Sentences with phrase «when observational records»

Not exact matches

None of the above should be taken as trying to diminish the work of Farman and colleagues whose «old school» brand of observational science certainly paid off, but a result is far more powerful when seen in multiple independent records.
Before jumping to conclusions, there needs to be much better justification of the basic assumption that we just happen to be sitting at a time when GHG forcing is larger than all other potential long term (longer than the observational record) oceanic imbalances.
Such proxy material as tree rings can not be as accurate as instrumental records or detailed reconstructions using a variety of observational material - but there are nevertheless a number of obvious consequences that those who debate climate as either «realists» or «sceptics» need to face when considering this data;
It was this latter date when the CET instrumental records began, and we can usefully bookend this era with two pieces of observational climate information.
I'm asking you for your opinion of the relative reliability of the presumably anecdotal and non-systematic observational records (perhaps when I read your article in more detail I'll see that there more more than just anecdotal and non-systematic observational techniques?)
While its not entirely fair to remove a modeled event from the record, it's also not at all fair to compare skill over such a short time frame, when volcanic and other effectively random events can skew either path (observational or modeled) so greatly.
It's only when we introduce the observed amount of greenhouse gases that humans have put into the atmosphere that we can reproduce the observational record.
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