Sentences with phrase «when women»

Thus: «Just when women's quest for equal rights seemed closest to achieving its objectives, the backlash struck it down.
But on the day of the new Moon, this is when women used to be in sync with the Moon's light or lack thereof and the menstrual cycle would generally begin.
Consequently, when women begin looking around the society for employment outside the home, the church is very appealing.
Give us YOUR IDEA of when a women should be allowed to have s3x.
When a women covers her head in church it has heavenly impact!
The first is mother etta she was an inspiration in her day even in her 90s preaching the gospel and healing people miraculously in a time when women werent supposed to preach she drew thousands to her meetings even John g lake commented on her ministry.
Also, when women corrupt or mislead people, Paul also holds them accountable.
But based on the rest of your comment, it sounds like you love it when women preach and teach.
It's also potentially damaging when a women asks a man other than her husband a question during a teaching.
When women can no longer go into a bathroom and have privacy and have to allow men in.
That's a far cry from 1900, when women first competed in the Olympics in Paris and comprised all of 22 athletes out of the 997 overall competitors.»
And when women are told that their identity lies solely in their roles as wives, mothers, and homemakers, it's easy to see why so many young women are leaving the Church.
It's sad when women feel under pressure, held back and the only way to deal with that is to complain, shout and treat every man as a potential oppressor.
When women have power they often put themselves first, other women second, and men dead last.
Most do not want to return to a time when fathers owned their daughters and sold them to the highest bidder (Exodus 21:7; Nehemiah 5:5; Genesis 29:1 — 10), when multiple wives and concubines were a part of everyday life (even for men of God like Abraham, Jacob, and David), when women were forbidden from owning property, when foreign virgins could be captured as spoils of war (Judges 21), when a woman's lack of virginity could get her executed (Deuteronomy 22:11, Leviticus), when the stories of brave women like Tamar and Dinah and Esther and Vashti and Leah and Rachel emerge from contexts of oppression.
Maxine Glaz has provocatively observed that the move away from psychology in pastoral theology may be part of an «impetus to avoid issues of gender» Just when women in pastoral theology begin to find feminist psychology an incisive tool for reconstructing pastoral care and theology, she suggests, the «people of a dominant perspective emphasize a new theme or status symbol»
When women speak their minds, they also are often aware of their gender and must push through discrimination.
Can you fault all men totally when some women only desire guys that are more likely to «run out».
There was a time when women weren't allowed to vote.
«So the idea that he wouldn't have appointed a woman apostle if he had wanted to is just complete nonsense, particularly when women did play such a major part in his life.
Sort of like when women say to men «If you loved me, you'd know I want!»
They choose to invest in women because they know that when women thrive so do their communities.
It is precisely because they knew how to silence themselves before God that women like Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich, and Catherine of Siena were able to have so much influence over the Church in times when women had little voice.
Mary Somerville, overcoming, as her daughter says, «obstacles apparently insurmountable, at a time when women were well - nigh totally debarred from education»; Charlotte Bronte, writing in secret and publishing under a pseudonym because only so could she hope for just criticism; Harriet Hunt, admitted to the Harvard Medical School in 1850 but forced out by the enraged students; Elizabeth Blackwell, applying to twelve medical schools before she could secure admission, and meeting with insult and contumely in her endeavor to study and practice medicine; Mary Lyon, treated as a wild fanatic because she wanted American girls to be educated — such figures are typical in woman's struggle for intellectual opportunity.
In the printing of the Traditions it is customary to give the line of transmitters through whom the Tradition has been handed down, e.g., Ibn Omar reported that the Prophet said, «When your women ask to go to the Mosque at night, give them permission.»
The sexist terminology of whore, daughters and harlots is an unfortunate product of a time when women were not even considered to have a soul and therefore were not seen as persons.
Societies and children prosper when women can control the number of children they produce.
Then a picture, caught with one hold sweep of the pen: «He made his camels lie down outside the city, by a well of water, at the time of evening, the time when women go forth to draw water.»
When women are seen and treated as co-heirs in the Gospel, we will begin to see a world that looks less and less like a locker room and more and more like the Kingdom of God.
I'm sure the last thing Jesus cares about is what hat a woman wears, when the women with the issue of blood went to Jesus to be healed God didn't care about what kind of head covering she had, or if she was a top dressed model for church, Jesus recognized her as a woman with utmost faith that Jesus could heal her.
When the women caught in adultery is brought before Jesus, He forgives her and lets her go her way (John 8:1 - 11).
We see the consequences of this quite regularly at the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative when women in crisis pregnancies weigh up the benefits of keeping their unborn child with that of holding on to a second car or a Sky box.
«When these women are missing, the voices of women with national platforms can become too loud in the ears of younger women, in particular.
One of the ultra-Orthodox men who was at the wall when the women wearing prayer shawls showed up said he thought they were being disrespectful and just trying to stir up trouble.
Studies have indicated that when women hold assets or gain income, the money is more likely to be spent on nutrition, medicine and housing, and consequently their children are healthier.
When women and blacks weren't treated equally?
The Bible lost in 1920 when women were allowed to vote.
Yes and when women and gays are equal in the eyes of Christian religions we will be ok with celebrating Christian holidays.
The flower of life - giving sexuality is trampled on when women are forced to sell their bodies for sex.
Only when women understand ourselves as church and not just as passive bystanders in the church can we reclaim the church as the ekklesia of women.
And when women, dancing Sarah's circle, affirm the importance of relationships in human life, they are doing more than reflecting women's psychology; they are showing all Christians what it means to be created in God's image.
Perhaps when the women came, Mary Magdalene arrived first and that's why only John mentions her.
That's a slight improvement over 2012's numbers (when the difference was 83 percent) but it's a huge drop from 2000, when women made 91 percent of their male colleagues» earnings.
Whether fictitious or theoretical, this type of separation suggests that women's potential will be realized only when women have segregated themselves into gynophilic, biophilic women's societies.
The Christian theologians took their cue from other letters of Paul's in which he is clearly using his culture's customs to resolve friction that had arisen when women began responding to the liberating gospel of Jesus Christ.
When the women came racing back with the news that these words had come to pass, the disciples should have been prepared, eager, receptive, believing.
When the women came back from the cemetery on Easter morning, they brought with them word of an empty tomb and astonishing news: «He is not here but has risen!»
What few exceptions there were occurred when women survived the death of their minister husbands.
Maybe men only don't ask for requests when women are the room...
For instance I hear a lot of egalitarian woman say that it bothers them when women are portrayed as needing to be rescued and protected but I like it when my husband protects me and stands guard in our home.
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