Sentences with phrase «where appropriate helping»

I utilize mindfulness practices and breathwork in my clinical work where appropriate helping clients feel safe in and connected with the body.

Not exact matches

The tips range from how to network to the right questions to ask in meetings — even touching on the appropriate way to blow off those who won't help you get where you need to be.
And you can do this in a very gentle and humane way by building in appropriate severance pay or even by helping open doors to other organizations where you think this person could be a good fit.
The homepage is where most visitors unfamiliar with Help Scout will land, making it an appropriate place to emphasize credibility.
We seek to be a constructive force in the restructuring process, working with management and business owners when and where appropriate to help maximize the potential for long - term business success.
In this way, it helps thousands of field technicians manage their daily work, enabling them to know where to go, what to have in their vehicles, how to perform their work safely and effectively, and how to get the appropriate approvals to get paid for their work.
Qualtrics helps local governments gather workforce growth data to identify which industries are growing the most and determine where to invest and appropriate funds.
Seeking businesses where management is aligned through stock ownership or appropriate incentives helps avoid these problems.
I can hardly help it, coming from a family where cookbooks were considered appropriate leisure reading, where Julia Child joined us regularly during... Continued
When you've clarified where your child's gift or gifts lie, then you can take steps to help him or her develop in whatever way is appropriate to the particular gift or gifts in question.
Help build self - confidence by encouraging kids to make everyday decisions where appropriate.
Briceño says he hopes that where appropriate, the data that sucralose helps to provide can ultimately influence policy.
For those soils where strip - till would be appropriate, it can be a powerful method that benefits the soil by both working to help conserve soil and improving soil physical properties.
Read more at the New York Times, in USA Today, Cure Magazine, and in STAT, where Dr. Domchek writes,» «Genetic testing can be lifesaving, but it must come with all the facts — which are mounting by the day — and appropriate professional support to help individuals live and plan for the best chance of a healthy life, no matter what the results reveal.
To help you decide which award best suits your needs, you may use the timelines below which show the grants that might be appropriate for where you are on the Ph.D. or M.D. (or equivalent) spectrum.
Observation of the self with the help of regulation of breath Appropriate practice of Bandhas where its needed.
Also, they can help push you up ever so slightly only at the top where the bands don't help you, if appropriate for the goal.
Adult Protective Services (APS) County Contact Information This information is provided by the county, and placed here to help you find the appropriate The Readiness - to - Change Ruler is used to assess a person's willingness or readiness to change, determine where they are on the continuum between «not
Not all your staff will learn in the same way, so perhaps offering a mix of eLearning and classroom sessions where appropriate could really help your staff get a better grasp the material.
«Analysing Subject Matter, Language and Structure» - to help students to «Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate
By undertaking a comprehensive risk assessment of a school, perhaps with the help of a professional security consultant, officials are able to determine which type of measures are most appropriate for the school, and where they should be implemented.
Help students understand where capitalization is deemed appropriate and why it is incredibly important to understand.
Essential Job Functions - eLearning • Produce dynamic, technology - enabled learning in eLearning, mobile and virtual delivery formats • Act in coordination with L&D consultants, business leaders and other managers and staff to identify eLearning needs, then match them with innovative self - paced and blended learning design solutions • Curate the best eLearning content to match requirements set by L&D learning consultants • Consult with members of the L&D Team and business leaders to deliver high - quality eLearning experiences that are instructionally sound, creative, visual and engaging through consultative design • Create and maintain tools for helping L&D team and business leaders to implement e-learning design projects in a consistent way • Stay up - to - date on eLearning techniques, gaming technology and e-learning technology in order to curate and develop innovative «PlayStation quality» learning experiences for employees • Effectively outsource eLearning development, when needed, or use multiple development tools to design, create and deliver in - house developed, self - paced (or blended) eLearning content (using tools like Articulate, Storyline, Captivate, Brainshark, etc.) • Ensure learning content adheres to specifications for mobile, virtual and desktop learning as well as brand guidelines and industry best practices, where appropriate • Work with learning consultants, instructional designers and business leaders where appropriate to create user instructions, FAQs, and other documentation that support effective use of the LMS.
«The new guidance and lesson plans will help make sure that every single school in the country is a place where mental health needs are identified and where appropriate support is provided sympathetically and without stigma.»
Teachers understand what students need; meet them where they are and help them progress; monitor their progress and keep them on track and motivated; and provide appropriate interventions.
what happens to pupils after their time in alternative provision, and how, where appropriate, you help them back into mainstream education
He also worked on the Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Web - Based Tool, which helps set up the appropriate designated supports and accommodations for students (where needed).
(c) Appropriate education may include, but is not limited to, self - help groups (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous) and community lectures, where attendance can be independently verified, and bona fide drug and alcohol education courses.
In an effort to enhance that commitment, we created an analytical capability to help identify where potential low income or minority populations exist, and additional steps that can be taken to ensure appropriate outreach is completed and that the concerns from these populations are better understood in the design of new procedures.
