Sentences with phrase «where consciousness»

And a mirror, of course, redirects our gaze back into ourselves — where consciousness might get vertigo at the lip of an internal bellmouth leading down into, well, that - which - is - not - conscious, recently scorned as psychoanalytical make - believe but even more recently resurrected by neuroscience (see, e.g. this debate in the Guardian).
Cool Memories takes its title and approach to a «fragmentary and messy» structure from philosopher Jean Baudrillard's essay series, creating a space «where consciousness loses its ability to distinguish reality from its simulation» and promising «an assembly line for images, for shots swallowed by the present that they're desperately trying to hold back.»
In a future where consciousness is digitized and stored and death is evaded by implanting them into new bodies, an «Envoy» soldier named Takeshi Kovacs (Joel Kinnaman) is downloaded into the body of a disgraced police officer and employed to help solve the murder of an upstanding aristocrat (James Purefoy).
The sci - fi program is set in a futuristic universe where consciousness can be transferred into a new body, thus making death nothing but an inconvenience.
In a world where consciousness exists in digital form and bodies can be worn like «sleeves,» Joel Kinnaman plays Takeshi Kovacs, a legendary solider brought out of centuries languishing in a digital prison in order to solve a murder... Read more
The Crown Chakra is where our consciousness lies and has huge influence over our emotions.
Spiritually speaking, Neese explained that the breath is where our consciousness and subconscious meet.
One of the most exciting challenges involves the question of how the brain works and where consciousness comes from.
And it could explain why many people still gravitate toward the idea of a single spot where consciousness resides.
Even if that idea answers where consciousness comes from, it raises the question: Where did the Planck - scale processes that cause it come from Penrose's answer: They came from the Big Bang.
I will reject the idea found in the process writings that there is a conceptual link between causal determinism and the «block universe» where consciousness, to borrow an apt phase from Richard Gale, sneaks up on (LT 235) and illumines what is tenselessly there.
Also, we do know where consciousness comes from.
Only where consciousness eventuates in self - awareness and self - awareness comes to include awareness of a choosing among alternatives do we arrive at clear instances of moral choice.
Where consciousness posits itself as the origin of meaning, hermeneutics brings about the abandonment of this pretension.
Where consciousness occurs, it appears as the subjective form of some part of the higher phases of experience.
Including the subjective immediacy, this «objective» immortality also includes consciousness in those cases where consciousness is the subjective form of immediacy.
We have a great understanding of where consciousness and intelligence comes from.
«What these scientists argue is that when you're really focused on the outside world [or on your business] that's where your consciousness is.

