Sentences with phrase «when studying children»

It appears that we tend to rely exclusively on broad - band rating scales to assess such symptoms, when studying children with chronic conditions.
The MSI was created to provide a single primary outcome variable when studying children with major mood disorders.
While it is true that the DeAngelis study does not provide absolute proof of A causing B — a near impossibility when studying children — the sophisticated statistical methods utilized was in fact created to approximate causal relationships.
When we study children's learning mechanisms, we find that children are... much better learners than we could ever be teachers.
When the study children were 30 months old, maternal depressive symptoms scores on the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale were generally low (Table 5).
With the exception of accidents and injuries, which used data from all five sweeps, these outcomes were based on information reported by mothers at the fifth interview in 2009/10 when the study children were almost 5 years old (58 months).
Parent - report, postal questionnaire versions of the DAWBA were administered when the study children were aged approximately 7.5, and 14 years.

Not exact matches

His family moved to Canada from Turkey when he was a child and, with the funds from the sale of a redesigned buzzer system for quiz show Reach for the Top, Lazaridis studied engineering at the University of Waterloo.
Walter Mischel, Ebbe Ebbesen and Antonette Raskoff Zeiss» famous 1972 study of 92 kids, 3 to 5 years old, found that when given the option between getting a small reward right away or waiting for a larger one, the children preferred larger rewards but were more likely to accept a smaller reward instantly.
Kent came to mind this week when I read about the resignation of Yale lecturer Erika Christakis, an early childhood educator at the Yale Child Study Center.
When it comes to the potential of Quebec - style child care, a 2012 academic study on the provincial system estimated it had allowed 70,000 more mothers with children under the age of 14 to hold jobs in 2008 than would have otherwise been the case.
An International Journal of Psychology study released last month found that 84 percent of U.S. parents lie to children get them to do the right thing, especially when it comes to food and money.
According to the Growing Gap, a study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, «In 2004, the richest 10 per cent of families raising children earned 82 times more than the poorest 10 per cent — almost triple the ratio of 1976, when they earned 31 times more.»
For those concerned that men, women, children, and their future happiness are being seriously wounded in all this — and that grave damage is being done to medical ethics and law — a good place to begin examining the whole «T» phenomenon is Ryan T. Anderson's recently published study, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment.
I have no problem with Bill Nye expressing his opinion in his field of study — science, but when he speaks out in the area of parenting when he is neither a parent or child psychologist that is is problematic.
It isn't long before somebody is asked to organize activities for the children, snacks for the children, then somebody doesn't like the subject matter of the adult study, somebody says it's going on too long, too short, and where's the music, we need somebody to play guitar, and who's going to organize the prayer at the end, and why do the children interrupt us all the time when we're trying to talk to God?
Habits of Bible study and prayer can be learned quite naturally by children when they are just learning to read.
In his book The Evolution of Desire, evolutionary psychologist David Buss notes, «According to a United Nations study of millions of people in forty - five societies, 39 percent of divorces occur when there are no children, 26 percent when there is only a single child, 19 percent where there are two, and less than 3 percent when there are four or more.»
Studies have indicated that when women hold assets or gain income, the money is more likely to be spent on nutrition, medicine and housing, and consequently their children are healthier.
Though flung far across this tilted and spun world, studying the serving ways of Jesus — Charles brims when he gets to this part in the story — he carried in his heart the faces of the orphaned, widowed and homeless of the Rwandan genocide, and he and his wife, Florence, scrounged and squirrelled every penny to begin sponsoring vulnerable children to attend school in Rwanda.
When I was a child, attending grade school in Washington, D.C., we took classroom time to study manners.
As a new study says children need better emotional support when using social media, Claire Musters says there can be damaging effects on adults... More
[1] In one study, for example, researchers got some very young children to believe they got their finger caught in a mousetrap when, in fact, they had never had this experience.
Salvation by grace never made any sense to me until one time in a child - study group, when grace was presented as the unearned love that's present in every good home.
With important decisions in life like what to study, who to marry, if and when to have children, when to look for a new job or how much to spend on a big purchase, it's vital to consider the cost.
