Sentences with phrase «when older studies»

Earlier material should be condensed or summarized as necessary to direct attention to the best available research and to indicate when older studies have been superseded by newer research.

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When Spreng read a Journal of General Internal Medicine study on elder abuse in New York that found more than half of financial exploitation is carried out by a person the victim knew, he wondered: Just how well are older adults navigating the complexities of their social environment?
Walter Mischel, Ebbe Ebbesen and Antonette Raskoff Zeiss» famous 1972 study of 92 kids, 3 to 5 years old, found that when given the option between getting a small reward right away or waiting for a larger one, the children preferred larger rewards but were more likely to accept a smaller reward instantly.
Joe DeGutis, one of the study's coauthors, noted that younger people may have faster cognitive processing on their side, but older adults seem to win out when it comes to staying focused longer.
When I Will Teach You to Be Rich author Ramit Sethi interviewed his old mentor, Stanford University persuasion expert BJ Fogg, for a podcast, Fogg noted that studies show «our context controls us in a huge way.»
A study by JPMorgan calculated median annual health - care costs for today's 65 - year - olds at $ 4,660, but they project annual increases of 6.2 percent to 7 percent as that group ages, so that by 2036, when those people are 85, their median annual health - care spending will reach roughly $ 18,000.
According to a recent leadership study done by Deloitte, «When older business models are no longer working, leaders need new capabilities.
The authors of the study — professors Jorge Walter (George Washington University School of Business), Daniel Z. Levin (Rutgers Business School), and J. Keith Murnighan (Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management)-- studied what happened when more than 150 executives interacted with old ties about an important work project.
A 2016 study by economists and Uber data experts found that when Uber alerted passengers that fares had doubled — part of Uber's older «surge pricing» scheme — ride purchases immediately fell by about 40 %.
The study drew on data from nearly 6,000 millennial renters (age 18 to 34) at a time when homeownership for Americans under 35 years old is at its lowest point in the history of Census recorded data dating back to 1984.
The average New York City tech founder is thirty - one years old when she founds her company and founders are just as likely to have studied a non-technical subject in university as a technical one.
As a matter of fact, I would like to thank Sister Catherine for rolling her eyes to the ceiling when we asked in 4th grade about how god made all the animals in one day and there were dinosaurs that were millions of years old while we studied fossils.
I was clinically diagnosed when I was 30 years old, after months of investigation, careful study, and gentle probing.
George Kennedy, a renowned classical scholar, became interested in rhetorical criticism of the Bible when graduate students in Old and New Testament asked to study with him.
Some historians have traced the roots of The Controversy to the early 1960s, when conflict over historical «critical study of the Bible produced a major crisis in the SBC leading to the dismissal of Ralph Elliott, a professor of Old Testament at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri.
It must be severely offputting to quite a lot of Christians when they finally realize that there are thousands of years of study commentary and writings on what they consider the «Old Testament» — written by the people for whom it was their religious writings, first.
When he was scarcely fifteen years old, the great thought took possession of him that the ancient method of studying nature was wrong and that he was meant to right it.
The analogy I used when I was startled by a similarly lame attempt at proof by an otherwise intelligent fellow grad student is that using the bible to prove the resurrection is like using the Old Irish tales I had been studying then to prove the superhuman powers of Irish folk hero Cu Chulainn.
The average age of couples when they divorce is 30 years old, but a 2015 study by the University of Utah states that after the age of 32 the likelihood of divorce goes up 5 percent per year.
In school, all the grand old masters of literature are brought out for the children to study and to struggle with, with those dorky Questions for Class Discussion: What rhetorical device does the writer employ when he refers to «poems they tape to the refrigerator door»?
Now, honestly... Why would you call Atheists (those who rely on thorough scientific studies) brainwashed, when it is the religious people that believe in 2,000 year old camp fire stories told by Middle Eastern Sheep Herders that should be called brainwashed?
Studies of early Christian baptisms, as reflected in Pauline letters and writings of the church fathers, indicate that converts to the faith wore a garment symbolic of the old life, and when they arose from baptism their new life was symbolized by the donning of a white garment.
A survey of 16 - year - olds reveals that just one in five (22 %) has no friends from the other main tradition compared to one in three (33 %) in 2003, when the annual study first got under way.
However, modern study of the Old Testament has reinforced the fact that the worldview of the biblical authors affected what they thought and wrote, and so it is necessary to take the worldviews of the biblical authors into consideration when we interpret the text.
Sargenti enrolled at New York University in the spring of 2010, hoping to study creative writing or another craft to rely on when she «is in a wheelchair from injuries or too old to dance.»
Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby (Gen 18:2 NIV)»... Furthermore, there is a good reason to study the old Orient, the rituals and cultures of the Middel East, especially at that time,,, i myself being Half Egyptian and having been raised there, am blessed with this foreknowledge for certain things that are still the same way now as they were at th etime of Jesus and earlier,,, where Men kiss to greet one another for example,,, so when King David talks about the love of Jonathan being greater than that of a woman,,, and at the same time knowing that the Hebrew litreature (as the Arabian culture to quite an extent still is) was very poetic and used éndless symbols and parabels to express an idea,,, one might do himself a favor not jumping to conclusions which satisfy only his very own ideas and thoughts,,, the biggest problem with Bible interpretations lately is Verses ripped out of the context and interpreted in such a way that has nothing to do with its original context... «To the law and to the testimony!
Like many other old liberal Protestant ideas, Dibelius's view passed into wide circulation in the Catholic world when biblical studies engaged with modern historical criticism at the time of the Second Vatican Council.
According to my 9 year old son, who is studying the Torah in school, we refrain from eating chametz because, «when leaving Egypt the Jews did not even have enough time to let the bread rise.»
Even as a 20 month old, Paloma is always hanging around when I'm cooking — playing with pots and pans, studying the ingredients, and begging for samples.
A Stanford study confirms what they already know: The older a man is when he marries after age 40, the greater the likelihood his wife will be a lot younger — whether he's rich and educated or not.
This explains why many women choose to 100 percent formula - feed their new babies, or to take advantage of both options, especially when newer formula recipes are so much healthier than those of old, with recent studies and a better understanding of the benefits offered by breast milk.
According to a Canadian study, «Divorce rates are lowest when the husband is two to 10 years older than the wife or when the magnitude of their age difference is extremely large.»
As I've noted before, a Stanford study confirms what we already know: The older a man is when he marries after age 40, the greater the likelihood his wife will be a lot younger — whether he's rich and educated or not.
For some reason, our thirteen year - old does not find these studies as riveting as we do (although I saw a flicker of interest in his eyes when I mentioned the important role sleep plays in athletic performance).
, then sex was OK until we had kids, then when the kids got older it was because she was studying to become a Nurse.
A study released by the National Institutes of Health in 2004 indicated that children who were breastfed had a 20 % lower risk of dying between 28 days and our year old when compared to children who weren't breastfed during this time.
As outlined in our new blog, numerous internationally respected studies make clear the importance of secure father - child attachment — including, for example, work by Dr Paul Ramchandani of Imperial College London which shows that «disengaged and remote father - child interactions as early as the third month of life» predict behaviour problems in children when they are older [1] and US research showing that «verbal exchanges between fathers and their infants and between mothers and their infants each, independently and uniquely, predict pre-schoolers» social competence and lower aggression» [2].
A study by Santos, Matijasevich, and Domingues looked at babies» sleeping patterns when they were 3 months old.
One study found that women who practice frequent skin - to - skin contact are more likely to be exclusively breastfeeding when baby is 3 months old!
For the new study, the researchers surveyed 532 first - time mothers - to - be from one medical center about their plans for breastfeeding, then interviewed them six more times: when their baby was just born and when it was 3, 7, 14, 30 and 60 days old.
For their report, Hauck and her colleagues looked at data from a large infant feeding study and they focused on about 1,800 mothers who were breastfeeding when their baby was two weeks old.
I recently answered a Quora Question from a 21 year old who was worried how her parents were going to handle it when she went to study abroad.
However, a large study in Israel, where peanuts are often introduced when babies are less than 4 months old, found that early introduction of peanut protein actually decreases the risk of developing a peanut allergy.
So I was happy when my oldest son came home with a craft he made with his Bible study class last week.
And a more recent study of Chinese children found that mind - minded parenting at 9 months predicted better self - control when children were 2 - 3 years year old.
However, upon deeper study, when Jesus came along, he said to the effect that the old ways were done and that we are to follow what he preaches.
Recent studies by the group have found that three - year - olds who are spanked frequently are more likely to be aggressive when they're five, and that spanking has been linked to mental health disorders later on in life.
By working flexible hours in part - time jobs until 1995 when she went back to working full time, Morrison was able to do what meant most to her: She nursed both her sons, now 26 and 24 years old, raised them, finished her undergraduate degree in interdisciplinary studies — and also managed to maintain her professional status.
Norman Weinberger, a cognitive sciences and psychology professor at the University of California at Irvine, says in one study, babies as young as four months old seemed to know when researchers played the «Happy Birthday» song incorrectly.
And when compared to the genetic contributions of the mother, older fathers are responsible for nearly all of a child's random genetic mutations: a father's age at conception may account for 97 % of the new, or de novo, mutations found in his offspring, according to the new study led by Augustine Kong at deCODE Genetics in Iceland.
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