Sentences with phrase «when teachers demand»

Maybe when teachers demand the type of assessment Linda mentioned at the start and end of the year to see how students are performing and then doing what is right for that child.

Not exact matches

As teachers we know we are delivering the goods when we see lives change... but we are not to demand it.
When the traveller saw the jewel he demanded that the teacher hand it over to him.
It's as basic as your kids starting at a new school and finding out the main teachers are leaving — only, when it comes to multi million pound football contracts, agents are allowed to ask questions that demand straight answers.
When DCPS and SodexoMagic do not improve meal quality to the level you think it should be, join together with other parents, teachers, and students to make collective demands.
Your child is grappling with independence and new kinds of demands from you, her peers, and her teachers, so let her make choices when possible.
«At a time when Governor Cuomo is making and breaking promises at lightning speed, it's imperative that legislators demand the time to negotiate, clarify, and listen to the parents, teachers, and students they're here to serve.
She's infamously demanding of her teachers and employees, rattling off a constant stream of emails about school improvements and test scores, and current and former Success teachers have described anxiety and fear in their schools when Moskowitz has come to visit.
On average, today's teachers are older and hence their preparation for teaching occurred when academic achievement was not recognized as the primary purpose of schooling; their professional experience was in institutions that did not demand academic performance from them or their students.
At a time when government testing of spelling, punctuation and grammar can lead to less creativity in the teaching of writing, the project provides compelling alternative approaches for schools and their teachers which will engage children and give them a strong investment in their writing, whilst also being able to satisfy curriculum demands and statutory testing.
That's not happening if schools are simply ignoring supply and demand when it comes to teacher pay.
When Stephen Colbert demands, «If we don't cut expensive things like Head Start, child nutrition programs, and teachers, what sort of future are we leaving for our children?»
The other issue which relates to that is when you see the figure what you generally see is a single figure, but in teacher supply and demand usually you would expect to see at least two figures.
I did a little bit of that, but one of the problems that I faced was that when you do that you're basically looking at particularly types of literature — largely journal articles — and a lot of teacher supply and demand data come from what we call «grey literature», which is literature that isn't published by recognised publishing houses.
Even when new teachers are well prepared, they are often assigned to the most challenging schools and classes and given the more demanding extracurricular duties.
When the knowledge demands of reading tests are unknown, it encourages teachers to devalue knowledge and prepare students by teaching comprehension «skills and strategies,» which are of limited value.
For teachers this sustainability of the required energy levels can be extraordinarily demanding, and there is a point of diminishing returns when the required energy for enthusiastic teaching outstrips their personal resources.
That relationship piece that we all - too - often take for granted — that we ignore because of curriculum and pacing demands, and that we shrug off when discussing our toughest kids — is the piece that separates the great teacher from the ordinary — and may well make the difference between a child's success and failure.
«This was done intentionally in order to provide multiple opportunities to help teachers with the language demands, especially when teaching (academic) content,»
In some districts, such as Clark County, which is home to Las Vegas, population growth has meant the district can't build enough schools to meet demand or find enough teachers, especially when you can potentially make more money with tips as a card dealer in a casino.
Increased demand for K — 12 teachers in California comes at a time when the supply of new teachers is at a 12 - year low.
«This was done intentionally in order to provide multiple opportunities to help teachers with the language demands, especially when teaching (academic) content,» Sarmiento said.
One reason: trying to get overscheduled educators from one school to work with those from another isn't easy, especially when tight budgets in many states lead to demands to focus spending «in the classroom» rather than on planning and professional development for teachers.
With the rigorous curricula demand, it is challenging when instructional delivery is dependent on technology integration, but the crux of the problem becomes who are determined most important in the building (i.e. math and ELA content) to receive the necessary technology to deliver the desired administrative expectations; although regardless of content, all teachers are held responsible for teaching literacy.
District administrators helped principals break away from managerial demands by creating «prime time» morning hours when the principals could be in classrooms working on identifying growth strategies for teachers, not in the office answering phones.
But when politicians are put into office by the teachers» unions, they tend to be sympathetic to union demands.
