Sentences with phrase «when speaking»

Now, when speaking about sin versus vice both carry meaning and weight to them.
When speaking of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, he poses the question, «Why did the early Christians call these books «the Gospel?»
At issue is the way he used a verse in the Koran when speaking to a group of fishermen in September.
Jesus talked about this same subject when speaking about the Kingdom of God.
I've really appreciated the effort here at this blog to not dismiss the direct testimony of people when speaking their truth (yourself foremost among them!)
Moreover, it was specifically affirmed on behalf of the drafters of Pastor aeternus that the phrases ex cathedra does not extend to any and every example of public teaching by the pope (this was to exclude St Robert Bellarmine's exaggerated notion that the pope is always infallible except when speaking as a private doctor).
And yet we must not be afraid of the «dualist» tag, rightly understood, when speaking about human nature.
Justin Welby then angered conservatives when speaking to LBC radio when he suggested there was «no problem» with a boy wearing a dress.
With all of this in mind, and in response to common questions I receive when speaking at mainline churches, I've dusted off and updated this older post from 2013 with seven ways to welcome young people to the mainline:
When speaking this way about Scripture, most theologians are about to say that as a result of the Bible being a human book, it should not surprise us to discover that the Bible has errors.
Scalfari did not record the interview or take notes, as has become his custom when speaking to Pope Francis.
I find it comical that you use the phrase «brain washing» when speaking about people you call liberals.
Thus, when speaking of persons, the appropriate reference of «self» and «others» alters.
Your statement that «all the comments on this subject (concerning atheists) do not come from happy people... who despise, are upset, have nothing, are not thankful and... have nothing to live for» goes against the very way that both Jesus and the apostles taught when speaking with individuals who do not share their view.
I want to mention that, when speaking to pastors and others about the Calvinism debate, they will often say that it really doesn't matter, because these doctrinal issues are not «essential.»
«It has always been my practice,» says Schweitzer, «not to say anything when speaking as a philosopher that goes beyond the absolutely logical exercise of thought.
When speaking from a legal standpoint, gods and their shamans have nothing to do with marriage, save for serving as notaries.
When speaking from a esoteric «spiritual» standpoint, marriage is whatever a couple chooses to make it.
During the Vertigo Tour in 2005, after the release of How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, most concerts ended with a deeply spiritual trilogy: the personal testimony of «All because of you I am» (the «I am» referring to the name God gave himself when speaking to Moses); the commitment prayer that was Yahweh; and their old favourite closer from the 80s, a communal Psalm, «40»!
Jesus warns many times, when speaking of the end times, that there will be false christs and false prophets that «will take away many.»
When speaking to Premier during our News Hour programme, the head of public policy for campaign group Christian Concern, Tim Dieppe encouraged people to have healthy arguments:
If he wants to Portray and peace ful immigage of Islam and that of Prophet Muhammad then that ok but be careful about the words he chooses when speaking about Prophet of any religion let alone the most beloved to GOD.
When speaking in public fora, provide evidence that we can ALL appreciate.
Probability, no matter how small, can be discounted when speaking in terms of billions of years, and an area the size of the universe.
In speaking of the «Persons» in God, we do not use the term in exactly the same way we use it when speaking of people.
You don't get very far with intellectuals when speaking in absolutes.
He needs a letter board to point to characters when speaking.
«We want to be able to refer our clients to international locations, as well as have international clients referred to us to have more brand exposure,» says Trevor Vandersluys, ASPO's Operations Manager when speaking about the decision to join ABCN.
When speaking with customer support, the person on the other end of the line didn't quite seem to know what I was talking about, and since there isn't a media phone number listed on the website, I can't seem to verify this refund.
For some, this might be an argument in favor of going online, however, there are sometimes situations when speaking with an actual person is more helpful than trying to get your home loan over the Internet.
The front - runner refuses to even mention Ms. Redford by name when speaking to the media.
When speaking with European investors next week, I plan to note that the average daily volume for VIX futures during the time period from 2:00 AM to 8:30 AM has been more than 17,000 so far in August.
When speaking to the San Francisco Chronicle, he explained the type of score you would need to (A) get approved for a mortgage and (B) get the best rates.
Keep this notice and use it as a reference when speaking with a debt collector.
A delicate balance has to be maintained when speaking about these places, for we can not overlook the huge global economic interests which, under the guise of protecting them, can undermine the sovereignty of individual nations.
Baby boomers have traditionally been more affected by anchoring than other generations, a point worth remembering when speaking with clients.
When speaking with your clients, keep in mind that baby boomers are particularly at risk from the home bias.
When speaking with your clients about international opportunities and the potential benefits of diversification, keep in mind that baby boomers are particularly at risk from the home bias.
Research on kiosks in liquor stores in various countries found that kiosks increased the sale of hard - to - pronounce items, while some fast food locations saw results in customers ordering more calorie - rich dishes than they did when speaking to a cashier, apparently to avoid being judged for their dietary habits.
According to Barak Ravid, a journalist for Israel's Channel 10 News, the crown prince offered harsh criticism of Palestine when speaking with leaders of several Jewish organizations while in New York last month.
A constant battle Jay deals with when speaking to companies is making them believe that they can reach huge goals like $ 100 million in revenue.
The figures are being cited by Goldman's sales force when speaking with prospective investors, the person said.
When speaking to customers, don't be afraid to mention why you're an improvement over a top competitor.
If you keep your voice at a level volume when speaking normally, you will likely blend in much better than if you are calling in a foreign language down the street for someone else.
As with most startups and small businesses, if your primary concern is budget, I'd advise being open about that when speaking with a photographer for the first time.
In May 2014, Tepper was more cautious, when speaking at SkyBridge Capital's SALT 2014 conference in Las Vegas, saying «don't be too frickin» long right now.»
Tepper was more cautious, when speaking at SkyBridge Capital's SALT 2014 conference in Las Vegas, saying «don't be too frickin» long right now.»
«While it can be tempting to use shortcuts when speaking, go into slang mode, or just follow the crowd, you should try not to.»
-LSB-...] You will want to address these head on when speaking to investors and show them that you've not only done your homework, but that you have a solid plan, backed up by data, to overcome potential risks.»
When speaking about starting Amazon, Bezos explained that he did not know he was ready to leave his job as a software developer on Wall Street when he came up with concept of an online bookstore.
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