Not exact matches

In a time where environmental and social consciousness is valued, consumers and employees alike will resonate better with an ethical company, building trust and loyalty.
We have 75 projects in and out of my consciousness, so you're juggling all day long and just trying to push those boulders up to where they need to be.
I was so cold at one point that I felt like someone who was drowning — that moment where you're in and out of consciousness and stuck in lala land.
«The great ones,» he says «are operating at a level of consciousness where fear doesn't exist.»
While consistent marketing and publicity activities help broaden a brand's reach, the most uninterrupted trip to an audience's consciousness is to be where they are, on and offline.
Footnotes are also the place where corporations often stash information they are forced to disclose by statute or regulation, but which they'd rather see fade quickly from consciousness.
One, the human translation is flawed, written by primitives compared to where humans stand today in greater depth of intelligence and consciousness.
Where does the «type of consciousness» come from that enables Christians to see the IMMORALITY of God's support for slavery and discriminations?
For Gilkey, the «neo» of his orthodoxy is precisely where he remained most liberal» not just his penchant for talking about biblical symbols and myths but also his conviction that the problem of historical consciousness is the context for all modern theology.
This is a phenomenon where you regain consciousness during a dream, and can be extremely scary!
And it is conscious: that is, it does not stay below the threshold of consciousness and work there unknown to the soul (as, for instance, infant baptism is thought by some to do), but comes within the field of awareness where the man can «know» it as he knows any other fact of experience.
From Graeme Mark: Feminists have been good at pointing out male - leaning inequalities that run as deep in our consciousness as our language (one man, one vote etc.) Do you think there are any female - leaning inequalities where men are discriminated against?
Our special status and responsibility, however, are not limited to consciousness of our own personal bodies, or even of the human world, but extend to all embodied reality, for we are that part of the cosmos where the cosmos itself has come to consciousness.
The question is, where does the perceiver / consciousness exist once it can no longer reside in the body?
Everywhere, as we are well aware, the lines of active phyletic development grow warm with consciousness as they approach the summit; but in one clearly - marked region at the centre of the kingdom of mammals, where the most powerful brains ever fashioned by nature are to be found, the lines glow red - hot; and already at the heart of this region there burns a point of incandescence.
This means that, boldly walking where Kant feared to tread, Hegel has identified the content of consciousness with consciousness itself, with self - consciousness, and is well on his way to giving the Kantian transcendental ego, as spirit, the «true something,» an ontological significance that Kant did not intend.
Where an important transformation seems to have taken place is at the level of the latest link in the chain, that of the «acquirement of consciousness».
Where the dialogue between this newer modern consciousness and the biblical witness is sensitively pursued, it can yield the kind of critical insight into our understanding of man which we desperately need in this age of yearning and conflict.
Where you seem to slip [off the rails all the time is your contention god and / or created consciousness exits without ANY evidence of ANY kind except AN IDEA!
Hegel, in those difficult, often cryptic, but nevertheless profoundly rewarding pages in the final sections of The Phenomenology of Spirit, where he discusses Christianity as the «absolute religion,» gives witness to the advent of an absolute form of Christianity which both negates all previous religion and promises a reconciliation of all those antinomies which have plagued human consciousness throughout its history.
As your race ascends their forms will go to a place of waiting where they will better learn to understand their new shift of consciousness.
If consciousness could exist outside of the human brain and wasn't just something produced by the brain interacting with the environment, where would it exist?
We have too often sought God logically in the «left brain» rather than expanding our use of the right hemisphere of the brain where intuitive, prayerful, loving, visual thinking occurs — where we pray, believe, love and develop a consciousness of the total mind - body - spirit relationship.
The idea here is very clear: If a person is nonreligious, then TM presents itself as being nonreligious, too, so as to meet him on his own turf; then it draws him to a «unified, monistic, cosmic God - consciousness» typical of Hinduism, never indicating in advance where he is headed.
I doubt that now, but I do predict a greater self - consciousness of a Holiness bloc of denominations grouped under the CHA, where there is already very close cooperation in such areas as publishing and preparing Christian education materials.
Here goes another try... The Universe is a chaotic mixture of matter (sub-atomic particles) and energy (motion and, light) in space time, where matter, through evolution, recombines to raise up consciousness, such as yourself.
If the occasions of the dominant society of human consciousness are spatially extended, we might wonder both where they are and how big they are.
It'll fall in line with this «group consciousness» and «we're all one» routine where, if you don't fall in line you'll have to be «removed like a cancer from the body of humanity» (her phrase, not mine).
They provide the organism, or, as Santayana puts it, the psyche (this being the power of the organism to develop and protect its form in a manner responsive to the environment) with its consciousness (symbolic rather than literal of what and where it is, and of what it is up to, but play no real part in controlling its behavior.
Here my every ounce of concentration is involved in trying to remember where I put it; every aim of the moment is directed toward drawing forth into consciousness what I know is buried in my brain somewhere and what I am confident I will uncover shortly.
We have seen that we can account for the type of situation where a general feeling tone persists in consciousness as a background for a focal point of attention.
This new consciousness has begun to shape an emerging yet coherent view of an interconnected world, where humans are inextricably linked to one another, whether we like it or not, and where all are connected to and dependent on the natural world in which we all live.
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