Sentences with phrase «when social care funding»

None of the details are yet clear, but one thing is certain: in envisaging an integration of health and care budgets, decision - makers at the metropolitan centre are devolving desperately hard choices away from Whitehall at a moment when social care funding has been cut to crisis level and more cuts are required.

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When to claim Social Security benefits will be one of the most important decisions that you make regarding your retirement, along with how to take retirement income from your various retirement accounts and how you will fund your health care needs in retirement.
But he says that when Labour proposed its own social care plan for the election, it faced up to the funding problem.
He finally stated: «Why can't the prime minister listen to those in local government, to the King's Fund, the NHS Confederation, her own council leaders and recognise this social care crisis forces people to give up work to care for loved ones because there isn't a system to do it; makes people stay in hospital longer than they should; and leads people into a horrible, isolated life when they should be cared for by all of us through a properly funded social care system.
Claire Dorer, chief executive of the National Association of independent and non-maintained Special Schools (NASS), says that when social care and therapy costs for pupils is included, residential independent schools can provide the same value for money as state - funded schools.
But the government - balancing NHS and social care pressures - will repeat its line that school funding has been protected at a time when money is tight.
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