Sentences with phrase «when young children»

-- Cook on the back burners when young children are present, and keep pot handles turned back, away from the stove's edge.
When young children reach the age of 8 or 9, they have learned to regulate their emotions by means of cognition, thoughts about themselves, and their feelings toward others [22].
This is particularly true when young children are removed from a primary caretaker should that parent voice an understandable and even justified anger at the other parent.
We know that when young children are placed in a foster home, the child will begin to develop a pattern of attachment that is the same as the foster parent's state of mind with respect to attachment.
As for concrete strategies, when young children become aggressive it's very important to keep them safe.
When young children experience a trauma — are injured in an accident, witness violence, or other types of trauma — their recovery from that single experience is enhanced if they can rely on secure relationships with caring adults.
But when young children are involved, couples are understandably hesitant to just give up.
Early childhood Sher suggests that parenting programs are occurring in preschool when young children are being encouraged — but not commanded — to wash their hands, brush their teeth, eat more healthy foods and get plenty of outdoor exercise, developing healthy habits that can last a life time.
When young children use Messenger Kids it acts as a signifier system of what is supposed to be important, meaningful to them.
Many people base their term length according to major events in life, such as when they plan to retire, when young children will go off to college or move out of their own, etc..
To prevent falls, railings should be installed on stairways, tripping hazards should be removed, window guards or safety guards near stairways should be installed when young children are involved, and playgrounds should have mulch, sand or other substances that absorb shock.
This is especially the case when young children are involved in this.
In the case of food stealing, the training method of extinguishing the behaviour requires even more careful control of the environment, especially when young children are involved.
Irish Wolfhound's are unusually aware of their size when young children are present in the household and they are generally gentle and subdued dogs inside the home.
However, they may not be suitable when young children are nearby, since small fingers can easily pass through the «bars».
Remember the days when young children could wander the forests alone, casually committing B&E and making themselves at home while critiquing every aspect of an unwitting family's standard of living?
You should always set these locks when young children are in the car.
We have shown through our research that national assessment of five - year - olds disrupts the start of school at a time when young children need to feel settled, not judged.
When young children visited libraries in the Badlands, they received less guidance from adults regarding reading choices.
When young children miss too much school, it is often linked with long - term reading problems, lower test scores and weaker social - emotional skills.
When young children are learning new skills, do you provide consistent opportunities for them to practise and master those skills before moving on to something more complex?
At the same time (and perhaps because I've been using it for over a decade), I've seen some of the negative and unfortunate things that can happen when young children are allowed to share too much online too soon.
When young children see a peer cause harm, they often tattle to a caregiver.
Michelle Hernandez, MD, a pediatric immunologist at UNC, said, «When young children arrive at the hospital with an RSV infection, it's challenging and frustrating to guess which children you can safely send home, versus those you should admit to the hospital because they might require supportive care in an intensive care unit.
«When young children experience urgent medical situations, parents have to make decisions about whether to administer first aid at home, call for advice or seek emergency care,» says Gary Freed, M.D., M.P.H., a Mott professor of pediatrics and the poll's co-director.
Their study, which focused on the relationship between mid-life women and young children, found that women who underwent rapid menopause, caused by the surgical removal of ovaries, had fewer hot flashes and night sweats when young children lived in their homes.
Gillibrand said that because so little is known about the effects of PFOA, especially when young children are exposed, legislators should «rewrite the law» that allows for medical monitoring of 9/11 first responders to include residents affected by water contamination.
How and when young children learn to use spoken words is different for every child.
Humans do best when they are in control of as much of their lives as possible, especially when young children are involved.
When young children are left alone at night, they may experience one of the most primal and powerful stressors known to young animals — separation anxiety (Panksepp 2000).
It is likely that many parents are aware of accidents that have occurred when young children found a gun that was stored carelessly.
When young children develop anemia, the usual cause is a lack of dietary iron.
Poverty is everywhere, and it's especially heartbreaking when young children and babies are forced to live without basic necessities (diapers, bottles, blankets).
These signs of readiness typically include using their words to express themselves, toddling their own way to the bathroom, pulling down their own pants, saying they want to use the «big potty,» and being aware of the sensation of peeing or pooping, characteristically noticeable when young children suddenly stop what they're doing as they feel themselves start to go.
When young children are a part of the food - prep process, they're always excited to eat the tasty products of their creativity.
We even managed to stay up past midnight — quite a feat when young children are involved!
It's a mistake, for example, to pick your eldest child out of a sense of duty, when your youngest child may be more responsible or likely to make better decisions.
It's sort of like when a young child tells you they don't need you when they are wearing clothes you bought them, in a room you provide for them eating food you prepared for them.
Kay has spoken openly about family life when their youngest child, Matthew, was suffering from mental health issues — and has bravely shared how they are continuing to deal with the overwhelming grief of losing him to suicide in 2013.
When my young child was an infant I did not leave him cry for long periods of time... this is how one builds trust with their child.
When the young child in your house breaks the rules, do you find yourself frustrated and confused about the next step to take?
When a young child, and I mean any child under the age of seven, sees repeated coverage of something happening and it's just a replay of what happened, the child thinks it's happening all over again.
When my youngest child figured out that dandelions were weeds he started bringing me a handful of autumn leaves instead.
A common scenario in the small, farming community where my family lives is for a mother to stay at home with her children when they are young and then get a job at the school when her youngest child enters kindergarten.
The «problem» is that when younger children wake, they often require parental help to fall back asleep, and so parents view night wakings as a problem [3] despite them being biologically normal and not contrary to healthy development.
It was something my mother was able to do when I a young child as she worked full time.
What do you do when your young child starts asking about dividing things into equal pieces?
You might be looking back to the moments when your young child was still a toddler.
When a young child listens to music, plays a musical instrument or even dances, lots of things start happening.
When a young child works, plays and lives his life freely with his parents (or parent substitutes, such as grandparents or other guardians) in a one - to - one relationship in the home and out and about, he has a better chance to develop sound character traits systematically: neatness, orderliness, promptness, dependability, honesty, diligence, perseverance as well as kindness and concern for others.
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