Sentences with phrase «when public energy»

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Of course, taking a scrappy Canadian startup public comes with its own set of challenges — how do you maintain the same energy and innovation when your staff is in the hundreds, instead of the dozens?
There's an obvious public relations benefit to going green, especially at a time when the U.S. government has come under fire for reversing many of the country's commitments to clean energy.
«The volatility can actually slow investment behaviour, and when you do that, you begin to slow the pace at which the economy can potentially grow,» says Kenneth Medlock, a fellow in energy studies at the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University.
The pope insists, as part of his demand for truth, that the Church «has a public role over and above her charitable and educational activities: all the energy she brings to the advancement of humanity and of universal fraternity is manifested when she is able to operate in a climate of freedom.
They remind us of this point by citing part of recent history: when Rosa Parks went public with her pain and refused to ride in the back of the bus, she released energy, the energy to take a giant step in righting a great wrong and to lift many a burden.
Meanwhile, the public aspects of the Romney campaign are in state of semi-hibernation as the campaign saves, money and candidate energy for when people are more focused on the election.
In the same way that the energy industry today is mistakenly identified with «Big Oil» (Exxon, Chevron, et al.), when it is in fact conducted predominantly by smaller independent companies most readers will have never heard of, modern capitalism is not largely the purview of Apple and Walmart, but rather of small, privately owned businesses with less than one hundred employees providing services or products the public wants or needs in order to support the families of the owners and provide jobs for their workers.
So much of the energy of the movement had focused on that immediate goal, however, that when the treaty was ratified, public support could not be mobilized for a next step.
A barbecue is usually given by the inhabitants of some rural district desirous of giving candidates an opportunity to state, that, if elected, all their energies will be devoted to the interests of their constituents and the public weal, and that they pledge themselves, that, when their tenure of office shall expire, they will restore the high trust committed to their hands unsullied, etc..
Where they will die before they even come to a vote, if we don't give them some of that fantastic energy that we find when faced with something offensive like Rep. Riddle's remarks or a nursing in public incident.
For Marquand, the 19th century was the great age of the public realm when Gladstone's reforms to the civil service enshrined an ethos of professionalism and public service and a civic pride and energy was unleashed across the country, as captured in the great civic architecture of northern cities.
Joshua Lafazan, who in 2012 became the youngest public office holder in state history when he was elected at 18 to the Syosset school board, kicked off his campaign for the Nassau Legislature, vowing to bring young energy to fight political corruption and restore the county's fiscal integrity.
And when asked who is most to blame for «spiralling energy bills», the public shows little interest in blaming either the current government (15 %) or the last Labour government (15 %).
There is an overlying awareness when assessing New York's environmentally progressive work - in - progress that the effects climate change and fossil fuel energy industries have on the environment, infrastructure and public health don't stop at state lines.
Moreover, in those rare cases when citizen energy is vested in voicing dissent it has little impact; the Occupy London movement left those yielding power unscathed with business back to normal after the protesters were evicted from what is literally a public space.
We've got ta have a public energy system — not rely on companies motivated by private profit who make more money when they sell more electricity or fuel.
At 1:30 p.m., the Senate Standing Committee on Energy and Telecommunications will meet to discuss various amendments to public service and general business law - including an act in relation to requiring companies to allow victims of domestic violence to cancel contracts when there is a permanent order of protection in place.
Joshua Lafazan, who in 2012 became the youngest public office holder in state history when he was elected at 18 to the Syosset school board, kicked off his campaign for the Nassau Legislature Thursday, vowing to bring young energy to fight political corruption and restore the county's fiscal integrity.
Among her plans of what she'd like to accomplish once elected: Promote / support bills in Congress that adopt clean sources of energy by helping to end the intricate system of public subsidies that keep dirty sources of energy artificially cheap, and promote renewable sources: solar, wind, and hydro; Protect waterways / drinking supply by reducing the risk of contamination and ensure that when contamination is found, the responsible parties are held accountable; Fight for public financing of elections; Work every day to overturn Citizens United.
The group wants the United States to public commit to transition to a 100 % clean, renewable energy economy by 2030 when the UN meeting on climate change takes place in NYC in September.
When Obama emphasized his «all of the above» energy plan, it sparked a combative back - and - forth duel with a subtext about who would create more jobs by permitting the private sector to develop fossil fuels on public land and on the outer continental shelf.
When she was just 13, Finucane spent her winter holiday «trying to bring positive energy» to the children in the pediatric oncology ward of a public hospital in Mexico, where her parents were volunteering during a 6 - month sabbatical.
As UN member nations have committed to implement the goals by 2030, the research suggests that far greater emphasis should be placed on considering cross-sectoral dynamics between energy, water, food, gender and education when considering wider public policy goals.
That's what Richard Reavey, vice president of public affairs of Cloud Peak Energy Inc., a major coal miner in the western United States, appears to have done on June 29, 2015, when he presented a 24 - page slideshow at an industry conference organized by the Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute in Snowmass, Colo..
The professor began studying environmental behavior in the 1980s, when the 1970s» energy crisis loomed large in the public memory.
«Along with other research released recently from Western Australia showing increased harms on nights when people consumed energy drinks, it is becoming more apparent about how associations between energy drink consumption and greater levels of intoxication and harm can be explained, and that the concerns of researchers regarding social order and public health appear to be warranted, despite industry lobbying to the contrary.»
At a time when the energy capacity gap is reaching a critical point, it is particularly important in public sector buildings where the bills are paid for by the State, to reduce energy use in public sector buildings.