This powerful technology - and vendor - agnostic service creates one central repository and service organization that can help you manage your titles through their life cycle, leveraging — where appropriate — online marketing and sampling, e-book distribution and sales, short print run (short print runs to stock), and true print on demand (print only to order).
You can do this by phone at (520) 546-9992, by email at [email protected], or by visiting our online welcome center, where you can upload your manuscript and answer a few questions that will help us assess what you have and which editor (s) and service (s) may be most appropriate for your needs.
Products in this category include toys that offer an outlet for chasing, pouncing or batting; scratchers, catnip, and scratching deterrents, like Sticky Paws, to teach kitty where it is OK to use her nails; natural calming aids like Rescue Remedy; chewing deterrents like bitter apple spray to stop kitty from eating wires or cables; and even special litters, designed to appeal to cats and help teach them the appropriate place to relieve themselves.
Responsible = completes all appropriate health tests for their breed; has breeding stock tested for appropriate temperament and physical soundness; does in - depth research on pedigrees and other data on potential breeding stock before selecting a breeding pair; puppies raised where they have contact with people for the majority of the day, experience the daily sights and sounds of an active household and have room to explore; only sells directly to the new owner; selects the right puppy (or offers a choice of possible matches) for the new owner; will not sell to someone just because they have enough money if they feel the puppy is not a good fit; keeps in touch with the new owner, is available to answer any questions and help with problems if they arise; ALWAYS will take back any animal they produced at any time in that animals life.
These rabbits are given a second chance when they are fostered in volunteer homes where they receive appropriate medical care and help with social skills.
The best way to help your puppy learn where to do its needs is by first choosing the appropriate place which can be inside your house, or in the garden, patio, laundry room, or bathroom, where ever you feel is appropriate.
We're extremely proud of this program because it helps to ensure that our older Springers are placed in appropriate homes where the lifestyle is well matched to that of their own golden years, but it also leaves our treasury short of the funds we generally count on through adoption fees to help cover veterinary bills and other medical necessities.
To build educational facilities in villages where there are none, and to strengthen formal training at the primary level, to educate women on sustainable lifestyle and help youths discover and improve on their talents through vocational schools by providing necessary and appropriate manpower.
Where appropriate, we can also help you measure and generate value from wider social snf environmental outcomes
When it comes to protecting an ongoing enterprise of corrupting science — the Cook paper is only one recent example of an ongoing school of concocting studies claiming Leninist - election - style 90 + % levels of consensus, and the protectors of this school have every reason to expect that their protection will help the corruption to continue with more papers in this vein — we are out of the too - late - to - prevent realm where charity is appropriate.
Tenants may also be asked to cooperate and help facilitate the provision of accommodation for themselves, and where appropriate, for their fellow tenants as well.
We can help you to gather evidence of your injuries or discomfort, using photos where appropriate.
Neil Rose further explains how this pilot project works: ``... the three stages of the online court would be: [One] An automated online triage stage designed to help LiPs articulate their claim in a form which the court can resolve, and to upload their key documents and evidence; [Two] A conciliation stage, handled by a case officer; and [Three], a determination stage, where those disputed cases which can not be settled are determined by a judge, by whichever of a face - to - face trial, video or telephone hearing or determination on the documents is the most appropriate
The app under development starts where I am: with «information scraps,» and «associates your notes with contextual information, like where you were and who you were chatting with, helps you organize scattered thoughts like recipes, and forwards your thoughts into the appropriate applications.»
Uniquely, I am also able to offer a range of family law services from traditional representation to private divorce mediation, where appropriate, and even offer convenient online bundled services for those cases where you might otherwise be able to represent yourself, but need help with pleadings and document preparation and review.
Examples of «willful neglect» from the comments in The Federal Register help define the term: (1) disposal of a hard drive in an unsecured dumpster where the covered entity failed to implement policies and procedures to safeguard PHI during the disposal process; (2) failure to respond to an individual's request for restriction of the uses of PHI where the covered entity did not have any policies and procedures in place for consideration of the request for restriction; (3) a covered entity's employee loses a laptop that contains unencrypted PHI and the covered entity feared for its reputation if the incident became public and decided not to provide the appropriate notification.5 In each of the examples, the covered entity had actual or constructive knowledge of the violations.
She also helps employees who have been terminated to ensure they receive fair treatment and compensation where appropriate.
There should be links to other resources that will help a user solve their legal problems, and where appropriate citations to relevant case law and legislation should be available.
At Shekter Dychtenberg LLP, our disability lawyers can help you with your LTD claim and, where appropriate, combine it with other litigation claims like car accident claims, CPP appeals, and worker's compensation claims.
The plans work together to protect agricultural lands, water resources and natural areas; they support the achievement of complete communities that are compact and walkable; and, where appropriate, are transit - supportive which will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and work towards low - carbon communities, and the long - term goal of net - zero communities.
MacLean Law Vancouver Imputed Income Support Lawyers have the expertise to help make sure that appropriate income is imputed to your spouse, where necessary, to ensure that they are paying support based on their earning capacity, if greater than their actual income.
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