Sentences with phrase «where human minds»

Come explore the Keck Observatory, where the human mind is opened to a vast realm of new possibilities.

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None of these words would make any sense in the context of investment banking, where if a client wants to speak to a human banker, four of them hop on a plane and fly to the client's office the next day, never mind paying $ 10 for voicemail.
I like work flexibility because Human Mind is not «ALWAYS» like a engine where we can raise the accelerator or gear and can get the utmost performance.
The common image of Calvinism — and I hear it portrayed in this way often, even by people who know some things about theology — is that the religion of John Calvin is a mean - spirited, narrow - minded perspective where a nasty God decides to save a few people while arbitrarily consigning the vast portion of the human race to eternal suffering.
We know that its faceless agents are «out there» — though we do not know quite where even now — on missions that sacrifice persons to ideology, human relationships to «contacts» and «assets,» hearts and minds to the gears of the propaganda machine.
Where peace of mind is forfeited, we had better look to human causes which God stands ready — far more ready than we — to help men to control and correct.
The believe that he is driving home is somewhat a mystery as the human mind anticipates by using the internal clock to determine when or where an arrival takes place, and when Dad does arrive home, everyone is happy to greet him.
Evidence of the fact that union differentiates is to be seen all round us — in the bodies of all higher forms of life, in which the cells become almost infinitely complicated according to the variety of tasks they have to perform; in animal associations, where the individual «polymerises» itself, one might say, according to the function it is called upon to fulfil; in human societies, where the growth of specialization becomes ever more intense; and in the field of personal relationships, where friends and lovers can only discover all that is in their minds and hearts by communicating them to one another.
The first is human dignity, which is characteristic of our status in between God and beasts: «Not simply body, but also not simply mind or spirit; rather, the place where body and spirit meet and are united (and reconciled?)
Pagan mythology it is, ensconced in our time and embraced in our church, where we have supposed that we can know the glory of immortal God while worshiping also at the altar of our powerful and overwhelmingly impressive national Baal, an image, in the final analysis, simply made by human minds and hands.
Conservatives cherry - pick those passages that support their conservative view of God based on their conservative ego, and vice versa, where liberals are concerned... and there is NO way to ascertain which is true, except on a wholly subjective, personal level, thus it will never be proven objectively, since Spirit, by it's very nature, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the flesh and whatever seems to be happening on this earth, because Spirit is completely opposite, and therefore invisible to the naked human eye, being of the mind only, and therefore unprovable.
We are just beginning to see a quantum leap forward in human consciousness where the Big Picture is coming into focus in the minds of many people.
And spectacles like last night's three - hour test of human willpower only underscore a big problem: Traditional news outlets have made presidential debates — arguably our country's most important televised forum and exchange of ideas — into mind - numbingly boring talk - a-thons, where a bunch of rich, powerful people needle each other for hours about past career decisions while dodging any question of substance.
Where a central problematic for all prior evolutionary cosmologists had been accounting for the evolutionary emergence of self - conscious mind, Whitehead presupposes the full - blown existence of human reason sundered initially by the apparently unlike functions of theoria and praxis.
And where we have mind, there we have meaning — a continuing calling forth and calling to that which is genuinely human.
How else can you explain the propensity for the human mind to be tipped over so easily into a state where it no longer processes outside information and logic?
As a matter of fact, he had not said anything of the kind, but evidently the word «resurrection» conjured up in the minds of the men the stained glass windows in their parish churches back at home, where, in flagrant contradiction to St. Paul (1 Cor 15:36: «Thou fool»), the resurrection of the dead is depicted in ordinary human and terrestrial categories.
To his mind, our age is simply the age of technology, which is to say that our reasoning is simply a narrow and calculative rationalism that sees the world about us not as the home in which we dwell, where we might keep ourselves near to being's mystery and respond to it; rather, the world for us now is mere mechanism, as well as a «standing reserve» of material resources awaiting exploitation in the projects of the human will.
It was made up by humans to control humans, so your book of fairy tales will take you where ever your little mind wants to take you and if it doesn't, change it.
In a society where the «magnificent» discovery of and «obedience to the truth» of the physical realm is so influential it is crucial that we have the means to interpret it non-reductively and in such a manner that it points to the non-physical, spiritual realities of divine and human mind, thatis God and the soul.
In their minds, it's not just a situation where a good idea has been poorly implemented — rather, it runs directly contrary to human nature, so it not only hasn't worked, but can't work.
So, but it does project into the future, and it's funny that you bring it up, because one of the things that one of the scientists I talked to, a couple of the scientists that I talked to, mentioned was that people have this ability, modern humans have this ability to project themselves into the future and think about a future self so that the theory of mind that allows me to figure out where you are in your head now also enables me to think where I will be in my head tomorrow or ten years from now.
Begley and Doidge wade against this current with a strong message of hope: By recognizing neuroplasticity as a real and powerful force, we can tilt our theories of mind back into a realm where choice and free will are meaningful concepts, and where radical improvement to the human condition is possible using the right, scientifically proven techniques.
Experimentalists knew where (and how) to search only because of roadmaps created by the minds of humans who could see the meaning hidden in their math.
