what's normal for your pet — and what's not — you can provide the information your vet needs to make accurate diagnoses, intervene when appropriate, and provide the best care for your pet.
In fact, even when a pet's eyes look normal to the owner, a veterinary ophthalmologist can often find cloudiness in the cornea or other secondary changes that can't be seen without special equipment.
When you are open about all news and happenings at your veterinary clinic, pet owners will be more likely to forgive any mistakes because the level of communication will appear normal, rather than a last - minute effort to gloss over an error.
When a pet has a luxating (out of place) patella, this small bone jumps out of its normal grove as the leg is in motion.
To monitor your pet's normal respiratory rate, watch them breathe when they're sleeping.
Grade II — The patella can luxate on its own but can return to normal position manually or when the pet straightens the joint
It's normal for new pet owners to be cautious when getting their first dog.
This condition is one that usually worsens with age, and is worse when a pet is overweight or obese or has conditions that affect normal breathing (such as allergies).
Her normal practice when she gets a call about a stray, if at all possible, is to reunite the pet with its owner.
When it does occur it is usually a result of dehydrated - not your pet having more total red blood cells than normal.
Being aware of what is normal for your dog will help you recognize when your pet is sick and needs to seek veterinary attention.
Nibbling is a normal part of self - grooming, but when these pets feel upset, the behavior becomes a compulsion.
Cats have a slightly higher normal temperature, from 100 ° to 102.5 ° F. Because dogs and cats can not tell us when they are feeling ill, an elevated temperature may be the first or only clue that your pet is sick.
Many pets with HE have a smaller - than - normal liver or liver tissue that has abnormal texture (echogenicity) when viewed with an ultrasound machine.
«In this survey, approximately 45 percent of cat and dog owners assessed their pet as having a normal body weight when the veterinarian assessed the pet to be overweight,» said Dr. Joe Bartges, from the University of Tennessee's College of Veterinary Medicine.
When you arrive at your destination, comfort your rabbit and try to get back to your normal pet care routine as quickly as possible.
Many dog owners may believe it is normal when their pet has unusually bad breath, thus ignoring the signs of periodontal disease.
I believe that the sensitivity and significance of the creatinine test could be improved if testing laboratories factored in breed, age, sex and body weight when reporting back if a creatinine test should be considered high, normal or low for a pet.
(ref) When periodic monitoring consistently determines your pet's creatinine levels to be in the «high end normal» range (i.e., 1.4 mg / dl for dogs and 1.6 in cats,), I would still be suspicious that a kidney problem is in its early stages (IRIS Stage 1).
Ideally, it would begin when your veterinarian confirmed that your pet's resting blood pressure had begun to rise above normal.
When these pets recover their health, the T4 levels return to normal.
When travel or other commitments disrupt your normal care for your pet, a Coral Springs pet boarding company may be a perfect care solution.
An ideal time to check your pet is when cleaning the cage, as this will allow you to observe whether droppings appear normal.
Medications should be considered as part of a behavior program only when a qualified medical professional — a veterinarian or veterinary behaviorist — determines that the behavioral condition of your pet is not falling within normal parameters and / or is not responding to appropriate behavior modification efforts.
While it's normal to be able to feel your bird's claws when he or she perches on your hand, they should not be so long and sharp that you are unable to hold your pet without getting scratched.
When your pet feels poorly and the cause is uncertain, these are the first tests your veterinarian will run (for normal results in dogs and cats, see my article on normal blood values).
When a pet has diabetes mellitus, his pancreas either does not secrete enough insulin (i.e., Type One diabetes) or his tissues can not respond to the normal amounts of insulin that are present (i.e., Type Two diabetes).
When you lose a beloved pet, it is only natural and perfectly normal for you to feel grief and sorrow.
This abnormal value may be normal for that particular pet, and it helps to know this when the animal is healthy so that when symptoms of illness are noticed and a veterinarian sees that abnormal value, he or she will know it's normal for that pet.
When your pet is nearing his or her senior years, we will recommend a baseline exam and diagnostic workup so we'll know what's normal for your pet.
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