Sentences with phrase «when people spoke»

Our measurements of surface air temperatures were much more accurate, and so when people spoke of «global warming,» they tended to focus on air temperatures.
In the past, when people spoke of training collars, they really generally were referring to «choke chains.»
In the past when people spoke of training collars, they really were generally referring to «choke chains».
When people spoke (David Davis, John Redwood, Matthew Elliot to name a few) anyone in the audience could get up and put forward their view.
Mr. Schneiderman said the challenge he was facing this time was no different than it was when he first ran for the State Senate, when some people he spoke with asked him why he was running against a certain United States senator.
Throughout biblical history, when people spoke and wrote about salvation, they were referring to physical deliverance from some sort of temporal calamity, such as sickness, premature physical death, enemies, and natural disasters like storms, floods, and famines.
When people speak to you a certain way, you can become convinced you sparked that behavior.
When people speak the same language, there's less of a learning curve when talking about the technology.
When people speak out against our religion in sucks but you must remember that your faith is between you and God.
There is in general an undertone of lamentation when people speak of manipulation which points to idealistic expectations — as if the class enemy had ever stuck to the promises of fair play it occasionally utters.
So when people speak about Christian art, I think you've got Christians in different parts of the country with different perspectives on that very same topic.
Jesus says it this way, «Woe to you, when all people speak well of you» (Luke 6:26).
When people speak of «permitting the lesser evil» they may have one or other of a number of different comparisons in mind, either between greater or lesser moral evils, or between what they think of as greater or lesser «pre-moral» evils.
It does infuriate me when people speak as if they know, when they do not.
It has always seemed to me that when people speak out to say that something is incoherent or vague or whatever, it also demonstrates their unwillingness to engage in something that they haven't already been able to define, pin - down, label, etc., etc..
when people speak of the antichrist... i believe it means....
Mavent, it seems that way sometimes when people speak the truth.
The Lord doesn't like it when people speak about what they don't understand, simply to try and prove a point.
«Blessed are you when people speak ill of you and revile you for my sake...» Well done, good and faithful servant.
When people speak about Liverpool's world class players, they invariably mention Steven Gerrard and Fernando Torres, but one player has shone even more consistently.
When you people speak of old age, do u refer in particular to the individual's ability or numerical age?
When people speak of Nigeria, it is because of its diversity.
Democracy works when people speak up and people act,» Cuomo said.
When people speak to Alexa or Google Voice, the interactions are logged, creating an ever - expanding database of voice data — for Amazon and Google.
When people speak about themselves in ways that are disempowering, I feel my...
When people speak of dieting, we are typically referring to weight loss, but the anti-diet approach is also embedded in my recommendations for those that aren't striving for weight loss.
When people speak of water retention we typically mean bloating and other effects and that doesn't seem to be an issue anymore.
When people speak of a «successful» website, they normally mean one or both of the following; a website that has high traffic or a website that earns plenty of pocket money for its owner.Ideally, a we...
But those who've made money selling old furniture on Craigslist or those who Snapchat to communicate with friends will eye roll when people speak of the dangers of using either one.
Report author, Dr Ben Alcott, said: «When people speak of a positive school experience, they frequently cite a personal relationship with a teacher and the encouragement they were given.
When people speak of Eldon Farrell the author, Singularity is what I want them to think of.
When people speak of offer categories they normally first think of sign up bonuses and interest free periods.
When people speak of socializing an aggressive dog, they often mean turning it loose with other dogs, or that is their goal.
When people speak of socializing an aggressive dog, they often mean turning it loose with other...
For all of the detail put in to creating the levels the people you meet along the way are stiffly animated with waxen faces and mouths that often don't even move when the person speaks, which more than once freaked me out a little.
When people speak loudly and vote with their wallets, the industry responds.
It means a lot when people speak out loudly and clearly, as you are courageously doing, with an unvarnished willingness to say openly what is true, as you see it.
When people speak of 10 year life insurance they are usually referring to 10 year term life insurance.
Simple actions like using a person's name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will make the person feel appreciated.
Today when people speak of networking, they automatically think it needs to only take place online.
When people speak of being legally separated in New Jersey, they may be referring to the fact that they have entered into a written separation agreement governing custody and a parenting plan and support (and maybe even division of property and debt); or where, instead of having the marriage dissolved, the spouses filed for separate maintenance (a type of support proceeding in New Jersey that results in the entry of a support order but not dissolution of the marriage) or for divorce a mensa et thoro (divorce from bed and board) that allows the parties to live separately while still remaining married (which some spouses wish to do for religious reasons or, where the insurance plan allows it, to continue with health coverage through the other spouse).

Not exact matches

When I am done speaking, there is often a group of people that will want to come up to me to chat, or I seek out the most engaged person to talk to.
I recently spoke with Anders Lassen, CEO of Fuse, who explained, «People work incredibly inefficiently today, and we simply can't afford that when demand for enterprise apps outstrips supply by six - to - one.
But when there's a pattern of behavior profiled across many women and researched by a trusted journalist who has examined evidence, we must speak up and make sure this kind of behavior won't be tolerated no matter how powerful somebody is and no matter how many people they threaten and try to silence.
However, active listening as a leader isn't just about listening to people when they happen to speak with you.
I hate when people tell me to «just be yourself» — but in remote interviews, dialing back the corporate speak and acting like yourself makes you more trustworthy.
Only speak when you have something important to say — and always define important as what matters to the other person, not to you.
If you speak with her, or follow her on Instagram, you can tell she is a naturally warm, and welcoming person, so it comes to no surprise to me when she told me she maxed out her allotted «friends» on Facebook.
As Recode's Kara Swisher noted when writing up her interview: «Note to Mark: You are the right and only person to speak for Facebook at this point in the controversy.»
«When we launched our science initiative last year, I spoke about how we need to change that our government spends 50x more treating people who are sick than finding cures so people don't get sick in the first place,» he wrote.
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