So some of the origins we have about, [well] we have more than 50 different origins in this issue and we go from the very large in cosmic from the origins of the universe and the origins of life itself to the origins of the human mind and computing and also to things that you might wonder about just in your everyday life, like where [did the stirrup] in horseback riding come from, where did the clock come from.
psychiatry (adj. psychiatric) A field of medicine where doctors study and treat diseases of the human mind.
This is based on the first episode of the NOVA series In Search of Human Origins, where Johanson does make statements that could, for those of a conspiratorial turn of mind, be interpreted as an admission of having doctored the bones.
The beautiful thing is that when we restore vitality and energy, the human body shows its amazing capacity to healMy approach is based on my education at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I studied over 100 different dietary theories and learned from some of the best minds in nutrition and functional medicine.
Adapted from a short story by Richard Connell and codirected by Kong's Ernest B. Schoedsack and character actor Irving Pichel, it has one of the most perfect plots in horror: a big - game hunter (Joel McCrea) changes his mind about how much fun his preferred sport is when he's shipwrecked on an island where a mad Russian who's grown tired of lesser game has opted to hunt human beings.
IMDB lists the synopsis as: «In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind -LSB-...]
The amount of labor involved is huge, and the places where you can make mistakes are many; computers are literal - minded, and a missing space or semi-colon that the human eye would fix without our even being aware of it will break an ebook.
The human mind is predisposed to choose immediate reward over delayed gratification, and unfortunately, where money is concerned, that predisposition comes with a huge price tag.
Sex slaves / not orphans in orphanages where people volunteer (with no qualifications or background checks, mind you); exploiting hill tribe people when they have zero rights and essentially are on display for people to take photos of; poverty / slum tourism that glorifies human struggle; and it goes on and on.
What they decide upon is sending some of humanity underground to something named Eden where they will hopefully be safe, while other humans were to have their minds transferred into hulking machines designed to make it through the annihilation intact.
For this reason alone, Guston's extraordinary late paintings seem somehow to stand outside the recognised canon even as they call to mind all kinds of precedents - from Picasso's late work, where the essential vulgarity of human life is similarly laid bare, to George Herriman, the creator of Krazy Kat, whose absurdist cartoons Guston knew and loved; from Ferdinand Leger and Max Beckmann, both of whom Guston revered, to Robert Crumb, the often wilfully obscene and misogynist counter-cultural cartoonist, of whose work Guston was blissfully unaware.
Where a Surrealist digs for ambiguity deep in the mind, Bourgeois has her comedy of the human.
Its goal, according to its founding father, the French writer Andre Breton - in his 1924 Manifesto of Surrealism - was to fuse the unconscious (the part of the human mind where memories and instincts are stored) with the conscious, to create a new «super-reality» - a surréalisme.
The raw and flawed, artless, aesthetic of Prouvost's visuals echo the motto of Prouvost & Sons Ltd., which is, «we promote imperfection» and bring to mind a statement by the critic and commentator, Pavel Buchler in his book «Ghost Stories» where he writes, «to produce a blurred photograph has come to be seen as the exclusive right of the professional, even a sure sign of the professional mandate, whereas the same blurred image taken by the lay photographer implies a «human error».»
His intimate works penetrate to the core of human integrity, often depicting images of figures wrenched in that critical space where the strained coordination of mind, body...
Each layer is realized in turn by a machine and in turn by hand, thereby questioning the role and originality of the artist in a post-modern world where machines could soon replace the human hand and mind.
His work attempts to give form and purpose to our hyper connected world and reveals it as information driven reality where digital technologies are embedded in everyday life and feed a human desire to surpass the limitations of body and mind.
There was a Russian geochemist, Vladimir Vernadsky, who in the 1930's foresaw a day when the globe evolved from simply being a common habitat for myriad species to being what he called a «noosphere,» a planet of the mind, a place where ecology and enlightened human intelligence meld.
In an ideal human condition, where cities and neighborhoods are planned out with the pedestrian in mind, the calories we use with our bodies wouldn't be wasted on vain or useless activities, such as exercise.
This suggests three levels of skepticism even in Muller's mind: a) global warming which in the context means the land temperature record (not the ocean heat as Pielke Sr would prefer) b) its human causes (where Judith Curry also parts company with Muller) and c) what can and should be done about b).
Much like Laplace's viewpoint in the Essay where a demon knowing the positions and velocities of all particles can perfectly predict the future and reconstruct the past, while to the imperfect human mind not all information can be available in a snapshot and so it is reduced to ignorance or at best probabilistic reasoning.
Kahneman presented their new model of the mind to the general reader in Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011), where he characterized the human mind as the interrelated operation of two systems of thought: System One, which is fast and automatic, including instincts, emotions, innate skills shared with animals, as well as learned associations and skills; and System Two, which is slow and deliberative and allows us to correct for the errors made by System One.
In discussing how mindfulness practice addresses stress and other problems in education, we don't want to lose sight of the fact that mindfulness can take us beyond the terrain of managing symptoms to a place where we are developing the deepest capacities of the human mind.
Within the world of psychoanalytic theory resides what has become the accepted classical view of the human mind; a three tier system where human experience is
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