Sentences with phrase «where equitable remedies»

Consequently, the case can be distinguished from one in which validity is challenged by a party to the agreement, where equitable remedies (eg proprietary estoppel) might be called upon to rescue a formally defective agreement.
Winclare Management Services Ltd. v. Canada (Attorney General), 2009 5 CTC 278 — Example of a reported decision where the equitable remedy of rectification was achieved to give effect to the parties intended tax planning.

Not exact matches

We envision a world where our private and public leaders prioritize the protection of our planet; where solutions to remedy climate change are equitable, lift up those that are most impacted, and are rooted in racial and economic justice; and where facts win out over fiction and there is universal agreement about the impacts of climate change on the earth and all of its inhabitants.
Although rectification will now apply in a more limited range of cases there are still some circumstances where other equitable remedies are available to fix tax mistakes.
E.g. Bloggs v. Snooks is quite evidently a civil matter involving mostly likely a private law dispute between two parties where there needs to be a judgment and a legal remedy; Re Bloggs Estate on the other hand is an equitable cause of action where this is no lis between the parties, and is mostly likely calling on the court for the interpretation of the terms of a will.
It has jurisdiction only in three settings: (1) where a party seeks to invoke an equitable right; (2) where the plaintiff lacks an adequate remedy at law; and (3) where there is a statutory delegation of subject matter jurisdiction.
As to the latter, Hasham v Zenab [1960] AC 316, [1960] 2 WLR 374 shows that specific performance might be decreed even where no claim for breach of contract had (yet) arisen and the Court of Appeal in P&O Nedlloyd held that it was therefore wrong in principle to regard specific performance — as Mr Justice Colman had done at first instance — as being no more than an equitable remedy for an existing breach of contract.
While fiduciary remedies such as equitable compensation and disgorgement may ultimately be available, it will be an exceedingly rare case where these remedies could be practically available where disqualification was not.
Rescission is an equitable remedy where the court declares the contract void.
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