Sentences with phrase «when normalising»

Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) is critical in the digital evolution of schools, when normalising whole school use of the digital, and when shaping digitally - based school ecosystems.
When normalising both classifications to refer to competition 1RM, the number of lifts performed in the Bulgarian system that are > 90 % of 1RM is much reduced.
Subsidies not related to electricity production are amoung the largest to solar companies when normalised to electricity production.

Not exact matches

«We want to know when are we going to normalise sexuality - when no one would be looking [at a person] and saying, «oh he is gay, or she is gay?»
We need to think carefully about how we normalise breastfeeding and how families, extended families and friends can best support women when they are doing it.
And while breastfeeding photos are peaceful and lovely and help normalise it, I find it difficult to take photos when there's a giant toddler using me as a human climbing frame in an attempt to locate access both nipples simultaneously.
It's bad enough when parents give each other a hard time about how their babies are sleeping — like it's a badge of good parenting, not just that you might have lucked out (some kids are great sleepers from the start — luckily for them, they miss out on being left to scream until they vomit or give up altogether), but when professionals tell parents it's OK to ignore an EIGHT WEEK OLD baby (he's just come out of the womb, folks — this is the fourth trimester), they are normalising abuse.
Finally, some of the less pleasant feelings and emotions of motherhood was candidly discussed, normalised and properly explained... I think having my feelings validated of course helped and now when I have bouts of rage I know the origin and handle them much better.
Would Nestlé really try to undermine government and public efforts to normalise breastfeeding with a viral campaign that tells women their breasts are ogled when they go out in public?
When women revealed their symptoms to a family member, friend or medical professional their experiences were typically normalised as being what all women must endure,» Ms Young said.
We have normalised not taking sufficient physical exercise and the expectation that when people go to their doctors, they will walk out with a prescription for antibiotics, even though antimicrobial resistance is a problem.
The improvements in flood protection are the most prominent when looking at the trends, as through the 1900 - 1960 time period, many huge events occurred, but from 1960 onwards, the normalised losses steadily reduce.
Those guidelines urge particular caution when reporting celebrity suicides and other key points such as avoiding detailed description of the method used and sensationalising or normalising suicide.
The study, published in the FASEB Journal, found that the MSCs could effectively reduce inflammation, reversed signs of airway remodelling and completely normalised airway / lung fibrosis and airway hyperresponsiveness, particularly when delivered intranasally.
«When we give these older people cysteine and glycine in their diets and corrected glutathione deficiency, amazingly their fat oxidation also normalised,» Dr Sekhar said.
Furthermore, when the team looked at the levels of insulin in the blood of the 18 participants with diabetes, they found out that the levels have normalised, meaning that the pancreas has regained its original secretory function.
So when you are stressed, taking any mind games and tricks outside the equation, megadosing with vitamin C and ensuring that your magnesium is correct are the basic strategies, but there's also taking adaptogens like ginseng and rhodiola rosea, herbs which normalise your stress response and keep it constrained.
If you're making or using excess insulin, the switch to a fat burning metabolism allows the insulin to normalise and causes your cells, including the macrophages, to let go of cholesterol — and when they do, the lipoproteins are there ready to carry it away.
Studies, by myself and in conjunction with colleagues, of over 70 pathfinder (early adopter) schools from the UK, US, New Zealand and Australia, that have or nearly have normalised the whole school use of the student's own digital technology in all facets of their operations, provide a telling insight into what happens with schools as organisations when they move from their traditional paper to a digital operational base (Lee & Finger, 2010), (Lee & Levins, 2012), (Lee & Ward, 2013), (Lee & Broadie, 2014), (
The challenge for researchers is that when schools set about normalising the use of technology across the whole school and all activities, the silo - like organisation of 20th Century schools breaks down.
However, in 2016, when Mr Isaac expects base rates to have climbed to a more normalised level, bond markets could face material headwinds.
The least we can do, as professionals, is to normalise between economic boom and economic bust, between low profit margins such as those in 1982 when they were 1/2 normal and very high profit margins such as those of today.
Even when the plants do a Fukushima (an exceedingly rare occurrence and the frequency per unit of electricity produced is decreasing), the fatalities and health consequences are negligible and, properly normalised for the amount of electricity they supply, are less than any other electricity generation technology operating routinely.
The ony effect I can see that this has is to re-scale the S domain distributions very slightly when they are normalised.
The health promotion resource has the potential to normalise difficulties encountered by parents when parenting their son or daughter in a new cultural context and to discuss topics that carry significant stigma.
This might include locating support resources or helping them talk to a medical professional normalising emotions and sharing feelings encouraging young people to seek extra support from professionals or their peers when they need it allowing for time off from talking about cancer.
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