Sentences with phrase «where hair cell»

A different form of congenital hereditary deafness is seen in the Doberman, which is also accompanied by vestibular (balance) disturbance; this deafness results from a different mechanism where hair cell death is not the result of degeneration of the stria but is instead the primary pathology.
Incoming sound waves make the eardrum vibrate, and the eardrum delivers these vibrations using the ossicles to the inner ear where hair cells translate them into electric signals sent to the brain.

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These microscopic, eight - legged mites live in the follicles of our eyelashes, eyebrows, and nose hairs, where they feed on dead skin cells and oil.
The perception of music starts with specialised hair cells in the inner ear, which transmit sounds as electronic signals through the auditory pathway to the auditory cortex, where sounds are primarily recognised.
The number that developed varied, but in the base of cochlea, where the tissue received the most damage, hair cell numbers returned to about 40 % of the original.
«In the past, there has been work where someone makes a single hair cell or something that looks like one neuron [from stem cells], and even that gets the field excited.
The bulge is where the majority of the hair follicle stem cells reside, and these can give rise to multipotent progenitor cells.
Within a hair follicle, there are stem cells that reside in an area called the hair follicle «bulge,» which is a small compartment located where the outer root sheath meets the arrector pili muscle (see Hair Follicle figuhair follicle, there are stem cells that reside in an area called the hair follicle «bulge,» which is a small compartment located where the outer root sheath meets the arrector pili muscle (see Hair Follicle figuhair follicle «bulge,» which is a small compartment located where the outer root sheath meets the arrector pili muscle (see Hair Follicle figuHair Follicle figure).
In another talk Maria Kasper, from Karolinska Institutet, presented her research on hair follicles and skin, where single cell transcriptomics has been an important method.
The Overnight period is great time where we can offer pampering to our hair since the cell renewal process takes place -LSB-...]
From providing a source of energy, rebuilding tissue and muscle, hormone production, immune health, enzymes, digestive health, and providing cell structure to the growth of our hair, skin, and nails, protein is where it's at.
The Overnight period is great time where we can offer pampering to our hair since the cell renewal process takes place when we sleep.
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