Sentences with phrase «where jesus»

No matter where Jesus is, it is time to stop living in the past and in the future and to start living right now, because whenever the end comes, that is when it will come — in the now — and meanwhile, our best chance at discovering what abundant life is all about is to start living into it right now, not only one by one but also all together.
The experience hasn't killed my love of the church and I do feel naturally defensive when it is attacked, however, my idea of church has changed to a gathering where Jesus is present and Lord which the visible church may or may not represent in varying degrees.
And what better passage to reinforce this principle than Matthew 25:40, where Jesus commands us to care for «the least of these.»
Perhaps some one can point me to scripture where Jesus says this
Remember the words at the tomb: we go back, as it were, to Galilee, back to the place where Jesus began his mission.
His goal comes from Jesus» words in Matthew 7:1 - 4 where Jesus talks about how we're to work together to remove the barriers in our life.
Neusner, an American religious studies lecturer had argued that «Where Jesus diverges from the revelation by God to Moses at Mount Sinai that is the Torah, he is wrong, and Moses is right.»
But what I was thinking of as I washed my little girl's feet I was the story in the Gospel of John where Jesus washed his disciples» feet...»
(Despite the parallel Jonah 4:9 which is cited by E. Klostermann, Das Markus - Evangelium, 3rd Edition [1936], ad loc., and E. Lohmeyer, Das Evangelium des Markus [1937], ad loc., I agree with J. Weiss, Das Markus - Evangelium, 3rd Edition [1917], ad loc., that the explanation: «I am so sad that I prefer to die» in this situation where Jesus knows that He is going to die [the scene is the Last Supper!]
I hope to research even more on this to understand these 2 instances where Jesus says «go and sin no more.»
Like ignoring the part where Jesus in the Bible in his own words said nothing about gays or even abortion...
I believe the context of both situations where Jesus states «go and sin no more» rely more on the full condition of «sin» and not the «effects».
If you read the red letters where Jesus talks to Nic about being born again you get a better concept of The Master trying to teach the clergy about spiritual awakening.
Show me where Jesus advocated killing the woman.
You know, that New Testament where Jesus actually saves a woman who committed adultery from stoning?
Matthew 3:15 is where Jesus tells John the baptist, in response to his surprise that Jesus would condescend to be baptized, knowing full well who Jesus actually was; Jesus said: «Permit it at this time, for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.»
Where Jesus is talked about and focused on, where Jesus is glorified and exalted, there the Holy Spirit is most at work.
The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is most at work in churches and Christians where Jesus is most glorified.
Similar substitutions should be made in the passages where Jesus deals with the centurion of great faith (Matthew 8:5 — 13, Luke 7:1 — 9), where Peter brings the gospel to gentiles for the first time via the centurion Cornelius (Acts 10), and where the writer of Hebrews commends to his Christian audience the acts of force used by noble soldiers in the Old Testament (ch.
Where Jesus declined to meet His own needs, we have become a self - centered, needs - oriented church, asking people what they want, and then doing our best to give it to them.
Many who engage in street preaching find justification for it in the pages of Scripture, where Jesus, Peter, Paul preached in marketplaces and streets.
The elders looked back to where Jesus sat to gauge His reaction, but He was no longer there.
Plus your conclusion about» loving human beings and humanity,» I didn't know I had to convert to atheism to live that out wow... Can you show me 1 time in the bible where Jesus attacked anyone or taught on violence?
And then we read the Gospels and see a sea of instances where Jesus capitalized on the fact that it was the Sabbath, almost as if He wanted to reclaim the essence of its beauty, depth and sacredness.
Nor are these occurrences confined to the Gospels, where Jesus» life and teaching are being explicitly described; they are to be found almost as frequently in the Epistles — and in all manner of connections.
Such evidence is strongest in those passages where Jesus is clearly referring to his own death, as in the following:
When read this way, the first part of verse 20 where Jesus talks about teaching others is not a «second step» to discipleship, so that first you get baptized, and secondly you get taught.
Compare this with Luke 24:50 - 51, where Jesus lifted up his hands and blessed his followers, and then ascended.
Today we will be looking at Luke 6:1 - 5 where Jesus teaches them (and us) not to be legalistic with the law.
The Lord's supper is just one more way, I believe, where Jesus says to us, just relax and let me handle this, I have done everything that is needful, for you.
However, in the middle of this passage, there is a section where Jesus illustrates what he has been teaching.
One of the verses used against the idea that Jesus descended into hell is Luke 23:42 - 43 where Jesus tells the thief on the cross that today, the thief would be with Jesus in paradise.
My favorite ending to the «Footprints in the sand» poem is where Jesus says: «The times when you see only one set of footprints is when we hopped together»
I compared that to an invitation from the same group that I received a few years ago, where Jesus closely resembled actor Dermot Mulroney.
Custom and traditions were held in importance: see Lazarus where Jesus «waited» (perhaps) for the same reason.
«April, can you show me where Jesus mentioned pedophilia or even rape?
There's another place where Jesus and food came together: the marriage in Cana.
I'm reminded of a story in the bible where Jesus lauds a poor man for giving a small amount instead of a rich man who gave a moderate amount.
---- April, can you show me where Jesus mentioned pedophilia or even rape?
And although we can never be able to accomplish this obtaining salvation ourselves no matter how hard we may try that is where Jesus's gift of grace and mercy comes into play.
You might recognize bits of that message as coming from John 13, where Jesus sought to wash the disciples» feet and Peter objected.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that you would have the guts to follow where Jesus is leading.
This sense of the divineness of the natural order is the major premise of all the parables, and it is the point where Jesus differs most profoundly from the outlook of the Jewish apocalyptists, with whose ideas He had on some sides much sympathy.
It's where Jesus intersects with everyday living.
Read John 1, which states that Jesus and God are the same, also read where Jesus states that if you have ssen him you have seen there Father and also where he says He and His Father are one, which are in the Bible as well, since you are such a smarty I will let you find that one yourself.
None of this matches the biblical account, where Jesus is God and Lucifer is a fallen angel.
«16Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
Love is not the same as acceptance... At every point where Jesus showed love to a sinner, he never said, «I forgive you and I accept your situation, you can always come to me for advice.»
Why does Dostoevsky call this scene «Cana in Galilee,» where Jesus performed the very unspiritual act of changing water into wine at a wedding - party?
There is one other, perhaps closely akin to it, where Jesus lets the devils destroy the swine and themselves as well in the sea.
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