«It's very clear that we have not sufficiently challenged our youngsters in these early grades when they have such incredible energy and potential for learning,» said Superintendent of Public Instruction Bill Honig, who empaneled the group.
When you consider all the ways in which American public education harms the lives of children black and brown as well as denies them brighter futures, it is critical that reformers put as much energy into transforming the systems as some are doing in taking down Confederate statues in public parks.
When I was a public teacher, I would have LOVED to have a curation tool like this so I had more time and energy to devote to my actual students.
15) Dividends — When you invest in a public company that offer dividends (such as utilities, energy companies, and some retail companies) you receive a portion of the company's profits that it pays to its shareholders.
When the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) challenged Ohio businesses to reduce kilowatt usage or face penalty fees, Coastal had already taken the initiative to reduce energy use by upgrading our equipment and lighting to fuel - efficient state - of - the - art options, and was one of 13 Ohio businesses to earn this recognition.
However, the amount of CO2 produced per kWh of energy delivered to the public is significantly greater when gasification is used.
I know some here will decry that I am not talking about the issues because I do not try to obsfuscate with a discussion of the spot market price of coal vs long - term contracts, or use of coal in locations other than Kansas, or Al Gore's footprint, but the issue of Global Warming IS politics (non-ratification of Kyoto and negative flag - waving ads about politicians who oppose coal), it IS public relations («Clean Coal», cleanest coal - fired plants, surface mining and mountain - top reoval rather than strip mining, etc.), and it IS about misrepresentation (Peobody framing the debate as coal vs NG when it is really coal vs every other energy source), and it IS about greed (the coal industry doing everything it can to scuttle every other energy alternative).
Otherwise, the president of Platts would have to be serious when he said the sentence «Platts congratulates winners and finalists alike for their efforts to promote a secure and socially - responsible energy future» aloud and in public and was talking about Shell.
Without greater understanding of the nature of the problem, he says, it will be hard to convince the public of the need for big, prompt, costly changes to the energy system, even when the worst impacts are projected to come later in the century.
Lomborg gets it right when he calls for an ambitious public investment program in clean - energy technologies.
When scientists and advocates, motivated by these biased perceptions, take action by responding with tit - for - tat attacks on climate skeptics, it takes energy and effort away from offering a positive message and engagement campaign that builds public support for climate action and instead feeds a downward spiral of «war» and conflict rhetoric that appears as just more ideological rancor to the wider public.
When you do, encouraging surprises appear, as in findings from Yale's Six Americas survey of public views about global warming (read «Energy Agreement Hidden by Climate Disputes»).
Let me conclude by pointing out the carbon dioxide problem has begun to invade public consciousness at a critical time, when the worldwide industrial civilization is beginning to be shaken to its foundations by the disappearance of inexpensive sources of energy.
Marvel et al will be forever used by green advocates to claim empirical estimates are biased low, and must therefore be ignored when choosing public energy policies.
Stacy was the leader of the anti-wind group Save Western Ohio when he appeared before the Ohio House Public Utilities Committee in 2008 to oppose the bill that established Ohio's renewable energy standards.
In 2004 the secretariat was warned by the SBI on its role as an impartial actor (after the Executive Director attended an international energy conference to endorse renewable energy) when it formally «took note of the concern expressed that officials of the secretariat should take care in their public statements to reflect the views of parties held by consensus, and not to appear to support only one side or another on contentious issues.»
But to fully capitalize on the potential of electric vehicles for reducing climate - altering carbon emissions from the transport sector, an analyst recently explained in Issues, new investments are needed in large - scale electricity storage and new public policies are needed to encourage recharging when renewable energy sources are providing the power.
This Public Service Commission order provides much needed stability in the near term for community solar customers and developers, at a time when a lot of clean energy regulation and policy in New York is in flux,» said Sean Garren, Northeast Senior Director for Vote Solar.
Electricity grids also must incorporate greater levels of clean renewable energy, and electricity providers must incentivize public recharging of EVs when renewable energy generation is at its peak.
At least one utility company, Arizona Public Service (APS) has proposed «a «reverse demand response» pilot that aims to address negative pricing in the middle of the day by shifting non-residential load to times when renewable energy abundant.»
Strong was Chairman of Ontario Hydro, the public utility, when all the «green» decisons that now leave them short of energy were made.
An early turning point in the coal war came in June 2007, when Florida's Public Service Commission refused to license a huge $ 5.7 - billion, 1,960 - megawatt coal plant because the utility proposing it could not prove that building the plant would be cheaper than investing in conservation, efficiency, or renewable energy.
modern diplomacy Public - Private Dialogue at IRENA's 8th Assembly highlights what governments and businesses can do to unlock investment in renewable energy «We find ourselves in a time when scaling - up renewable energy investment makes sense, even when not much of anything else makes sense,» Steve Sawyer, Secretary General of the Global Wind Energy Council told a ballroom filled with ministers, diplomats, parliamentarians energy «We find ourselves in a time when scaling - up renewable energy investment makes sense, even when not much of anything else makes sense,» Steve Sawyer, Secretary General of the Global Wind Energy Council told a ballroom filled with ministers, diplomats, parliamentarians energy investment makes sense, even when not much of anything else makes sense,» Steve Sawyer, Secretary General of the Global Wind Energy Council told a ballroom filled with ministers, diplomats, parliamentarians Energy Council told a ballroom filled with ministers, diplomats, parliamentarians and...
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