Sentences with phrase «where litter boxes»

You might use a baby gate to separate the room where the litter boxes are so the cats can jump the gate to get to them, but the dogs can not.
She eats dry food, and throws up in the basement where the litter boxes are.
Behavioral problems are often multifactorial and involve ruling out medical problems first (with the urinary problems especially like urinary tract infections, FLUTD, crystals, stones, etc) and then really delving into many things like how many cats you have, the lay out of your house, what type litter you are using, what kind of litter box, where the litter boxes are located, etc etc etc..
We have the be diligent about keeping her out of the rooms where the litter boxes are.
I was worried about having to dismantle the entire litter box too be able to scoop but I've been able to scoop just by sticking my hand inside the little doorway We move to a place where litter boxes had to be stored in a basement room.
In the cat kennels, where litter boxes are used, there are no drains.
Kittens need no training to use a litter box and cover up their waste; once they understand where the litter box is, they will seek it out from then on.
Even temporary changes, such as the arrival of houseguests, can lead felines to over groom or avoid the guest bedroom where the litter box usually resides in favor of the houseplant in the master bath.
The following is what her foster dad has to say about her - Great disposition, very cautious as first but warms up quickly, very affectionate, good with adults and other animals, including cats, wants to please, responds to soft voice commands, seems to be housebroken (no accidents), understands «off limits» places in the house (i.e. laundry room where litter box and cat food reside).
If your kitten doesn't know where the litter box is, it is better to keep him in one room for a while until the kitten learns to release himself in the litter box and knows where to find it.
Your cat may no longer like where the litter box is located or how it feels, or your cat may have been scared while using it.
If your cat has problems remembering where the litter box is, extra boxes placed in different rooms may help.
After a few days, your kitten will explore its new home and get used to where the litter box, food, and water dishes are.
and is great for homes where the litter box has to be placed in high - trafficked spaces like living rooms or bathrooms.
If you have a family dog, be certain that the dog does not have access to the area where the litter box is.
If she's a very young kitten, keep her confined to a smaller area until she gets more comfortable navigating around and knows where her litter box is and won't get lost or disoriented in the house.
She eliminates in an area where the litter box was previously kept or where there are urine odors.
Immediately take her to where the litter box is located and set her on the floor.
Sometimes your cat just doesn't like where the litter box is.
This is where the litter box will be along with water bowl and bedding.
We recommend when first arriving home placing the cat (while still in its carrier) in the room where the litter box will be kept.
Location: For many cats, there is simply too much noise or activity where the litter box is located.
If your cat always eliminates in quiet, protected places, such as under a desk, beneath a staircase, in a corner, or in a closet; she eliminates in an area where the litter box was previously kept or where there are urine odors; or she eliminates on a different level of the home, here are some solutions.
There are many scenarios where a litter box may come in handy and this explains why so many dog owners may be considering this option.
Contact results in birth defects and possible miscarriage, so there'll be no problems if expectant mothers steer clear of where the litter box is placed!
Since she is new to the household, she may not remember where the litter box is if it's located in an area she seldom frequents.
This may entail placing the box on an elevated surface that the dog can't reach, using a baby gate or collar - activated cat door to keep the dog out of the room where the litter box is located, or providing your cat with a Clevercat brand box (traditional hooded litter boxes rarely thwart a dog on the hunt for a snack).
You can also schedule regular sweeping and vacuuming of the area where the litter box is located.
Your cat will need to learn where your litter box is in the new home, so set her up for success by placing her own box in her personal space.
It's turned out to be a great ploy to capture retailer attention, «driving» retailers to the Lucy Pet Products booth where Litter Box Bob is on hand holding a tray of litter as if he is selling snacks at a baseball game, proving that the used litter really doesn't smell.
HOUSETRAINING: Show your kitten or cat where the litter box is located — its mother has already taught it how to use the box.
If your cat is peeing outside of the litter box, the problem may have less to do with the litter box itself but might have more to do if the fact that a companion cat is stalking and ambushing him every time he walks down the hall in the direction of where the litter box is located.
You might find out the newly obtained puppy was chasing the cat being surrendered whenever he would go by the litter box, or the episodes of urinating outside of the litter box took place only after the cat returned from outdoor adventures, or the cat would soil in the hallway right outside of the laundry room where the litter box was kept (could the soiling be related to the cat being scared by the sound of the washer and dryer?).
Cats need to know where the litter box is located and the box must be accessible at all times.
She's eating fine and she figured out where the litter box was within a few minutes of her homecoming.
When you bring home a new cat or kitten, show them where the litter box is.
After discussing exactly where the litter box was (upstairs!)
It is a good idea to confine the kittens to a relatively small space, because the larger the area the kittens have to play in, the more likely they will forget where the litter box is.
Most cats prefer to use a litter box that is kept cool, so any location next to a radiator, or where the litter box is likely to get hot, is a definite thing to avoid.
Aging felines can become forgetful and they may not remember where the litter box is.
This means that doors should be left open, and the room where the litter box is located left unobstructed.
«Ask them how many cats they own, where the litter box is located in the house, [and] how how much time they devote to maintaining their liter box,» he says.
If the kitten rejects the litter box you must analyze the environment where the litter box is located, the type of litter used, the noise level where it's located, the litter box access.
The cat should have a safe area where the litter box and food dishes can be kept where a dog can't access and you can gradually increase the amount of time the two of them spend together in a supervised manner until you can leave them alone on their own.
Make sure they know where their food is and for cats, where the litter box is located.

Not exact matches

Too funny — in our house it is me who has trouble sleeping so 2 days after we got our cat I put another litter box, food and water in the garage and that's where our cat spends his nights.
Dimensions: The size of the litter box is important so you know if your cat is going to comfortably fit and so you can plan where it's going to go in the house.
Whether you have an idea where to begin or not, you're going to be off to the races with these self - cleaning litter box reviews.
This calcium in their urine has a tendency to build up on cages or litter boxes, where it is called urine scale.
Don't place the litter box near to their eating area as cats do not like to dirty the areas near where their food is.
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