Sentences with phrase «when plaque and tartar»

The problem begins when plaque and tartar build up on your pet's teeth.
When plaque and tartar build up on the teeth this leads to periodontal disease which causes pain, bad breath and tooth loss.
When plaque and tartar spread under the gum line, it can start to damage to the supporting tissues around the tooth and eventually lead to tooth loss.

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When plaque mixes with saliva, it turns into a hard substance called tartar which can lead to gum inflammation, infection, and even bone damage.
When this film gets combined with saliva, the plaque it causes becomes tartar, and very hard to remove.
When small bits of food are wedged between the teeth bacteria proliferate, plaque forms and eventually it develops into calculus (tartar).
When plaque and dental tartar accumulate with only mild periodontitis (bone loss around the tooth) or gingivitis is found, professional dental cleaning alone effectively treats the issue.
At any rate, you will be able to help prevent tartar and plaque buildup while also ensuring your mutt's breath smells really fresh when it's time for some cuddling.
The bacteria present in plaque and tartar, when swallowed, can also cause or exacerbate heart and kidney problems.
When added to your dog's water, our veterinarian - recommended Advanced Oral Care Liquid Tartar Remover freshens your dog's breath and alters the pH of his saliva to help reduce plaque and tartar buTartar Remover freshens your dog's breath and alters the pH of his saliva to help reduce plaque and tartar butartar buildup.
Brushing should begin during the kitten stage of life after the adult teeth have erupted when there is no visible plaque and tartar in the mouth.
When ignored, that tartar and plaque continue to accumulate on your cat's teeth, eventually becoming gum and then periodontal disease.
When tartar and plaque buildup on the teeth, the toxins they contain often seep under the gum line and into the bloodstream, wreaking havoc on the organs that then filter the blood, including the liver, kidneys, and heart, especially.
When the condition is left untreated, however, plaque and tartar continue to accumulate and gingivitis worsens to the point where the gums begin to detach from the teeth.
When accumulation of plaque and dental tartar with gingivitis or only mild periodontitis (bone loss around the tooth) is found, professional dental cleaning alone typically treats the issue effectively.
Just like humans, pet's teeth are prone to plaque build - up, and when allowed to combine with saliva and residual food between the tooth and gum, plaque turns to tartar.
Plaque forms when bacteria attach to teeth, and over time, this plaque hardens to form calculus (taPlaque forms when bacteria attach to teeth, and over time, this plaque hardens to form calculus (taplaque hardens to form calculus (tartar).
When digested, the natural compounds in the powder react with the dog's saliva and breaks down the layer of dog plaque and tartar on the teeth.
«Problems begin when food particles and bacteria build up in the cat's mouth, forming plaque and tartar, causing gingivitis and severe periodontal disease,» says Young.
Dry food has a natural abrasive cleaning function when your pet chews it that helps reduce plaque and tartar build up.
When plaque hardens, it forms tartar (or calculus), which in turn can cause the gums to get red, inflamed, and sore.
It is possible to clean your cat's teeth to remove plaque and prevent tartar build - up, but he needs to become accustomed to this when young.
When plaque isn't removed from your pet's teeth, it collects there and around the gum line and within a few days hardens into tartar.
When sprayed on dogs» or cats» teeth, this all - natural formula immediately softens tartar and plaque.
When the plaque mixes with minerals within the animal's saliva, it turns hard and becomes tartar.
Most of the plaque and tartar we deal with when cleaning is on the outside so there is not much need to open the mouth.
This behavioral action is more than a pleasurable activity for dogs; when dogs chew for a certain amount of time, they mechanically remove plaque and tartar from their teeth which promotes dental health.
Periodontal diseases occur when the accumulation of plaque and tartar cause either periodontal pockets or gum recession around the tooth's attachment.
When the build up of Plaque and Tartar becomes serious then your dog may need to be put under anaesthesia to have their Teeth cleaned.
While teeth brushing is not required, it can speed up the removal of plaque and tartar when used with the gel.
When tartar and plaque accumulate on your pet's teeth, toxins seep below the gum line and into the blood stream.
VetriScience Perio Support is the perfect second line of defense against plaque, tartar, and bacteria when used in conjunction with regular brushing to keep your pet's teeth strong, healthy, and pearly white.
The condition occurs when there is a buildup of plaque, which hardens and forms tartar on the tooth.
Dental disease occurs in pets, as it does in humans, when significant amounts of plaque and tartar build up on their teeth.
When the tooth encounters a piece of kibble, the morsel shatters and subsequently provides no abrasive effect to scrape plaque (invisible layer of bacteria), tartar (yellow - brown deposits from chronic bacterial growth), or other food debris from tooth surfaces.
When plaque and dental tartar accumulate with gingivitis or only mild periodontitis (bone loss around the tooth) is found, professional dental cleaning alone naturally treats the issue effectively.
When eating raw meat and bones, the act itself of chewing and gnawing serves as a polisher of the surface of the teeth preventing the buildup of plaque and tartar.
Products that help prevent plaque and tartar build - up on teeth, that help reduce odor or that prevent tearstains should all be mentioned to customers when discussing the importance of proper hydration.
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