When she runs into the classroom in the middle of what passes for a lesson in Terrible Teacher's room, demanding that the teacher stay after school and tutor her child, the teacher says, «School ends at 3 pm.Teacher's room, demanding that the teacher stay after school and tutor her child, the teacher says, «School ends at 3 pm.teacher stay after school and tutor her child, the teacher says, «School ends at 3 pm.teacher says, «School ends at 3 pm.»
When you pay teachers more, you can demand more.
When public schools are shielded from competition with better performing private and charter schools, school administrators can succumb to pressures from teachers» unions rather than from parents who demand superior performance.
New teacher evaluation systems demand the inclusion of student data at a time when scores on new assessments are dropping.
I think of this phrase often when confronted by the demands of teachers unions.
But transformational change doesn't just happen; it happens when moms and dads, grandparents, teachers and coaches, and concerned citizens stand up and demand it.
Well, the Performance Task was read to students, and as a result I'm sure that when CT sped teachers heard the computer's voice coming through the headphones, they were pulled from the students ears and in high pitched voices every teacher demanded that all volume be turned down on the Chromebooks.
Take Nevada, a state that's seen strong population growth, in some districts such as Clark County - where Las Vegas is - they just can't build enough schools to meet demand or find enough teachers when you can potentially make more money with tips as a casino card dealer.
Real reform in education can be realized only when this fact is acknowledged by teachers who stand up and demand to be fairly evaluated by multiple measures, with one of those measures being test score data.
At a time when teachers» unions are being bashed, budgets are shrinking, and the big funders are demanding that every teacher be measured by their test scores, it seems only fair to ask: What do the numbers tell us about student learning?
The teacher unions are running Tustin Councilmember Rebecca Gomez and Irvine School Board member Michael Parham against Hammond and Williams to replace the current majority with a board majority that will bring the OC Board back to the days when charter school application appeals are routinely denied no matter the quality and demand by parents for a viable alternative to sometimes failing public schools their children are enrolled in.
Even more importantly, when will parents, activists, education leaders, and other reform advocates demand that classroom teachers reflect the communities they serve?
Too often, a stressful situation is created for both students and teachers through demanding the learning of a topic (e.g. history) by «reading and processing» the to be learnt material when the student's literacy level is too low to allow understanding of the material.
Having made their own decisions as they respond to the narratives, teacher candidates can then compare to the computerized comments made when Mr. Weber's students submitted their work to ETS's Turnitin ® website (, a step demanded by this assignment, which is a required common assessment in Mr. Weber's district.
When about half of the black male population is unemployed during a time of rapid economic expansion, it's not unreasonable to demand that schools hire black teachers.
This is particularly difficult at a time when the supply of teachers is constrained by high turnover rates, annual retirements of longtime teachers, and a decline in students opting for a teaching career — and when demand for teachers is rising due to rigorous national student performance standards and many locales» mandates to shrink class sizes.
As a retired educator, I wish you could be an advocate for teachers, rather than being yet another person to belittle our profession and accuse us of laziness when we demand support and compensation for our jobs.
Finally, and then I have to leave this to head off to school (it is not quite 6:30 in the morning, and I will get home after 6:30 tonight) we do a very poor job of supporting teachers when we place too many demands on them so that they have insufficient time to reflect.
Faced with a $ 4 million budget deficit, school officials got a reminder of their financial troubles on Tuesday when a couple hundred teachers rallied outside the district offices before a board meeting demanding more than the 1 percent pay raise the district is offering.
Teacher leaders can also fill critical gaps in the leadership pipeline by creating stability when schools demand a source of prepared leaders.29 Additionally, career pathways can support strengthened licensure systems.
In an era when teachers are increasingly pressured by the demands of standardized tests, it's important that we not forget the effectiveness of incorporating art into traditional instruction.
The luncheon's panelists focused on the particular challenges of recruiting and retaining teachers when they typically face flat career paths, are paid substantially less than their counterparts in other fields with similar levels of education, and when the demand for teachers is growing.
But the teachers» complaints go far beyond compensation, and when viewed in the context of their other demands, it's clear that the strike gets at the heart of some of the biggest issues facing America's children: access to effective teachers, high - quality learning materials, and modern facilities.
«In a time when the talent pipeline for teachers and school administrators can not keep up with the demand, and when some of our highly talented principals stand to lose an average of over $ 8,000 in pay, we respectfully request that you extend the «hold harmless» provision for all principals through fiscal year 2018 - 19,» wrote Cobey.
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