Of the converts to Catholicism studied by Dean Hoge, «85 % said they received religious training as children, and 83 % said they attended Sunday school or church two or three times a month or more when they were in elementary school.
In school, all the grand old masters of literature are brought out for the children to study and to struggle with, with those dorky Questions for Class Discussion: What rhetorical device does the writer employ when he refers to «poems they tape to the refrigerator door»?
In one study (9) of disturbed children, it was discovered that when parents became more invested in each other than either was in the child, the child improved regardless of what either parent did.
This for Nathanson is a psychological task that at first seemed «overwhelming» and ultimately required «every iota» of knowledge she had gained through her study and practice of psychology — particularly the art of not sacrificing too much for her children: «Central to the mothering instinct within me is a predisposition to recognize and meet the needs of my children, voluntarily sacrificing my own at times when there is a conflict.»
You might say, «When children are starving in Ethiopia, how can you set aside someone to study lemurs?
In fact, the role of the family loomed so important with most of the respondents that, as Dr. Albert Solnit of Yale's Child Study Center put it, people cherish their families and family history «even when their experience has been less than perfect.»
In China, the public was outraged when grade school children were subjected to Golden Rice feed studies.
Studies show that children try new foods more readily when there are both familiar AND unfamiliar foods on the table.
A new study has found children who drink low - fat milk can be at increased risk of obesity when compared to children who drink full - fat milk.
«When we visited Princeton for the first time five years ago, we fell in love with the town and Seema made a wish to have our children study at Princeton University.
A second study, conducted by researchers at the University of Minnesota's Institute of Child Development, found that in children younger than age 3, levels of the stress hormone cortisol rose in the afternoon during full days in day care, but fell as the hours passed when they were cared for at home.
When Dozier and other researchers have studied the impact of ABC on parents (including foster parents) and children, they have found consistently positive effects according to a number of indicators.
However, evidence that overall fathers can (and often do) «buffer» their children against the worst effects of their mothers» depression is found from a study that measured what happened when the fathers didn't provide support:
The study, by researchers at Israel's Bar - Ilan University, measured first - time parents» brain activity when they watched films of themselves playing with their children.
As has been mentioned, questions of when you'll have children and pressure on an already maternal person (I work in and study early childhood education) are very painful as well.
When I first started studying culture around parenting and children at first I naively thought it was only those without children who perpetuated these attitudes.
A study released by the National Institutes of Health in 2004 indicated that children who were breastfed had a 20 % lower risk of dying between 28 days and our year old when compared to children who weren't breastfed during this time.
Secondly, before you make comments such as «Sleep training doesn't seem worth it when there is a risk of damaging my child's brain development», PLEASE, read the actual studies.
As outlined in our new blog, numerous internationally respected studies make clear the importance of secure father - child attachment — including, for example, work by Dr Paul Ramchandani of Imperial College London which shows that «disengaged and remote father - child interactions as early as the third month of life» predict behaviour problems in children when they are older [1] and US research showing that «verbal exchanges between fathers and their infants and between mothers and their infants each, independently and uniquely, predict pre-schoolers» social competence and lower aggression» [2].
But I think that passion sometimes will distort interpretation of studies the same as it does for me when I'm doing child passenger safety studies» - child safety is Johnston's field of interest, as a former emergency room doctor - «and I read a study, and I completely believe it.
Studies show that babies tend to prefer human faces to other forms of visual stimulation so you should work to keep your face close to your child when they are young.
When my first baby was born, I had already studied children's development for seven years.
In a study, Patterns of child - rearing, researchers found that children were the least likely to internalize their parents» values and ideals when «power assertion» was used.
Some studies indicate a higher incidence of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) when children sleep in their parents» bed.
A study of 20,000 children found that when fathers are involved with their kids» schools the children were more likely to receive A's, participate in extracurricular activities and less likely to fail a grade.
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